Alexandria, 1882.—In this campaign the navy played an important part—indeed, it was opened by the bombardment of Alexandria on July 11th, 1882, the fortifications of which had been strengthened, and the garrison increased by the rebel Arabi Pasha in anticipation of the allied fleets of Britain and France acting on the offensive. Noticing the preparations which Arabi was making, Admiral Sir Beauchamp Seymour called upon him to desist, and as no notice was taken of his demand, or of his ultimatum that unless work was stopped on the fortifications the place would be bombarded, he prepared his ships for action. Meanwhile the French fleet had left the harbour. The British steamed out, and took up a position facing the outer forts; at half-past 6 on July 11th the British ships cleared for action, and the bombardment began by the "Alexandra" firing a shell into Fort Ada. The fort responded, and then the duel between the ships' guns of the British fleet and those of the fort began. In a couple of hours Fort Marsa-el-Kanat was blown up, and very shortly after, nearly all the guns in Fort Mex were silenced. At half-past 10 an attack was made upon the Lighthouse Fort, and within a couple of hours the Ras-el-Tin batteries were silenced. The Plucky "Condor."—Meantime Fort Marabout had been the scene of a memorable action on the part of Lord Charles Beresford. Noticing that the rifled guns of the fort were dropping their shot very near to the ships anchored at about 4,500 yards, viz. the "Monarch," "Penelope," and "Temeraire," The ships engaged in the bombardment of Alexandria were the flagship "Alexandra," "Sultan," "Invincible," "Inflexible," "Temeraire," "Monarch," "Penelope," "Superb," and the gunboats "Beacon," "Bittern," "Condor," "Cygnet," "Decoy," and the dispatch vessel "Helicon." Tel-el-Kebir.—In the operations leading up to the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, a number of seamen were engaged; several strategic points were seized by them, and several minor but vital engagements won by them. Lieutenant Wyatt Rawson, R.N., who guided the Highland Brigade across the desert to Tel-el-Kebir by his correct reading of the stars, was the first to enter the entrenchments—alas! to meet his death shortly after. In the battle of Tel-el-Kebir a naval brigade of 250 men, with 6 Gatling guns, took part; also marine artillery and marines. The latter, attached to General Graham's brigade, were placed in the front line, and suffered somewhat heavily, but the naval brigade did not lose a man. First type. Republican Variety. CROSS OF THE LÉGION D'HONNEUR. For the bombardment of Alexandria the Egyptian Medal 1882 with a bar inscribed ALEXANDRIA JULY 11 1882 was awarded to the officers, seamen, and marines, and for TEL-EL-KEBIR to those who took part in that decisive battle (see facing page 160 for medal, also the Khedive's Star which was issued by Prince Tewfik); the naval medals were named. El-Teb.—When the Mahdi incited the Sudanese to rise against the Khedive in 1883, and practically gained control over the entire Sudan, it became necessary, as I have already explained, to send a British force to deal with the Mahdi and his principal lieutenant Osman Digna. In the war in the Sudan the men of the navy again distinguished themselves by their cheery willingness and ability. At Suakin, Admiral Sir William Hewitt's brigade of sailors and marines was landed from the "Decoy," "Euryalus," "Ranger," and "Sphinx" to defend the place, which they did quite successfully against Osman Digna. On February 1st, 1884, Osman Digna's force practically annihilated the army of 5,000 Egyptian troops at El-Teb under Valentine Baker Pasha (at one time Colonel of the 10th Hussars). The work this undisciplined force set out to accomplish was then taken in hand by Major-General Graham, and the army with which he proceeded towards Tokar included 13 officers and 150 sailors, with 6 machine guns, under the command of Commander Rolfe, likewise about 400 marines and marine artillerymen under Colonel Tuson. At El-Teb on the morning of February 29th, 1884, the British force advanced in square, over the sickening area where the previous battle had taken place, to attack the Mahdists, who had entrenched themselves upon a narrow ridge about a mile in length. The Arabs opened fire, but the guns of the seamen and artillerymen proving too warm for them, they came forward to meet the advancing square, upon which they fell in their fanatical manner, which was as mad as it was grand. The fire of the naval machine guns Tamaai.—This battle, which took place on March 13th, 1884, again afforded the "handymen" an opportunity of demonstrating their worth. Undismayed by what should have been a salutary lesson at El-Teb, the Mahdists began to preach a strenuous crusade against the infidel. It became necessary, therefore, to again set in motion the force which had returned to Suakin, and to march on Tamaai, where the Arabs had concentrated their forces. On the evening of the 12th the army, in two squares, halted a couple of miles from Tamaai, and it was thought there was little possibility of a night attack, but at 1 a.m. the enemy began to fire upon the British camp, and continued to do so all through the night, until at 8 o'clock the army, arranged in two brigades, advanced—the first under General (later Sir) Redvers Buller, and the second under General Davis, in which the naval brigade and marines were included. The latter, after the skirmishers had fallen back, met the enemy with a rattling fire from their machine guns and rifles, and then the "Black Watch," For this engagement a bar inscribed TAMAAI was issued, and to those who had also taken part in the previous battle of El-Teb one inscribed EL-TEB—TAMAAI. Suakin, 1884.—Undaunted Osman Digna still managed to preach his holy war, and secure thousands of adherents to his banner. Within four miles of the disastrous defeat which he had suffered he successfully got together, at Tamanieb, about 2,000 fighting men, but General Graham did not give him much rope, and immediately set out to meet him. Leaving Suakin on March 25th, he marched with a force which included marines to meet the Mahdists. To guard Suakin in the absence of General Graham and his troops, a force of 200 seamen was landed; the enemy did not, however, come to close grips, and after driving them off on March 27th, and destroying their camp, the troops returned to Suakin, after a very trying time, in which owing to the intense heat many fell victims to sunstroke. Suakin was then garrisoned with a small body of troops, including a battalion of marines, and after the rest of the troops had retired to Cairo, or returned to England, they had The Nile, 1884-5.—The valiant defence of Khartoum by General Gordon ultimately forced upon the British Government the task of attempting to relieve him, and his few European comrades. The expedition was organised to take the field under General Wolseley; and as special efforts were to be made to use the Nile as a water road for the troops, 300 boats of a special type were built, and 500 Canadian boatmen (Voyageurs) and 300 Kroomen were recruited to navigate them. It is said of the Voyageurs that some of them "hardly knew the stern of a boat from the bow," and "when they saw the Cataracts went sick." It will be remembered that Lord Wolseley offered a prize of £100 to the first regiment to reach Debbeh in boats, and the 1st Royal Irish won it. In this expedition a naval brigade composed of men from the Mediterranean fleet commanded by Captain (afterwards Admiral) Lord Charles Beresford was prominently engaged. Of the difficulties that had to be encountered in navigating the Nile much could be written, for the work was not accomplished without considerable loss of life, and before the expedition reached Dongola 10 of the Canadians and 40 of the troops had been drowned.
Abu-Klea.—At the beginning of January 1885 Lord Wolseley, becoming apprehensive for the safety of General Gordon, ordered General Sir Herbert Stewart to press forward across the desert with about 1,600 men to Metammeh on the Nile, and from there to make for Khartoum—about 100 miles up the river—in Gordon's steamers. After a march of 100 miles the force rested on January 12th at Jadkul; refreshed, the troops marched on until on January 16th they fell in with the enemy about 4 miles from Abu-Klea. A zareba was formed, and the men lay down to rest, which intermittent firing made almost impossible. At 9 o'clock on the morning of January 17th, leaving the camels and wounded inside the zareba, the force advanced towards the enemy's position; the naval brigade under Lord Charles Beresford formed the centre of the near face of the square: they had with them a Gardner gun. After a march of 2 miles the skirmishers were forced back on the square by the rush of thousands of Mahdists, horse and foot, who came up to within 400 feet of the partly formed square. "The terrible rain of bullets poured into them by the mounted infantry, and the Guards, stayed them not," for, as Lord Charles Beresford relates, "they were tearing down upon us with a roar like the roar of the sea, an immense, surging wave of white-slashed black forms brandishing bright spears and long flashing swords; and all were chanting, as they leaped and ran, the war song of their faith.... These things we heard and saw in a flash, as the formidable wave swept steadily nearer." Meanwhile Lord Charles had ordered the Gardner gun to be run outside the square to the left flank, and he laid the gun himself to make sure. As he fired, he states, "I saw the enemy mown down in rows, dropping like ninepins.... I was putting in most effective work on the leading ranks, and had fired about thirty rounds, when the gun jammed." Then Lord Charles, with the captain of the gun, William Rhodes, chief boatswain's mate, "set to work to try and unscrew the feed-plate in order to clear the barrel, or to take out its lock. The next moment the enemy were on top of us. The feed plate dropped on my head, knocking me under the gun and across its trail." Rhodes was instantly killed by a spear thrust, as was also the armourer, Walter Miller. On struggling to his feet, Lord Charles was "carried bodily backwards by the tremendous impact of the rush, right upon the front rank of the men of No. 4 Company, who stood like rocks." So great was Of the naval brigade 8 were killed and 7 wounded out of the 40 who went into action. Among the killed were Lieutenants Alfred Piggott and R. E. de Lisle. Every man handling the Gardner gun outside the square was killed excepting Lord Charles Beresford, whose providential escape has enabled us to learn the graphic details of the desperate battle of Abu-Klea, which, as Colonel the Hon. Reginald Talbot (who commanded the heavy Camel Regiment at the battle) wrote, "was an Inkermann on a small scale." I have already described the fight towards the river, and the fact that the expedition had been undertaken in vain—for Khartoum had fallen. The bar for ABU-KLEA was issued to all the survivors. Suakin, 1885.—In the fight at Hasheen, 14 miles from Suakin, on March 20th, 1885, a naval brigade and marines from the fleet in the Red Sea took part and were awarded the bar for SUAKIN. Tofrek.—At daybreak on March 22nd, 1885, a force again marched out from Suakin under Major-General Sir John McNeill, V.C.; included was a naval brigade made up of men from the "Condor," "Carysfort," The Egyptian medal, described on page 211, with the bar for TOFREK, was awarded to the sailors and marines who took part in the battle. Bars for Second Sudan War.—To those who had taken part in the war in the vicinity of Suakin in the Eastern Sudan the Egyptian medal was awarded with five bars. Those already in possession of the medal received the bars to which their services entitled them. All who served south of Assouan on or before March 7th, 1885, received the medal with a bar for THE NILE 1884-5, if not already in possession of one; likewise those who served at Suakin from March 27th, 1884, to May 14th, 1885. A bar inscribed ABU-KLEA was issued to all who took part in the fight on January 17th, 1885. A bar inscribed KIRBEKAN was awarded to those who took part in the action on February 10th, 1885, in which a small naval brigade was present with a Maxim gun. To those who were engaged at or to the south of Wady Haifa between November 30th, 1885, and January 11th, 1886, the medal without bar was given to those who had not already earned one, and, although the battle of Ginnis was fought during this period, no bar was issued to those who were not presented with a medal. The Khedive's star was also given to those who took part in these operations. Gemaizah.—In 1888 Suakin was once again the centre of warfare, but the Mahdists were acting on the offensive by endeavouring to invest the place. General Grenfell therefore decided to march out and attack them. In the action, which took place on December 20th, 1888, the navy co-operated by firing from the Nile, H.M.S. "Racer" shelling the enemy's trenches, and H.M.S. "Starling" the wells; the crews of these boats were entitled to the bar for GEMAIZAH. Tokar, 1890.—To the officers and men of H.M.S. "Dolphin" and "Sandfly," engaged in transport duty, and to the British officers who commanded the Egyptian army, the Khedive's bronze star without date, but with the record in Arabic characters TOKAR 1890 on the suspender, was awarded. This is an interesting star, and more valued than the other Khedive's, because it is the decoration for the services rendered, no bars Burma, 1885-7.—To the crews of H.M.S. "Bacchante," "Woodlark," "Osprey," "Ranger," "Mariner," "Turquoise," and "Sphinx," which took part in the third Burma War, that resulted in the disposition of Theebaw and the annexation of Burma, the medal with the bar for BURMA 1885-7, as described on page 138, was granted. Those awarded to the navy were generally impressed in tall upright Roman capitals. West Africa Medal.—The boats' crews of H.M.S. "Acorn," "Icarus," and "Rifleman" co-operated with the 1st W.I.R. in the operations from November 13th, 1887, to January 2nd, 1888, against the Yonnie tribes who had raided British territory in the vicinity of Sierra Leone. The medal, with bar 1887-8, was granted for this expedition. Witu, 1890.—The crews of H.M.S. "Boadicea," "Brisk," "Conquest," "Cossack," "Humber," "Kingfisher," "Pigeon," "Redbreast," and "Turquoise," together with marines who took part in the expedition under Rear-Admiral D. Freemantle, C.B., to punish the Sultan of Witu for the murder of nine Germans in his territory, received the medal with the bar inscribed WITU 1890. 1891-2.—The crews of H.M.S. "Alecto," "Racer," "Sparrow," "Thrush," and "Widgeon" received the medal with bar inscribed 1891-2 for their expedition against the robber chief Fodi Cabba, up the Gambia River, from December 29th, 1891, to February 5th, 1892. 1892.—The bar with 1892 was awarded to those bluejackets and marines who co-operated with the 1st W.I.R. in the expedition against Tambi from March 8th, 1892, to April 11th, 1892. The naval brigade consisted of men from H.M.S. "Alecto," "Racer," "Sparrow," "Thrush," and "Widgeon." The bar inscribed 1892 was also awarded with the medal to the naval brigade from H.M.S. "Alecto," "Racer," and "Sparrow," who co-operated with the 1st W.I.R. in the expedition which Liwondi, 1893.—A bar inscribed LIWONDI 1893 was awarded to 34 men of H.M.S. "Herald" and "Mosquito," who with a Nordenfelt gun marched under Lieutenant-Commander Carr of the latter vessel to the relief of H.M. Commissioner, Mr. H. Johnston, on the Shire River, Central Africa, between February and March 1893, when they routed the chief Liwondi. Only 29 medals were issued. Witu August, 1893.—This bar, with the West Africa medal, was granted to about 200 men from H.M.S. "Blanche," "Swallow," and "Sparrow," who were landed under the command of Captain Geo. Robert Lindley, and with the assistance of Zanzibar and Sudanese troops punished the chief Fumo Omari. Two hundred and fifty medals were issued. Juba River, 1893.—The bar for JUBA RIVER 1893 was awarded to about 40 men of H.M.S. "Blanche," who volunteered to proceed up the River Juba to release two Englishmen who were besieged by a force of Somalis, August 25th, 1893. They were commanded by Lieutenant Price Vaughan Lewis, R.N. Forty bars were issued for this expedition. Lake Nyassa, 1893.—The bar for LAKE NYASSA 1893 was awarded to 36 men of the "Adventurer" and "Pioneer," two screw steamers of 35 tons, who were engaged against Makaujira and other chiefs, and in the bombardment of Okuirka in Nyassaland in 1893. One hundred and one Sikhs, who were also engaged, received the Central Africa medal, with clip and ring as described on page 228. Thirty-six medals with this bar were issued. Gambia, 1894.—The bar for GAMBIA 1894 was awarded to the naval brigade from H.M.S. "Alecto," "Magpie," "Raleigh," "Satellite," and "Widgeon," which landed early in February at Bathurst on the River Gambia, West Coast of Africa, to operate against Fodi Selah, 1893-4.—It is noteworthy that those men of the 1st W.I.R. who were also engaged received the medal with bar for 1893-4, instead of the bar for GAMBIA 1894; a very definite distinction is thus made between the military and the naval medal. Benin River, 1894.—The bar for BENIN RIVER 1894 was issued to those sailors and marines of H.M.S. "Alecto," "Philomel," "Phoebe," and "Widgeon" who, assisted by Houssas, fought against the chief NÁnÁ, the terror of the inhabitants of the Benin River, whom he had plundered for a number of years. The steam launch of the "Alecto," while steaming up the narrow creek leading to the stronghold Brohemie, on August 25th, was fired upon by a concealed battery, the steersman shot dead, and every man on board wounded. In this unfortunate affair Chief Petty Officer Crouch and Leading Stoker Joseph Perkins earned the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal for their exceeding bravery. On September 18th Brohemie was attacked and captured, and the expedition proceeded to another fortified town three miles distant, and this also was captured, together with Nana's war canoes, which had helped him so much in his depredations. Brohemie was then placed under the Niger Coast Protectorate. Commander Heugh and Lieutenants Hickley and Gore-Browne gained the D.S.O. in these operations. Brass River, 1895.—The bar for BRASS RIVER 1895 was awarded to the men from H.M.S. "Barrosa," "Saint George," "Thrush," and "Widgeon" who took part in the attack on Nimbi, the stronghold of King Benin River, 1897.—Those sailors and marines who landed from the following ships were awarded the bar for BENIN RIVER 1897: H.M.S. "Alecto," "Barrosa," "Forte," "Magpie," "Philomel," "Phoebe," "Saint George," "Theseus" and "Widgeon"; about 1,400 officers and men took part. Sierra Leone, 1898-9.—The bar for SIERRA LEONE 1898-9 was awarded to those who landed from H.M.S. "Alecto," "Blonde," and "Fox," likewise the Colonial boat "Countess of Derby," and took part in the boat expedition up the river and were actually under fire. The men from H.M.S. "Blonde" were engaged in the Sherboro neighbourhood from May 1st to 15th, and with the men from the "Alecto" on the Boom Kittam River next day. Those belonging to the "Fox" and the "Countess of Derby" were engaged on the BrempÉ River between May 11th and 14th, 1898. This bar is wider than the others previously issued, as the inscription is in two lines. Mwele, 1895-6.—By an Admiralty Order dated January 1st, 1897, a further grant of the West Africa medal was sanctioned, and the medal awarded to those who had taken part in the operations against Mwele, the stronghold of the rebel chief Sheik Mbarnok Bin Rashid, which was captured on August 17th, 1895. No bar was issued for this affair, the name and date MWELE 1895 being engraved on the edge of the medal in slanting Roman capitals, together with the name, etc., of the recipient. Those already in possession of the medal had MWELE 1895 engraved after their name. The little force comprised men from H.M.S. "Barrosa," "Phoebe," "Racoon," and "Saint George," and the 24th and 26th Bombay Infantry—their medals had MWELE impressed on one side of the claw of the suspender and 1895 on the other side—who also received the medal, while camp followers were given the medal in bronze. This medal is described on page 228. THE IRON CROSS. AUSTRIAN ORDER OF THE IRON CROWN. PRUSSIAN MEDAL FOR DISTINCTION. IN SERVICE, 1825. AUSTRIAN OFFICER'S GILT CROSS. Central Africa, 1895.—Payne has in his collection the only Central African 1895 medal believed to have been issued to the navy. It was awarded to Lieutenant J. S. Brogden, R.M.L.I., who afterwards became Captain R.N. |