Ût´set, being directed in all things by SÛs´sistinnako, originated the cult societies of the lower world, giving to certain of them the secrets for the healing of the sick. The societies are mentioned in their line of succession, most of them having been named for the animals of which they were composed. The first society organized was the Ka´pina, which included only the spider people, its ho´-na-ai-te,[12] or theurgist, being SÛs´sistinnako himself; and as the members of this society were directly associated with SÛs´sistinnako, they knew his medicine secrets. Then followed the societies of the bear, cougar, badger, wolf, and shrew (Sorex). The his´tiÄn[13] (knife) was composed of the cougar and the bear, these two societies being consolidated. SÛs´sistinnako finding that the bear was always dissatisfied and inclined to growl and run from the people when they approached, decided to make the cougar first and the bear second, giving as his reason that when the people drew near the cougar he sat still and looked at them; he neither growled nor ran, and the people were not afraid; he commanded their respect, but not their fear, and for this reason SÛs´sistinnako united these societies that the bear might be second, and under the direction of the cougar. The next six societies organized were the snakes, composed of the snakes of the cardinal points, the snake of the north being Ska´towe (Plumed Serpent), the west Ka´spanna, the south Ko´quaira, the east Quis´sera, the heavens Hu´waka, the earth Ya´ai. The Ska´towe (Serpent of the North) and Ko´quaira (Serpent of the South) having special influence over the cloud people, have their bodies marked with cloud emblems; the Ka´spanna (Serpent of the West) and the Quis´sera (Serpent of the East) hold esoteric relations with the sun and moon; hence their bodies are painted with the crescent. Hu´waka (Serpent of the Heavens) has a body like crystal, and it is so brilliant that one’s eyes can not rest upon him; he is very closely allied to the sun. The Ya´ai (Serpent of the Earth) has special relations with Ha´arts (the earth). His body is spotted over like the earth, and he passes about over Ha´arts until someone approaches, when he hastens into his house in the earth. The seven ant societies followed the snakes. The five animal societies, the six snake societies, the first three ant societies, and the The next six societies were those of the birds of the cardinal points, zenith and nadir.—The Ha´-te-e, Bird of the North; Shas´-to, Bird of the West; Ma´-pe-un, Bird of the South; Shu-wa-kai´, Bird of the East; TiÄ´mi, Bird of the Heavens (the eagle); Chas´-ka, Bird of the Earth (chaparral cock). While these six societies were instructed in the songs for rain, the eagle alone learned the medicine songs. It will be noticed that only such animals as were regarded as virulent were given the secrets of the medicine for healing the sick. All of the animals of the world were subordinate to the animal societies; all of the snakes of the world were submissive to the six snake societies; all the ants and other insects were subject to the seven ant societies, and all the birds of the world to the six bird societies. The next society organized was the Ha´kan, fire. SÛs´sistinnako, desiring to have fire that their food might be cooked, placed a round flat stone on the floor and attached a small sharpened stone to one end of a slender round stick; he then called together the ho´naaites of the cult societies, and the priestly rulers of the Sia and other Indians, requesting each one in proper succession to produce fire by rubbing the circular stick between the hands upon the round flat stone. As each one attempted to make the fire, a blanket was thrown over him and the stone that he might work in perfect seclusion. All failing in their efforts (this work being performed in the daytime) SÛs´sistinnako dismissed them. He then passed through three chambers, carrying the fire stone with him, and entering the fourth sat down and thought a long while, and after a time he attempted to make the fire and was successful. SÛs´sistinnako then called in Ût´set and her principal officer (a man of the Sia people), and handing her an ignited fire brand of cedar told her to light a fire, and this fire burned four days and nights. Ût´set, obeying the command of SÛs´sistinnako, requested her officer to place a ho´naaite of a snake society at the first door, the ho´naaite of the His´tiÄn and his vice (the cougar and a bear) at the second and third doors, and to guard the inner door himself, that no one might enter and see the fire. On the fifth day all the people discovered the smoke, which escaped from the chamber, and they wondered what it could be, for as yet they did not know fire. On the sixth morning SÛs´sistinnako said to the officer of Ût´set, “I will now organize a fire society and I appoint you the ho´naaite of the society.” On this same morning the ho´naaites of the cult societies and the priestly rulers of the Indians were called to the chamber to see the fire and to understand it. Then the ho´naaite of the fire society carried some of the fire to the house of the ruler of the Sia. Bureau of Ethnology. Eleventh Annual Report. Plate. X GAST LITH. CO. N.Y. PERSONAL ADORNMENT WHEN RECEIVED INTO THE THIRD DEGREE OF OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP CULT, SOCIETY. Ko´shairi received directly from the sun valuable medicine for rain, and so the songs of the Ko´shairi are principally invocations for rain to fructify the earth. Quer´rÄnna’s office is similar to that of the Ko´shairi, though his dress is different, as he comes from the house of the moon and not the sun. Besides the songs for rain the sun gave him the secret of the medicine, which would not only make ha´arts but women pregnant. After the Sia, animals and Ka’?suna entered this world, they being led by the mother Ût´set, the Ka´?suna were directed by Ût´set to go to the west and there make their homes. Before their departure, however, masks were made to represent them. Ût´set sent Ko´shairi and Quer´rÄnna to the east, telling the former to make his home near the house of the sun and the latter to make his house a little to the north of the sun’s. It will be remembered that SÛs´sistinnako sent the sun to this world before the advent of the Sia. Ko´shairi performs not only the office of courier between the sun and Ka´?suna, but is also mediator between the Sia and the sun. (See Pl. x.) Upon the departure of Ko´shairi and Quer´rÄnna, Ût´set organized two orders bearing their names, to wait upon the personators of the Ka´?suna whenever they should appear. The representatives of Koshai´ri and Quer´rÄnna are supposed to be the exact reproductions of the originals. The body of Ko´shairi is painted white and striped in black; that of Quer´rÄnna is half yellow and half white, dotted with black crescents. Thus we see stripes and particolors as indicative of the harlequin is of prehistoric origin. The hair of Ko´shairi is brought to the front and tied with painted black and white corn husks. The breechcloth is black cotton (Pl. x A). Quer´rÄnna’s hair is brought forward and tied to stand erect (Pl. x B). Whenever the Ka´?suna appear in Sia they are attended by the Ko´shairi and Quer´rÄnna, they waiting upon the Ka´?suna, adjusting any of their wearing apparel which becomes disarranged, etc. They also play the fool, their buffoonery causing great merriment among the spectators. After ridding the world of the destroyers of the people, Ma´asewe said to the ti´Ämoni of Sia (the Sia were still living at the white house), “Now that I have killed the bad people of the world it is well to organize societies similar to those instituted by Ût´set in the lower world, and learn from the animals the secrets of medicine.” It must be understood that all the animals were not bad. The first society originated by Ma´asewe was the His´tiÄn or Knife. This society being first, because it was through the power of the knives or arrows given to the boys by the sun father that the enemies were destroyed; His´tiÄn, in this case, meaning the knife or arrow of lightning. The next society originated was that of the cougar, then followed the societies of the bear, the skoyo (giant), the snake, and the ant. The Ma´asewe then organized the Ope Society (Warriors), designating himself as the ho´naaite[14] of the society and his brother as its vicar. He then appointed six men members of the society, to reside for all time in the six high mountains of the world, that they might look from the six cardinal points and discover bad people, and inform the Sia of an approaching enemy. These six men, in conjunction with Ma´asewe and U´yuuyewe, guide the arrows of the Sia when contending with the enemy. It will be remembered it was stated in the “Sia Cosmogony” that Ma´asewe and U´yuuyewe went to reside in the interior of the Sandia mountain. When these societies had been formed, the animal societies assembled at the white house and taught the ho´naaites their medicine songs; previous to this, when the Sia were ill, they received their medicine direct from the animals, the animals officiating and singing. After instructing the Sia in their songs, they told them to make stone images of themselves, that passing over the road of meal they might enter these images; and so the Indians are sure of the presence of the animals. The beings pass over the line of meal, entering the fetiches, where they remain until the close of a ceremonial, and then depart over the line. The secret of the fire was not brought to this world, and the fire society was originated here in this way. The people grew tired of feeding about on grass, like the deer and other animals, and they consulted together as to how fire might be obtained. It was finally decided by the ti´Ämoni that a coyote was the best person to steal the fire from the world below, and he dispatched a messenger for the coyote. Upon making his appearance the ti´Ämoni told of the wish of himself and his people for fire, and that he wanted him to return to the world below and bring the fire, and the coyote replied, “It is well, father; I will go.” Upon reaching the first entrance of the house of SÛs´sistinnako (it was the middle of the night), the coyote found the snake who guarded the door asleep, and he quickly and quietly slipped by; the cougar who guarded the second door was also asleep, and the bear who guarded the third door was sleeping. Upon reaching the fourth door he found the ho´naaite of the fire asleep, and, slipping through, he entered the room and found SÛs´sistinnako also soundly sleeping; he hastened to the After the organization of the cult societies the ti´Ämoni, influenced by Ût´set, commanded the cougar to make his home for all time in the north; the bear was likewise sent to the west, the badger to the south, the wolf to the east, the eagle to the heavens, and the shrew to the earth. |