A kind of firework made with damp powder. Note by Mr. Mackellar. Should not this be Alan Breck Stewart, afterwards notorious as the Appin murderer? The Chevalier is sometimes very weak on names. Note by Mr. Mackellar. This Teach of the Sarah must not be confused with the celebrated Blackbeard. The dates and facts by no means tally. It is possible the second Teach may have at once borrowed the name and imitated the more excessive part of his manners from the first. Even the Master of Ballantrae could make admirers. Note by Mr. Mackellar. And is not this the whole explanation? since this Dutton, exactly like the officers, enjoyed the stimulus of some responsibility. Note by Mr. Mackellar: A complete blunder: there was at this date no word of the marriage: see above in my own narration. Note by Mr. Mackellar.—Plainly Secundra Dass.—E. McK. Ordered. Land steward. Fooling. Tear-marked. Unwilling. Ring. |