There's a road to heaven, a road to hell, A road for the sick and one for the well; There's a road for the false and a road for the true, But the road for me is the road to you. There's a road through prairie and forest and glen, A road to each place in human ken; There's a road over earth and a road over sea, But the road to you is the road for me. There's a road for animal, bird, and beast, A road for the greatest, a road for the least; There's a road that is old and a road that is new, But the road for me is the road to you. There's a road for the heart and a road for the soul, There's a road for a part and a road for the whole; There's a road for love,—which few ever see,— 'Tis the road to you and the road for me. Oliver Opdyke [1878- |