CHAPTER | | PAGE | I | The Twenty-fifth of September | 1 | II | France in Mourning | 14 | III | Two Great Men Meet | 31 | IV | The Allies at Work | 47 | V | At the CafÉ des Voyageurs | 60 | VI | The Mysterious Signals | 77 | VII | The Hut in the Grove | 88 | VIII | The Second Installation | 108 | IX | Checkmate | 124 | X | The Land of Freedom | 137 | XI | Shipmates | 147 | XII | Under Russian Rule | 158 | XIII | In the Wireless House | 170 | XIV | The Message | 182 | XV | A Word of Warning | 196 | XVI | A Charge To Keep | 208 | XVII | The First Conference | 221 | XVIII | The Substitute Sentry | 239 | XIX | The Second Conference | 256 | XX | The Prince Seeks Diversion | 269 | XXI | On the Education of Princes | 283 | XXII | The Events of Monday | 296 | XXIII | The Landing | 310 | XXIV | Pachmann Scores | 321 | XXV | The Trap | 334 | XXVI | The Turn of the Screw | 346 | XXVII | The Voice at the Door | 357 | XXVIII | Crochard, the Invincible! | 370 | XXIX | The Escape | 382 | XXX | Council of War | 397 | XXXI | The Alliance Ends | 407 | XXXII | Strasbourg | 420 |