I The Twenty-fifth of September 1
II France in Mourning 14
III Two Great Men Meet 31
IV The Allies at Work 47
V At the CafÉ des Voyageurs 60
VI The Mysterious Signals 77
VII The Hut in the Grove 88
VIII The Second Installation 108
IX Checkmate 124
X The Land of Freedom 137
XI Shipmates 147
XII Under Russian Rule 158
XIII In the Wireless House 170
XIV The Message 182
XV A Word of Warning 196
XVI A Charge To Keep 208
XVII The First Conference 221
XVIII The Substitute Sentry 239
XIX The Second Conference 256
XX The Prince Seeks Diversion 269
XXI On the Education of Princes 283
XXII The Events of Monday 296
XXIII The Landing 310
XXIV Pachmann Scores 321
XXV The Trap 334
XXVI The Turn of the Screw 346
XXVII The Voice at the Door 357
XXVIII Crochard, the Invincible! 370
XXIX The Escape 382
XXX Council of War 397
XXXI The Alliance Ends 407
XXXII Strasbourg 420


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