Index of Globes and Globe Makers


TABLE including alphabetical list of globe makers, the location of individual examples, the kind of globe indicated by asterisk (*) whether terrestrial (Ter.), celestial (Cel.), armillary sphere (Arm.), the date of the globe (Date), the diameter expressed in centimeters (Diam.), and where mention has been made in the text, a reference to volume and page (e.g., II, 185).

Ter. Cel. Arm. Date Diam.

Adams, Dudley (fl. 1797), II, 185.

American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, II, 186

* * 1797 46

American Geographical Society, New York, II, 186

* * 1797 46

Adams, George, Sr. (fl. 1760), II, 184

British Museum, II, 185

* * 1769 46

British Museum, II, 185

* * 1772 46

Adams, George, Jr. (1750-1795), II, 185

University Library, Bologna, II, 186

* 1782 46

Royal Library, Madrid, II, 186

* 1782 46

Capodimonte Observatory, Naples, II, 186

* * 1782 46

Episcopal Seminary, Padua, II, 186

* 1782 46

Classense Library, Ravenna, II, 186

* * 1782 46

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 185

* * 1782 46

Akerman, Andrea (1718-1778), II, 179

Geographical Institute, GÖttingen, II, 180

* 1759 30

Geographical Institute, GÖttingen, II, 180

* 1779 30

Astronomical Observatory, Milan, II, 180

* 1766 59

Alberti, Gian Battista (fl. 1675), II, 96

Atheneum, Brescia, II, 96

* 1688 ?

Alsufi Abul Hassan (ca. 1000)

See reference in text, I, 28

* ? ?

Andreae, Johann (fl. 1720)

City Historical Museum, Frankfurt, II, 140

* * 1717 45

Royal Museum, Cassel

* 1725 25

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig (Cat. 483)

* * 1726 14

Anonymous (not otherwise listed—arranged alphabetically according to locality).

Royal Museum, Cassel

* * 1725 7

Royal Museum, Cassel

* 1725 5

Cusani Palace, Chignolo, II, 163

* 1725 120

References in the ‘Fihrist,’ I, 28

* * ? ?

Laurentian Library, Florence, I, 166

* 1575 32

Laurentian Library, Florence, I, 166

* 1575 23

Laurentian Library, Florence, I, 166

* ? ?

Laurentian Library, Florence, I, 166

* ? ?

National Library, Florence, I, 166

* 1575 10

National Library, Florence, I, 166

* * 1575 5

MusÉe Ariana, Geneva

* * 1600? ?

Communal Library, Imola, II, 164

* 1744 50

Episcopal Seminary, Ivrea, II, 164

* 1744 50

British Museum, London

* 1590 25

Record Sixth International Geographical Congress, London

* * * 1580 ?

Library Sir A. W. Franks, London

* 1569 ?

Ambrosiana Library, Milan, II, 66

* 1650 15

Royal Estense Library, Modena, II, 97

* 1689 ?

Royal Estense Library, Modena, II, 97

* ? ?

Royal Bavarian Court and State Library, Munich, I, 177 (numerous examples)

* * * ? ?

Library W. R. Hearst, New York, II, 92

* 1700? 90

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 192

* 1800 21

Metropolitan Museum, New York, I, 201

* 1575 8

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (Italian)

* 17c 16

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (French)

* 17c 8

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (Italian)

* 17c 11

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (Arabic)

* 17c 21

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (Arabic)

* 17c 15

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (German)

* 18c 9

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (French)

* 18c 6

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (Hindu)

* 18c 10

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (Italian)

* 18c 9

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York (Japanese)

* 18c 22

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 16c 14

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 1686 11

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 17c 42

National Library, Paris, I, 106

* 1575 12

National Library, Paris, I, 107

* 1575 21

Astronomical Observatory, Peking, II, 129

* 1074 ?

Victor Emanuel Library, Rome, II, 165

* * 1575 70

Communal Library, Siena, II, 164

* * 1744 45

Collection John Wanamaker, New York

* 17c 150

Collection John Wanamaker, New York

* 17c 30

Communal Library, Savignano, II, 164

* 1744 50

Communal Library, Siena, II, 163

* 1730 120

Communal Library, Siena, II, 120

* 1690 66

Library Professor Tono, Venice, II, 179

* 1756 ?

Library Admiral Acton, I, 79

* ? ?

Apianus (Benewitz), Peter (1495-1552), I, 176.

See reference in text, I, 176

* * ? ?

Apianus (Benewitz), Philip (fl. 1575), II, 178.

Royal Bavarian Library, Munich, II, 178.

* * 1576 118

Archimedes (287-212 B. C.).

See reference in text, I, 15.

* ? ?

Atlante Farnese (250 B. C. ca.).

National Museum, Naples, I, 15

* ? ?

Bailly, Robertus (fl. 1525), I, 105.

Library J. P. Morgan, New York, I, 106

* 1530 14

National Library, Paris, I, 105

* 1530 14

B. F.

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, I, 215

* 1600 12

Barrocci, Giovanni Maria (fl. 1560), I, 165.

Lancisiana Library, Rome, I, 165

* 1570 36

Basso (Pilizzoni or Pelliccioni), FRancesco (fl. 1560).

National Library, Turin, I, 163

* 1570 17

Battista, Giovanni, da Cassine (fl. 1560).

See reference in text, II, 121.

* * 1700? ?

Behaim, Martin (1459-1506), I, 47.

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, I, 48

* 1492 50

Belga, Guilielmus Nicolo (fl. 1600).

Bodel Nyenhuis, Leyden (gores)

* 1603 ?

Benci, Carlo (fl. 1660), II, 79.

Palace Prince Massimo, Rome, II, 80

* * 1671 120

Bembo, Pietro (1470-1547).

See reference in text, I, 120.

* 1547 ?

Beyer, Johann (fl. 1720).

Royal Museum, Cassel

* * 1718 30

Bion, Nicolas (1650-1733), II. 152.

Malvezzi Library, Bologna, II, 153

* 1710 ?

Technical Institute, Florence, II, 153

* 1712 ?

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 154

* 1712 ?

Blaeu, Willem Jansz. (1571-1638), II, 18-44.

Muller, Frederick, Amsterdam, II, 27

* 1599 34

Muller, Frederick, Amsterdam, II, 27

* 1603 34

Communal Library, Fano, II, 27

* 1599 34

Communal Library, Fano, II, 27

* 1603 34

Library Dr. BaumgÄrtner, GÖttingen, II, 26

* 1599 34

Library Dr. BaumgÄrtner, GÖttingen, II, 26

* 1603 34

University Library, GÖttingen, II, 26

* 1599 34

Library Adam KÄstner, GÖttingen, II, 27

* 1599 34

Library Adam KÄstner, GÖttingen, II, 27

* 1603 34

University Library, Leiden, II, 27

* 1599 34

University Library, Leiden, II, 27

* 1603 34

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 27

* 1599 34

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 27

* 1599 34

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 27

* 1603 34

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 27

* 1603 34

Angelica Library, Rome, II, 27

* 1599 34

Angelica Library, Rome, II, 27

* 1599 34

Angelica Library, Rome, II, 27

* 1603 34

Angelica Library, Rome, II, 27

* 1603 34

Royal Museum, Cassel, II, 30

* 1602 24

City Library, NÜrnberg, II, 30

* * 1602 24

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 30

* * 1602 24

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 30

* 1602 24

Concordia Academy, Rovigo, II, 30

* * 1602 24

City Library, RÜdlingen, II, 30

* 1602 24

British Museum, London, II, 31

* * 1606 13

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 30

* 1606 13

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 30

* * 1616 10

Muller, Frederick, Amsterdam

* * 1616 10

Public Library, Aquila, II, 44

* 1622 67

Astronomical Observatory, Bologna, II, 43

* * 1622 67

Royal Museum, Cassel, II, 44

* 1622 67

Episcopal Library, Chioggia, II, 44

* * 1622 67

Communal Library, Como, II, 44

* 1622 67

Astronomical Observatory, Florence, II, 41

* * 1622 67

Technical Institute, Florence, II, 44

* 1622 67

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, II, 44

* * 1622 67

Mission Brothers, Genoa, II, 44

* 1622 67

Governmental Library, Lucca, II, 44

* * 1622 67

Royal Estense Library, Modena, II, 43

* * 1622 67

National Library, Naples, II, 44

* * 1622 67

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 44

* 1622 67

City Library, NÜrnberg, II, 43

* 1622 67

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 44

* 1622 67

Library Reichsgraf Hans v. Oppersdorf, Oberglogau, II, 43

* 1622 67

Communal Library, Palermo, II, 42

* * 1622 67

Gambalunga Library, Rimini, II, 42

* * 1622 67

Barbarini Library, Rome, II, 42

* * 1622 67

Chigi Library, Rome, II, 44

* * 1622 67

Scuole Pie, Savona, II, 44

* * 1622 67

Marco Foscarini Liceum, Venice, II, 44

* * 1622 67

City Museum, Venice, II, 44

* 1622 67

Quirini Pinacoteca, Venice, II, 44 (2 copies)

* * 1622 67

Library Count Francesco Franco, Vicenza, II, 44

* * 1622 67

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, II, 44

* * 1640 76

British Museum, London, II, 44

* 1640 24

British Museum, London, II, 44 (gores)

* 1640 60

Geographical Institute, Utrecht

* 1640 67

Royal Library, Madrid

* * 1640 67

Bode, Johann Elert (1747-1826).

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 1790 32

Bonne, Rigobert (1727-1795), II, 181.

See reference in text, II, 181

* 1771 31

Astronomical Observatory, Palermo, II, 181

* * 1779 31

Library Mrs. C. L. F. Robinson, Hartford

* 1779 31

Geographical Institute, GÖttingen, II, 182

* * 1779 31

Bonifacius, Natoli (1550-1620).

See GÜnther (E. u. H. Gl., p. 68)

* 1552? ?

Borsari, Bonifacius (fl. 1760).

City Museum, Modena

* 1764 18

Boulengier, Louis (fl. 1515).

Public Library, New York, I, 79

* 1518? 11

Boncompagni, Hieronymo de.

See reference in text, I, 165

* 1570 29

Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601), I, 183.

See references in text, I, 185

* * 1584 150

BÜchlin Globe (WaldseemÜller?).

See reference in text, I, 71.

* 1509 ?

BÜhler, James A. (fl. 1790).

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig (Cat. 483)

* 1795 10

BÜnau, Henry.

See reference in text, I, 67.

* 1507? ?

BÜrgi, Jost (1552-1633).

Royal Museum, Cassel, I, 196 (numerous examples)

* * 1585 ?

Royal Museum, Cassel, I, 196

* 1582 72

Royal Museum, Cassel, I, 196

* 1592 72

Royal Museum, Cassel, I, 196

* 1592 72

Busch, Andreas (fl. 1650). See also Olearius, Adam, and Gottorp, II, 73.

National Museum, Copenhagen, II, 74

* 1657 120

Tsarskoe Selo Castle, II, 74

* * * 1664 441

Cabot, John (fl. 1495).

See reference in text, I, 53

* 1497? ?

Caissar ben Abul Alcasem (fl. 1225).

National Museum, Naples, I, 29

* 1225 22

Campano, Giovanni da Novara (fl. 1300).

See reference in text, I, 42

* 1303? ?

Caraffa, Giovanni (fl. 1561).

See reference in text, I, 152

* 1575 68

Cartaro, Mario (fl. 1575), I, 167.

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, I, 168

* 1577 16

Library Mr. Reed, New York, I, 168

* 1577 16

Astronomical Museum, Rome, I, 168

* * 1577 16

Astronomical Museum, Rome, I, 168

* 1577 16

Cartilia, Carmelo (fl. 1720).

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 154

* 1720 26

Cary, William (1759-1825), II, 194.

Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland

* 1799 54

Library Lorenzo Novella, Loano

* * 1799 54

British Museum, London

* 1799 54

Library Vittorio Bianchini, Macerata, II, 194

* * 1799 54

Library Vittorio Bianchini, Macerata, II, 194 (2 copies)

* 1799 54

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 194

* * 1799 54

Library Count Vespignani, Rome

* * 1799 54

Cassini, Giovanni Maria (fl. 1790), II, 192

Communal School, Ancona

* 1790 34

Communal School, Ancona

* 1792 34

Liceum, Arpino

* 1790 34

Liceum, Arpino

* 1792 34

Maletesta Library, Cesena

* 1790 34

Maletesta Library, Cesena

* 1792 34

Communal Library, Crevalcuore

* 1790 34

Communal Library, Crevalcuore

* 1792 34

Collection John Wanamaker, New York

* * * 1792 34

Cathedral Library, Perugia

* 1790 34

Cathedral Library, Perugia

* 1792 34

Nautical Institute, Palermo

* 1790 34

Nautical Institute, Palermo

* 1792 34

Episcopal Seminary, Rimini

* 1790 34

Episcopal Seminary, Rimini

* 1792 34

Astronomical Museum, Rome

* 1790 34

Astronomical Museum, Rome

* 1792 34

Episcopal Seminary, Vigevano

* 1790 34

Episcopal Seminary, Vigevano

* 1792 34

Castlemaine, Earl of (Roger Palmer) (1634-1705), II, 94.

University Library, Cambridge, II, 94

* * 1679 29

Caucigh, R. P. Michael (fl. 1725).

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 1726 17

Celtes, Conrad (1459-1508).

See reference in text, I, 54

* * 1495? ?

Chignolo Globe.

Library Marquis Cusani, Chignolo

* 1731 120

Cocco, Jacomo (fl. 1575).

See reference in text, I, 152

* 1575 68

Columbus, Christopher (1451-1506).

See reference in text, I, 52

* 1480? ?

See reference in text, I, 52

* 1501? ?

Columbus, Bartholomew (1460-1514).

See reference in text, I, 53

* 1480? ?

Coronelli, P. Vincenzo (1650-1718), II, 98.

National Library, Paris, II, 100

* * 1683 475

Episcopal Seminary, Aversa, II, 114

* * 1688 110

City Library, Bergamo, II, 111

* * 1688 110

Communal Library, Bologna, II, 114

* * 1688 110

State Archives, Bologna, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Convent Osservanza, Bologna, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Library Professor Liuzzi, Bologna, II, 114

* 1688 110

Royal Library, Brussels, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, II, 111

* * 1688 110

Communal Library, Faenza, II, 111

* * 1688 110

Communal Library, Fano, II, 111

* * 1688 110

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, II, 114

* * 1688 110

City Mission, Genoa, II, 114

* * 1688 110

British Museum, London, II, 114 (gores)

* 1688 110

Gonzaga Library, Mantua, II, 111

* * 1688 110

Astronomical Observatory, Milan, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Brancascia Library, Naples, II, 114

* * 1688 110

National Library, Naples, II, 114

* * 1688 110

University Library, Naples, II, 111

* * 1688 110

National Library, Palermo, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Antonian Library, Padua, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Library Count Manin, Passeriano, II, 111

* * 1688 110

Classense Library, Ravenna, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Cathedral Library, Reggio, II, 114

* 1688 110

Victor Emanuel Library, Rome, II, 118

* 1688 110

Lancisiana Library, Rome, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Academy of Sciences, Turin, II, 114

* * 1688 110

Marciana Library, Venice, II, 111

* * 1688 110

Patriarchal Seminary, Venice, II, 114

* 1688 110

Civic Museum, Venice, II, 114 (3 copies)

* 1688 110

Communal Library, Vicenza, II, 114

* 1688 110

Episcopal Seminary, Aversa, II, 114

* 1693 110

City Museum, Genoa, II, 114

* 1693 110

British Museum, London, II, 114

* 1693 110

National Library, Paris, II, 114

* * 1693 110

Academy of Sciences, Turin, II, 114

* 1693 110

Library of Congress, Washington, II, 112

* 1693 110

Episcopal Seminary, Finale, II, 118

* * 1696 48

National Library, Florence, II, 118

* 1696 48

Franzoniana, Genoa, II, 118

* * 1696 48

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 115

* 1696 48

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 118

* * 1696 48

Communal Library, Perugia, II, 118

* * 1696 48

Certosa, Pisa, II, 118

* 1696 48

Certosa, Pisa, II, 118

* 1696 48

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 118

* 1696 48

City Museum, Trieste, II, 118

* * 1696 48

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig

* * 1699 48

Marucellian Library, Florence, II, 118

* 1699 48

Library Sr. Remigio Salotti, Modena, II, 118

* * 1699 48

Certosa Library, Perugia, II, 118

* 1699 48

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 118

* 1699 48

Library Giovanni Bargagli, Rome, II, 118

* * 1699 48

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig (gores)

* * 1699 48

Victor Emanuel Library, Florence, II, 118

* 1699 48

British Museum, London, II, 119 (gores)

* 1699 48

Royal Library, Madrid, See reference in text, II, 119

* * 1704 364

Atlante Veneto of Coronelli, II, 119 (small globes)

* * ? ?

Costa, Gian Francesco (fl. 1775), II, 179.

Communal Library, Cagli, II, 179

* 1754 20

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 179

* 1754 20

Library Sr. Fronzi, Senigallia, II, 179

* 1754 20

University Library, Urbino, II, 179

* 1754 20

Crates (fl. 150 B.C.).

See reference in text, I, 7

* 2c ?

Cruz, Alonso de Santa (1500-1572), I, 121.

Royal Library, Stockholm, I, 121 (gores)

* 1542 39

Danti, Ignazio (1537-1586), I, 158.

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, I, 162

* 1567 200

See reference in text, I, 162

* 1567 200

Dasypodius, Conrad (1532-1600), I, 173.

Strassburg Cathedral Clock, Strassburg, I, 175

* * 1574 82

De Bure. See Gilt Globe, I, 98.

Delamarche, Charles FranÇois (1740-1817), II, 190.

Patriarchal Observatory, Venice, II, 190

* 1785 48

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig (Cat. 483)

* 1791 18

Mission Brothers Convent, Chieri, II, 190

* * 1791 18

National Library, Milan, II, 190

* * 1791 18

Charles Albert Liceum, Novara, II, 190

* * 1791 18

Nautical Institute, Palermo, II, 190

* 1791 18

Palace Sr. Scaramucci, S. Maria a Monte, II, 191

* 1791 ?

Physics Museum, Siena, II, 190

* 1791 30

Patriarchal Observatory, Venice

* 1791 18

Delisle, Guillaume (1675-1726), II, 138.

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, II, 140

* 1700 32

Royal Library, Madrid, II, 141

* 1700 32

Royal Museum, Cassel, II, 140

* * 1709 16

De Mongenet, FranÇois (fl. 1550), I, 147.

Library Count Pilloni, Belluno, I, 15

* 1552 9

British Museum, London (12 gores), I, 150

* * 1552 9

New York Public Library, New York (12 gores), I, 148

* * 1552 9

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, I, 148

* 1552 9

British Museum, London (12 gores), I, 150

* 1560 9

Library Prince Trivulzio, Milan, I, 150

* 1560 9

National Library, Paris, I, 150

* * 1560 9

Astronomical Museum, Rome, I, 150

* * 1560 9

Astronomical Museum, Rome, I, 150

* 1560 9

Desnos, L. C. (fl. 1750), II, 178.

Spallanzani Liceum, Reggio Emilia, II, 178

* 1750 22

See reference in text, II, 178

* * 1753 ?

Library Marquis Costerbosa, Parma, II, 179

* * 1754 26

Spallanzani Liceum, Reggio Emelia, II, 178

* 1760 22

Library Alberoni College, Piacenza, II, 179

* * 1772 26

Deur, Johannes (fl. 1725).

Frederick Muller (Cat. Maps and Atlases), Amsterdam

* * 1720 6

Dondi, Giovanni (fl. 1350), I, 136.

See reference in text, I, 136

* 14C ?

Doppelmayr, Johann Gabriel (1671-1750), II, 159.

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, II, 162

* 1728 32

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 160

* 1728 32

City Library, NÜrnberg, II, 160

* 1728 32

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 160

* * 1728 32

Physics Museum, Pavia, II, 162

* 1728 32

Cathedral Library, Verona, II, 162

* * 1728 32

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, II, 162

* 1730 20

Geographical Institute, GÖttingen, II, 162

* * 1730 20

German National Museum, NÜrnberg (4 copies), II, 162

* * 1730 20

Library of Congress, Washington

* 1730 20

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 162

* * 1736 20

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 160

* * 1736 20

DÜrer, Albrecht (1471-1528).

See reference in text, I, 88

* * 1515 ?

Edrisi (1099-1164).

See reference in text, I, 27

* 12C ?

Eimmart, George Christopher (1638-1705), II, 122.

See reference in text, II, 122

* 1695 ?

City Library, Bergamo, II, 124

* 1705 30

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 122

* * 1705 30

Elcano, Sebastian (fl. 1520).

See reference in text, I, 82

* 1526 ?

Eudoxus (fl. 366 B.C.).

See reference in text, I, 15

* ? ?

Emmoser, Gerhard (fl. 1575), I, 179.

Metropolitan Museum, New York, I, 179

* 1579 13

Farnese, Atlante.

National Museum, Naples, I, 15

* 3c B.C. 65

Faber, Samuel (1657-1716).

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 1705 48

Ferguson, James (1711-1776), II, 168.

Harvard University Library, Cambridge, II, 171

* * 1782 7

Karl Hiersemann, Leipzig

* * 1782 7

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 169

* * 1782 7

Communal Library, Palermo, II, 171

* * 1782 7

Meteorological Observatory, Syracuse, II, 171

* * 1728 7

Ferreri, Giovanni Paolo (fl. 1600), II, 44.

Barbarini Library, Rome, II, 44

* 1602 23

Barbarini Library, Rome, II, 44

* 1624 39

Filiberto, Emanuele (fl. 1575), I, 165.

Astronomical Museum, Rome, I, 165

* 1575 28

Florianus, Antonius (fl. 1550), I, 150.

Harvard University Library, Cambridge, I, 152 (36 gores)

* 1555 25

Library Professor Giovanni Marinelli, Florence, I, 151 (36 gores)

* 1555 25

New York Public Library, New York, I, 152 (36 gores)

* 1555 25

British Museum, London (36 gores), I, 152

* 1555 25

Library Baron NordenskiÖld, Stockholm, I, 152 (36 gores)

* 1555 25

Victor Emanuel Library, Rome (36 gores), I, 151

* 1555 25

City Library, Treviso (36 gores), I, 151

* 1555 25

State Archives, Turin (36 gores), I, 151

* 1555 25

Marciana Library, Venice (36 gores), I, 151

* 1555 25

Library of Congress, Washington (36 gores), I, 152

* 1555 25

Fortin, Jean (1750-1831), II, 184.

See reference in text, II, 184

* ? ?

Convent of Mission Brothers, Chieri, II, 184

* 1780 22

Communal Library, Corregio, II, 184

* 1780 22

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 184

* 1780 22

Dorian Liceum, Novi, II, 184

* 1780 22

Fracastoro, Girolamo (16th Cent.).

See reference in text, I, 136

* * ? ?

Frisius, Gemma (1508-1565), I, 102.

See reference in text, I, 102

* 1530 ?

Francisceum Gymnasium, Zerbst, I, 103

* 1530 ?

Francisceum Gymnasium, Zerbst, I, 105

* 1537 ?

Furtembach, Martin (fl. 1525).

See reference in text, I, 110

* 1535 ?

Gerbert (Pope Silvester II) (fl. 1000).

See reference in text, I, 38

* * 1000 ?

Gessner, Abraham (1552-1613), I, 199.

Library S. J. Phillips, London, I, 218

* * 1595 ?

Museum des Cordeliers, Basel (3 goblets), I, 201

* * 1600? ?

Wolfegg Castle, Wolfegg, I, 199

* * * 1600? ?

National Museum, ZÜrich, I, 200

* * 1600? ?

Gianelli, Giovanni (fl. 1550), I, 135.

Ambrosiana Library, Milan, I, 135

* 1549 14

Gilt Globe.

National Library, Paris, I, 98

* 1527 23

Giordani, Vitale (1633-1711), II, 120.

Lancisiana Library, Rome, II, 120

* 1690 ?

Glareanus, Henricus (1488-1551), II, 203.

See reference in text, II, 203 (globe gores)


Globus Mundi.

See reference in text, I, 72

* 1509 ?

Gonzaga, Gurzio (fl. 1550), I, 154.

See reference in text, I, 154

* 1561 203

Goos, Abraham (fl. 1640), II, 66.

Library Marquis Borromeo, Milan, II, 67

* * 1648 44

Gottorp Globe.

See Busch, Andreas, and Olearius, Adam.

Grandi, P. Francesco (fl. 1750), II, 179.

See reference in text, II, 179

* 1755 21

Green Globe.

National Library, Paris, I, 76

* 1515 24

Greuter, Mattheus (1564-1638), II, 54.

Library Communal School, Ancona, II, 59

* 1632 50

Library Communal School, Ancona, II, 59

* 1636 50

Communal Library, Bassano, II, 60

* 1632 50

Library Count Piloni, Belluno, II, 60

* 1632 50

Library Count Piloni, Belluno, II, 60

* 1636 50

Communal Library, Bologna, II, 59

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Bologna, II, 59

* 1632 50

Library General Antonio Gandolfi, Bologna, II, 60

* 1632 50

Library General Antonio Gandolfi, Bologna, II, 60

* 1636 50

Atheneum, Brescia, II, 60

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Carmarino, II, 59

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Carmarino, II, 59

* 1636 50

Episcopal Seminary, Carpi, II, 59

* 1632 50

Physics Museum, Catania, II, 60

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Fabriano, II, 59

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Fabriano, II, 59

* 1632 50

Agabiti Museum, Fabriano, II, 59

* 1632 50

Agabiti Museum, Fabriano, II, 59

* 1636 50

Communal Library, Ferrara, II, 59

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Ferrara, II, 59

* 1636 50

Library Santa Maria Nuova, Florence, II, 59

* 1632 50

Library Santa Maria Nuova, Florence, II, 59

* 1636 50

Joseph Baer, Frankfurt, II, 59

* 1632 50

Joseph Baer, Frankfurt, II, 59

* 1636 50

Library Sr. Luigi Belli, Genga, II, 60

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Gubbio, II, 59

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Gubbio, II, 59

* 1636 50

Governmental Library, Lucca, II, 59

* 1632 50

Governmental Library, Lucca, II, 59

* 1636 50

Gonzaga Library, Mantua, II, 59

* 1632 50

Gonzaga Library, Mantua, II, 59

* 1636 50

Private Library, Matelica

* 1632 50

Private Library, Matelica

* 1636 50

University Library, Messina, II, 59

* 1632 50

University Library, Messina, II, 59

* 1636 50

National Library, Milan, II, 59

* 1632 50

National Library, Milan, II, 59

* 1636 50

City Library, Modena, II, 59

* 1636 50

City Library, Modena, II, 59

* 1632 50

Ludwig Rosenthal, Munich

* 1632 50

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 55

* 1632 50

Physics Museum, Padua, II, 59

* 1632 50

Physics Museum, Padua, II, 59

* 1636 50

Episcopal Seminary, Padua, II, 59

* 1632 50

Episcopal Seminary, Padua, II, 59 (2 copies)

* 1636 50

Communal Library, Palermo

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Palermo

* 1636 50

Palatin Library, Parma, II, 59

* 1632 50

Palatin Library, Parma, II, 59

* 1636 50

Capitulary Library, Reggio, II, 59

* 1632 50

Capitulary Library, Reggio, II, 59

* 1636 50

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 59

* 1632 50

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 59

* 1636 50

Victor Emanuel Library, Rome, II, 59

* 1632 50

Victor Emanuel Library, Rome, II, 59

* 1636 50

Mercantile Marine Library, Rotterdam

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Sanseverino, II, 59

* 1632 50

Communal Library, Sanseverino, II, 59

* 1636 50

Library Canon Luigi Belli, Treviso, II, 60

* 1632 50

Library Canon Luigi Belli, Treviso, II, 60

* 1636 50

State Archives, Venice, II, 60

* 1632 50

Chigi Library, Rome, II, 59

* 1636 50

Communal Library, Serra S. Quirico, II, 60

* 1636 50

Library W. B. Thompson, Yonkers, II, 60

* 1636 50

Private Library, Ancona, II, 61

* * 1638 50

Episcopal Seminary, Macerata, II, 61

* 1638 50

Library Count Conestabile, Perugia, II, 61

* 1638 50

Library Cav. Carlotti, Piticchio, II, 61

* * 1638 50

Episcopal Seminary, Toscanella, II, 61

* * 1638 50

Joseph Baer, Frankfurt

* * 1695 50

Episcopal Library, Benevento, II, 63

* * 1695 50

Technical Institute, Casale Monserrate, II, 63

* * 1695 50

Communal Library, Ferrara, II, 63

* 1695 50

Technical Institute, Florence, II, 63

* * 1695 50

Badia of Santa Maria, Gretta Ferrata, II, 63

* 1695 50

Communal Library, Imola, II, 63

* * 1695 50

Episcopal Seminary, Ivrea

* 1695 50

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 62

* * 1695 50

Communal Library, Osimo

* 1695 50

Communal Library, Palestrina

* * 1695 50

Communal Library, Savignano, II, 63

* 1695 50

Cathedral Library, Pescia

* * 1695 50

Habrecht, Isaac (fl. 1625), II, 50.

Communal Library, Asti, II, 53

* * 1619 21

Royal Museum, Cassel, II, 53

* 1625 21

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 50

* 1625 21

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 53

* 1625 21

Communal Library, Sondrio, II, 53

* * 1625 21

Hahn, P. G. (1739-1790).

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 1780 ?

Hartmann, George (fl. 1535), I, 117

* *

Hauer, Johann (fl. 1625), II, 53.

National Museum, Stockholm, II, 53

* 1620 ?

Hauslab Globes.

Library Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna, I, 75 (12 gores)

* 1515 37

Library Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna, I, 75

* 1515 37

Heyden, Christian (1526-1576), I, 156.

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, I, 156

* 1560 7

Heroldt, Adam (fl. 1650), II, 64.

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 65

* 1649 13

Hill, Nathaniel (fl. 1750), II, 187.

British Museum, London, II, 187

* * 1754 7

New York Public Library, New York, II, 188

* 1754 7

National Library, Paris, II, 187

* * 1754 7

Hipparchus (fl. 160 B.C.).

See reference in text, I, 19

* 2c B.C. ?

Homann, Johann Baptista (1663-1727), II, 154.

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* * 1715? 7

See reference in text, II, 154.

Honter, Johann (fl. 1540).

See reference in text, II, 93

* 1542 ?

Hondius, Henricus (1580-1644), II, 18.

Quirinal Library, Brescia, II, 18

* * 1640 53

Episcopal Seminary, Portogruaro, II, 18

* * 1640 53

City Museum, Vicenza, II, 18

* * 1640 53

Hondius, Jodocus (1546-1611), II, 4.

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 4

* 1592 60

Library Sr. Giannini, Lucca, II, 8

* * 1600 34

Library Henry E. Huntington, New York, II. 4

* * 1600 34

Municipal Museum, Milan, II, 9

* * 1601 21

Episcopal Seminary, Rimini, II, 11

* 1601 21

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, II, 13

* 1613 55

Barbarini Library, Rome, II, 13

* * 1613 55

City Library, Treviso, II, 13

* * 1613 55

Library Sr. Lessi, Florence, II, 14 (Rossi)

* 1615 21

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 14 (Rossi)

* 1615 21

Private Dutch Collection, II, 68, n. 12

* 1615 21

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 15

* 1618 34

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 14

* 1618 21

Ibrahim Ibn Said-as-Sahli (fl. 1075), I, 28.

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, I, 28

* 1080 20

Jaillot, Charles Hubert Alexius (1640-1712).

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 1700? 41


Jagellonicus Library, Cracow, I, 74

* * 1510 7

Japanese Globe..

Library Professor David E. Smith, New York

* 1600? 10

Jonssonius, Johann (fl. 1620), II, 66.

Library Leiden University, Leiden, II, 66 (gores)

* 1621 12

See reference in text, II, 66

* ? ?

Julius II, Pope (1503-1513).

See reference in text, I, 62

* 1504 95

Vatican Observatory, Rome, I, 62

* 1504 95

Keulen, Johann van (fl. 1675), II, 66.

Marine School, Rotterdam, II, 66 (Blaeu, 1599)

* 1682 34

Klinger, Johann George (fl. 1790).

History Museum, Frankfurt

* 1792 25

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig (Cat. 483)

* 1790 32

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig (Cat. 483)

* 1792 32

Ko-Shun-King (fl. 1250).

Astronomical Observatory, Peking, II, 129

* 1274 194

Lane, N. (fl. 1775), II, 183.

British Museum, London, II, 183

* 1776 7

Laon Globe.

City Library, Laon, I, 51

* 1493 16

Lalande, Joseph JÉrÔme le FranÇais (1732-1807), II, 181.

Astronomical Library, Palermo, II, 182

* 1779 32 266

L’Écuy, AbbÉ.

National Library, Paris, I, 188

* 1578 25

Legrand, P. (fl. 1720).

College of Dijon, Dijon (see Laland, Bib. Astr.)

* 1720 190

Lenox Globe.

New York Public Library, New York, I, 74

* 1510 13

Leontius Mechanicus (fl. 550).

See reference in text, I, 21

* ? ?

Libri, Francesco Dai.

See reference in text, I, 100, 136

* 1529 ?

Liechtenstein Globe.

See reference in text, I, 77

* 1515 37

Lud. Sem. (unknown).

Library Sr. Lissi, Florence, II, 45

* 1612 20

Maccari, Giovanni (fl. 1685), II, 96.

Liceum, Reggio Emelia, II, 96

* 1689 16

Magellan Globe.

See reference in text, I, 81

* 1519 ?

Maria, Pietro (fl. 1745), II, 165.

Episcopal Seminary, Casale, II, 166

* * 1745 60

Municipal Library, Alessandria, II, 166

* * 1751 105

Martyr, Peter (1455-1526).

See reference in text

* 1514 ?

Maurolico, Francesco (1494-1575).

See reference in text, II, 167

* 1575 ?

Mercator, Gerhard (1512-1594), I, 124.

Convent Adamont, Adamont, I, 133

* 1541 41

Royal Library, Brussels, I, 127

* 1541

Royal Library, Brussels, I, 131

* 1551 41

Governmental Library, Cremona, I, 133

* 1551 41

Governmental Library, Cremona, I, 133

* 1551 41

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, I, 133

* 1541 41

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, I, 133

* 1551 41

Astronomical Observatory, Paris, I, 133

* 1541 41

Astronomical Observatory, Paris, I, 133

* 1551 41

Library Marquis Gherardi, Prato, I, 133

* 1541 41

Library Marquis Gherardi, Prato, I, 133

* 1551 41

Astronomical Museum, Rome, I, 134 (2 copies)

* 1541 41

Astronomical Museum, Rome, I, 134

* 1551 41 267

City Archives, St. Nicolas, I, 133

* 1541 41

City Archives, St. Nicolas, I, 133

* 1551 41

Monastery Library, Stams, I, 133

* 1541 41

Communal Library, Urbania, I, 134

* 1541 41

Communal Library, Urbania, I, 134

* 1551 41

Imperial Library, Vienna, I, 133

* 1541 41

Imperial Library, Vienna, I, 133

* 1551 41

Grand Ducal Library, Weimar, I, 133

* 1541 41

Messier, Charles (1730-1817), II, 183.

Machiavellian Liceum, Lucca, II, 184

* 1780 31

City Library, NÜrnberg, II, 184

* 1780 31

Physics Museum, Siena, II, 184

* 1780 31

Meteorological Observatory, Parma, II, 184

* 1780 31

Monastic Library, Subiaco, II, 184

* 1780 31

Miot, Vincenzo (fl. 1700), II, 143.

Marco Foscarini Liceum, Venice, II, 143

* 1710 23

Mohammed ben Helal (fl. 1275), I, 29.

Royal Asiatic Society, London, I, 29

* 1275 ?

Mohammed ben Muwajid al Ordhi (fl. 1275), I, 30.

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, I, 30

* 1279 14

Mohammed, Diemat Eddin (fl. 1575), I, 31.

National Library, Paris, I, 31

* 1573 15

Moll, Herman (fl. 1700).

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 170

* 1703 8

Molyneux, Emery (fl. 1590), I, 190.

Royal Museum, Cassel, I, 195 (Sanderson)

* 1592 66

Middle Temple, London, I, 190

* * 1592 66

Monachus, Franciscus (fl. 1525), I, 96.

See reference in text, I, 96

* 1525 ?

Morden, Robert (fl. 1700), II, 156.

British Museum, London, II, 156

* 1683 35

Moroncelli, Silvester Amantius (1652-1719), II, 83.

Marciana Library, Venice, II, 83

* * 1672 200

Alessandrian Library, Rome, II, 84

* 1679 89

Alessandrian Library, Rome, II, 84

* 1680 89

See reference in text, II, 92 (2 or more)

* * 1690 26

Etruscan Academy, Cortona, II, 92

* 1710 27

Communal Library, Fermo, II, 86

* 1713 194

Etruscan Academy, Cortona, II, 88

* 1715 80

Etruscan Academy, Cortona, II, 88

* 1715 80 268

Casanatense Library, Rome, II, 89

* 1716 160

Casanatense Library, Rome, II, 90

* 1716 160

M. P.

Vallicellian Library, Rome

* * 1600 55

Moxon, Joseph (1627-1700), II, 124.

See reference in text, II, 126

* * 1700? ?

Royal Museum, Cassel

* * 1700 ?

Muth Brothers (fl. 1720).

Royal Museum, Cassel

* 1721 4

Nancy Globe.

City Library, Nancy, I, 102

* 1540 16

Newton, George (fl. 1780).

Astronomical Observatory, Padua

* * 1787 38

Nollet, Jean Antoine (1700-1770), II, 157.

Library Count Fenaroli, Brescia, II, 159

* 1728 35

Maldotti Library, Guastalla, II, 159

* 1728 35

Maldotti Library, Guastalla, II, 159

* 1730 35

Episcopal Seminary, Mondovi, II, 159

* 1728 35

Episcopal Seminary, Mondovi, II, 159

* 1730 35

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 159

* 1730 35

NordenskiÖld Gores.

Library Baron NordenskiÖld, Stockholm, I, 77

* 1518 10

Olearius, Adam (1600-1671), II, 73.

See Busch, Andreas, and Gottorp, II, 73.

Otterschaden, Johann (fl. 1675).

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 214, 216 (gores), II, 214

* * 1675 12

Outhier (fl. 1725).

See reference in text, II, 143

* 1725? ?

Parmentier, Jean (fl. 1530).

See reference in text, I, 99

* ? ?

Plancius, Peter (1552-1622), II, 45.

Stein Museum, Antwerp, II, 50

* 1614 26

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 48

* * 1614 26

Francisceum Gymnasium, Zerbst, I, 140

* 1614 26

See reference in text, II, 50

* * ? ?

Pilot Globe.

See reference in text, II, 53

* 1606 ?

Platus, Carolus (fl. 1580), I, 180.

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, I, 180

* 1578 20

Barbarini Library, Rome, I, 180

* 1598 14 269

Posidonius (fl. 260 B..C.)

See reference in text (Ptolemy ‘Almagest’)

* ? ?

Praetorius, Johannes (1537-1616), I, 158.

See reference in text, I, 158

* * 1566 28

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, I, 158

* 1566 28

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, I, 158

* 1568 28

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, I, 158

* * 1566 28

Ptolemy, Claudius (fl. 150 A.D.), I, 5.

See reference in text, I, 5, 19

* * * 150 ?

Public Library, Kahira, I, 28

* ? ?

Puschner, Johann George (fl. 1730), II, 160.

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, II, 162

* 1728 28

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, II, 162

* 1730 28

University Library, GÖttingen, II, 162

* * 1730 28

Quirini Globe.

See Green Globe, I, 76.

Ramusio Globes.

See reference in text, I, 137

* * 1540? ?

Ridhwan (fl. 1700).

Imperial Library, Petrograd, I, 32

* 1701 19

Rinaldi, Pier Vincenzo Dante (fl. 1550).

See reference in text, I, 158

* ? ?

Roll, George, and Reinhold, Johannes (fl. 1585).

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, I, 181

* 1586 35

Royal Library, Vienna, I, 181

* 1588 ?

Astronomical Observatory, Naples, I, 182

* 1589 21

Rosa, Vincenzo (fl. 1790), II, 191.

University Library, Pavia, II, 192

* 1793 98

Foscolo Liceum, Pavia

* 1793 98

Rosini, Pietro (fl. 1760), II, 180.

University Library, Bologna, II, 180

* 1762 150

Rosselli, Francesco (fl. 1526).

See reference in text, I, 64

* ? ?

Rossi, Dominico.

See Greuter, Mattheus.

Rovere, Giulio Feltrio dalla.

See reference in text, I, 152

* 1575 104

Rouen Globe.

See L’Écuy, AbbÉ, I, 188.

Sanderson, William (fl. 1590).

See Molyneux, Emery.

270 Santa Cruz, Alonso de (1500-1572), I, 121.

Royal Library, Stockholm, I, 122

* 1542

Santucci, Antonio (fl. 1590), I, 212.

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, I, 213

* 1593 22

Sanuto, Giulio (fl. 1560).

See reference in text, I, 154

* 1561 ?

Scarabelli, Giuseppe (fl. 1690).

See reference in text, II, 121

* * 1690 188

Scaltaolia, Pietro (fl. 1780), II, 188.

See also Viani, Mattio La Venezia.

Roberti Tipografia, Bassano, II, 189

* 1784 23

EreditÀ Bottrigari, Bologna, II, 189

* 1784 23

Communal Library, Brescia

* 1784 23

Episcopal Seminary, Brescia, II, 189

* 1784 23

Communal Library, Cagli, II, 189

* 1784 23

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 189

* 1784 23

Schiepp, Christoff (fl. 1525), I, 108.

National Library, Paris

* 1530 24

SchÖner, Johann (1477-1547), I, 82.

City Library, Frankfurt, I, 84

* 1515 27

Grand Ducal Library, Weimar, I, 84

* 1515 27

Library Wolfegg Castle (gores)

* 1517 ?

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, I, 86

* 1520 87

See reference in text, I, 87

* 1523 ?

Grand Ducal Library, Weimar, I, 108

* 1533 27

See reference in text, I, 108

* 1533 27

Senex, John (fl. 1740), II, 150.

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig

* ? 40

British Museum, London (12 gores)

* 1720 40

British Museum, London, II, 152

* 1793 40

Royal Library, Madrid, II, 152

* 1793 40

Royal Library, Madrid, II, 152

* * 1793 40

Settalla, Manfredo (1600-1680), II, 65.

Ambrosiana Library, Milan, II, 65

* 1646 18

Seutter, Mattheus (1678-1756), II, 154.

Communal Library, Macerata, II, 156

* * 1710 23

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 156

* 1710 23

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 156

* * 1710 23

See reference in text, II, 156

* 1710 23

University Library, Urbino, II, 156

* 1710 23

Library Professor Tono, Venice

* 1710 23

271 Spano, Antonio (fl. 1590), I, 201.

Library J.P. Morgan, New York, I, 201

* 1593 8

Stampfer, Jacob (1505-1579).

See illustration, I, 102

* * 1539 ?

StÖffler, Johannes (1452-1531), I, 53.

Liceum Library, Constance, I, 53

* 1499 48

German National Museum, NÜrnberg

* 1499 48

Strabo (54 B. C.-24 A. D.).

See reference in text, I, 8

* ? ?

Theodorus, Peter (fl. 1590), II, 75.

National Museum, Copenhagen, II, 75

* 1595 23

Titon Du Tillet.

See reference in text, I, 188

* 1587 ?

Torricelli, Joseph (fl. 1730), II, 165.

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, II, 165

* 1739 15

Toscanelli, Paolo (1397-1482).

See reference in text, I, 52

* 1474 ?

Transilvanus, Maximilian (fl. 1520).

See reference in text, I, 52

* 1522 ?

Treffler, Christopher (fl. 1680), II, 94.

See reference in text, II, 95

* * 1683 ?

Ulpius, Euphrosinus (fl. 1540), I, 117.

Library New York Historical Society, New York, I, 117

* 1542 39

Valk, Gerhard (1626-1720), II, 143.

Physics Museum, Bologna, II, 150

* * 1700 46

Royal Museum, Cassel, II, 150

* 1700? 23

Royal Museum, Cassel, II, 150

* 1700 30

Math. Phys. Salon, Dresden, II, 150

* 1700 30

German National Museum, NÜrnberg, II, 150

* * 1700 30

University of Ghent, Ghent, II, 144

* * 1707 30

Royal Museum, Cassel, II, 150

* * 1715 46

Private Dutch Collection, Amsterdam

* 1745 62

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 144

* * 1750 46

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 144

* * 1750 30

The Hispanic Society of America, New York, II, 144

* * 1750 23

Frederick Muller, Amsterdam (Cat. maps and atlases)

* * 1750 40 272

Frederick Muller, Amsterdam (Cat. maps and atlases)

* * 1750 24

Valk, Leonhard (fl. 1700).

See Valk, Gerhard.

Van Langren, Arnold Florentius (fl. 1600), I, 204.

See reference in text, I, 204

* 1580 32

Astronomical Museum, Rome, I, 205

* 1585 32

City Museum, Frankfurt

* 1594 29

Royal Geog. Society, Amsterdam, I, 208

* 1612 53

City Museum, ZÜtphen, I, 212

* 1612 53

University of Ghent, I, 210

* 1616 53

Plantin-Moritus Museum, Antwerp, I, 211

* * 1625 53

National Library, Paris, I, 210

* 1625 53

Hiersemann, Karl, Leipzig

* * 1630? 53

Van Langren, Jacob Florentius.

See Van Langren, Arnold Florentius.

Vaugondy, Giles Robert de (1688-1766), II, 176.

See reference in text, II, 176

* * 1751 48

See reference in text, II, 177

* * ? 182

Palatin Library, Parma, II, 178

* * 1754 23

Spinola Palace, Tassarolo, II, 178

* * 1754 23

Quirini Pinacoteca, Venice, II, 178

* 1764 48

Patriarchal Observatory, Venice

* 1764 23

Royal Library, Caserta, II, 177

* 1764 23

Royal Library, Caserta, II, 177

* 1773 48

Governmental Library, Lucca, II, 177

* 1764 23

Governmental Library, Lucca, II, 177

* 1773 48

Veen, Adrian (fl. 1615).

See Hondius, Henricus.

Veldico, Willem (fl. 1510).

See reference in text, I, 66

* 1507 ?

Verbiest, Ferdinand (1623-1688), II, 131.

Astronomical Observatory, Peking, II, 131

* 1674 190

Astronomical Observatory, Peking, II, 131

* 1674 300

Verrazano, Giovanni (fl. 1525), II, 98.

See reference in text, II, 98

* 1525 ?

Vespucci, Amerigo (1451-1512).

See reference in text

* ? ?

Viani, Mattio di Venezia (fl. 1780), II, 188.

See also Scaltaglia, Pietro.

Roberti Tipografia, Bassano, II, 190

* 1784 20

Studio Sr. Bortognoni, Bologna, II, 190

* 1784 20 273

Library Sr. Fenaroli, Brescia, II, 190

* 1784 20

Episcopal Seminary, Rimini, II, 190

* 1784 20

Astronomical Museum, Rome, II, 190

* 1784 20

Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519).

Windsor Castle, I, 78

* 1514 ?

Viseo, Cardinal (fl. 1545).

See reference in text, I, 152

* 1550 89

Volpaja, Girolamo Camillo (fl. 1560), I, 155.

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, I, 155

* 1557 14

Museum of Ancient Instruments, Florence, I, 156

* 1564 13

Volpi, Jos. Antonio (fl. 1680), II, 97.

City Museum, Modena, II, 97

* 1689 ?

Vopel, Caspar (1471-1561), I, 112.

City Archives, Cologne, I, 113

* 1532 28

City Archives, Cologne, I, 113

* 1536 28

City Archives, Cologne, I, 113

* 1542 28

National Museum, Copenhagen, I, 114

* 1543 10

Library of Congress, Washington, I, 115

* * 1543 10

National Museum, Washington, I, 113

* 1543 10

Library Jodoco del Badia, Florence, I, 11

* 1544 10

City Museum, Salzburg, I, 116

* 1544 10

Library Sr. Frey, Bern, I, 116

* 1545 10

Vulpes, Jos. Antonius (fl. 1685).

Estense Library, Modena, II, 97

* 1689 15

WaldseemÜller, Martin (ca. 1470-ca. 1522), I, 68.

See reference in text, I, 70

* 1507 ?

Weigel, Erhard (1625-1699), II, 75.

See reference in text, II, 77, 78

* * * ? ?

Royal Museum, Cassel (silver)

* 1699 36

Royal Museum, Cassel (copper)

* 1699 36

Wellington, Lieutenant.

Royal Museum, Cassel

* 1710 7


See reference in text, I, 72

* 1509 ?

Wooden Globe.

National Library, Paris, I, 111

* 1535 20


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