IT will be noted that a threefold index has been made for this work. The first part is the “Bibliographical List,” containing in alphabetical order the names of the authors cited, together with the titles of their respective works. The second part is the “List of Globes and Globe Makers,” which should be consulted especially for detailed biographical and descriptive references. In this third part, or “General Index,” reference has been made to a very considerable number of special items more or less fully touched upon in the foregoing pages, with particular reference to the several libraries, museums, and private collections in which globes may be found, the same being given under the name of the locality, as Florence, London, NÜrnberg, Paris, Rome, with the name of the particular globe maker whose work is possessed given in brackets.
internal">99 Chieri, Convent of Mission Brothers (Frati della Missione), II, 184 (Fortin); 258 (Delamarche) Chignolo, Cusani Palace, II, 163 (Anonymous) Cicero, allusion to Archimedes’ globe, I, 15, 16 Claudio de la Baume, to him De Mongenet dedicates his terrestrial globe, I, 149 Clement X, Pope, Benci dedicates to him his globe of 1671, II, 80 Clermont, Count of, Nollet dedicates to him his celestial globe of 1730, II, 158 Cleveland, Western Reserve Historical Society, II, 255 (Cary) Clocks, globes as a part of, I, 57, n. 110 Cockrill, Thomas, II, 156 Colbert, Jean Baptiste, proposes Cassini for the Chair of Astronomy in CollÈge de France, II, 141 College of Navarre, II, 157 Cologne, City Archives, I, 113 (Vopel) Colorado River, referred to by Adams as flowing directly westward into the Pacific, II, 186 Columbus, Bartholomew, sketch maps showing Asiatic connection of the New World, I, 95 Columbus, Christopher, his place in the history of terrestrial globes, I, 52; - interested in globes if not a maker of them, 52, 53;
- said to have sent their Catholic Majesties a globe, 53
Como, Communal Library (Biblioteca Comunale), II, 44 (Blaeu) Compass, variations referred to, II, 10, 17 Constance, Liceum Library, I, 53 (StÖffler) Constellations, antiquity of star grouping, I, 1; - Eudoxus’ part in fixing names of, 15;
- Aratus’ contribution, 15;
- Ptolemy’s names of constellations, 24, n. 14;
- proposals of Bede, Bayer, Schiller, Weigel, Moroncelli (see reference to each);
- those of the Antarctic, II, 108; 133, n. 69
Cook, Captain, referred to by Viani, II, 189; Copenhagen, National Museum, 280 I, 114 (Vopel); II, 74 (Gottorp); 75 (Theodorus) Corfu, Archbishop of, possessed a globe, I, 152 Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria, given title _Cosmografo della Serenissima Republica_, II, 98 Correggio, Communal Library (Biblioteca Comunale), II, 184 (Fortin) Cortereal, Miguel and Gaspar, explorers, II, 39 Cortona, Etruscan Academy (Accademia Etrusca), II, 88 (Moroncelli); 92, 93 (Moroncelli) Cosimo de’ Medici, interested in maps and globes, I, 159 Cosmas Indicopleustes, opposed the doctrine of a spherical earth, I, 36 Cracow, Jagellonicus Library, I, 74 (Jagellonicus) Crates, reputed the first to construct a globe, I, 7; - his idea concerning the earth’s surface, 8;
- referred to by Strabo, 8
Cremona, Governmental Library (Biblioteca Governativo), I, 133 (Mercator) Crevalcuore, Communal Library (Biblioteca Comunale), II, 192 (Cassini) Cusani, Cardinal Agostino, II, 163 Dalberg, Bishop of Worms, receives a globe from Johann StÖffler, I, 54 Dante, belief in a spherical earth, I, 43 Danti, Ignazio, called by Duke Cosimo to Florence to decorate his palace, I, 158; <
-h.htm#Page_48" class="pgexternal">48 Gnomon, its construction and use, I, 18 Gonzaga, Curtio, constructs a large globe, I, 19, 20, II, 198; his atlases, I, 12, n. 15; his forty-eight constellations, 24, n. 43 Pythagoreans, their arguments supporting the spherical theory, I, 6 Rad, Christopher, constructed the globe of Christopher Treffler, II, 94 Raleigh, Sir Walter, I, 194 Ravenna, Classense Library (Biblioteca Classense), II, 114 (Coronelli); 186 (Adams) Reggio, Cathedral Library (Biblioteca Capitolare), II, 59 (Greuter); 114 (Coronelli). - Spallanzani Liceum, II, 178 (Desnos); 96 (Maccari)
RenÉ, Duke of Lorraine, patron of culture and learning, I, 68 Reymer von Streytperg, - Canon Church of Bamberg, I, 86;
- SchÖner dedicates to him his globe of 1523, 86
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, improves map making, II, 137 Rimini, Gambalunga Library, II, 42 (Blaeu). - Episcopal Seminary (Seminario Vescovile), II, 11 (Hondius); 255 (Cassini); 190 (Viani)
Ringmann, Philesius, member of St. DiÉ coterie, I, 68 Roger of Sicily, said to have possessed a silver globe, I, 27 Romano, Giulio, said to have decorated globe of Pope Julius II, I, 64 Romans, not especially interested in globe making, I, 20, 21; globes represented on Roman coins and medals, 21, 24, n. 46 Rome, Astronomical Museum (Museo Astronomico), I, 134 (Mercator); 150 (De Mongenet); 168 (Cartaro); 205 (Van Langren); II, 48 (Plancius); 14 (Hondius); 59 (Greuter); 65 (Heroldt); 118 (Coronelli); 124 (Eimmart); 156 (Seutter); 154 (Bion); 159 (Nollet); 185 (Adams); 189 (Scaltaglia); 190 (Viani); 179 (Costa); 154 (Cartilia). - Angelica Library (Biblioteca Angelica), II, 27 (Blaeu).
- Alessandrina Library, II, 84 (Moroncelli).
- Barberini Library (Biblioteca Barberini), I, 180 (Platus); II, 42 (Blaeu); 13 (Hondius); 44 (Ferreri).
- Campidoglio Observatory, II, 194 (Cary).
- Casanatense Library, II, 89 (Moroncelli).
- 288 Chigi Library, II, 44 (Blaeu); 59 (Greuter).
- Victor Emanuel Library, I, 151 (Florianus); II, 165 (Anonymous); 59 (Greuter); 118 (Coronelli).
- Lancisiana Library, I, 165 (Barocci); II, 43
- Viseo, Cardinal, possessed a terrestrial globe, I, 152
- Volckamer, Paul, a patron of Behaim in the construction of his globe, I, 48
- Vosgian Gymnasium of St. DiÉ, I, 68
- WaldseemÜller, Martin, his world map of 1507, I, 69; allusion in his “Cosmographiae Introductio” to his globe, 70
- Washington, National Museum, I, 113 (Vopel).
- Library of Congress, I, 115 (Vopel); 152 (Florianus); II, 112 (Coronelli); 259 (Doppelmayr)
- Weigel, Erhard, his proposed names for constellations, II, 77; peculiarities of his globes, 77, 78
- Weimar, Grand Ducal Library, I, 84, 108 (SchÖner); 133 (Mercator)
- Welser, patrician family of Augsburg, I, 108
- Werner, Johann, his map projection, I, 151
- William III, King of England, Coronelli dedicates to him his globe of 1696, II, 115
- William, Landgraf of Cassel, patron of science and general culture, I, 184
- Willoughby, Hugo, explorer, II, 38, 39
- Windsor Castle, I, 78 (Da Vinci gores)
- Wolf, John David, acquires Ulpius globe for New York Historical Society, I, 117
- Wolf, Peter, receives a globe from Johann StÖffler, I, 54
- Wolfegg Castle, I, 199 (Gessner); II, 270 (SchÖner)
- Worcester, American Antiquarian Society, II, 186 (Adams)
- Wright, Edward, English geographer, II, 3
- Yonkers, Library W. B. Thompson, II, 60 (Greuter)
- Zeitung aus Presillig Landt, as a source for SchÖner’s globe of 1515, I, 85
- Zerbst, Francisceum Gymnasium, I, 291103, 105 (Frisius); I, 140 (Plancius)
- Zumbach, Lothar, his reforms adopted by Valk, II, 146, 149
- ZÜrich, National Museum, I, 200 (Gessner)
- ZÜtphen, City Museum, I, 212 (Van Langren)