OFJoseph, the ProphetAnd the Coming Forth of The Book of Mormon By Elder Edward Stevenson Of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints IllustratedSalt Lake City, Utah Published By The Author 1893 [p.2] PrefaceIn presenting this pamphlet of Reminiscences to the public, the Author desires to explain the circumstances that induced him to issue it. While delivering a series of illustrated lectures in the various tabernacles and public halls throughout the Territory--and which were repeated on more than 200 different occasions--the Author was earnestly solicited to publish the lectures, including engravings of the paintings, in the form in which they now appear. Having become convinced from the great interest taken in the lectures, that they were productive of much good, the Author finally determined to submit the lectures to the public. The Author having been personally acquainted with the Prophet Joseph Smith, and having been with him in many of his trying experiences, desires to add his testimony to the truth of the work inaugurated by him, under instructions from the Almighty, and hopes that the incidents herein related will induce many to investigate this great and important work; for he that judgeth without investigation is unwise. Respectfully, [p.3] |