- Aaron Burr's Wooing, E. C. Stedman, 231.
- About Savannah, Unknown, 245.
- Abraham Lincoln, W. C. Bryant, 540.
- Abraham Lincoln, E. C. Stedman, 538.
- Abraham Lincoln, R. H. Stoddard, 540.
- Abraham Lincoln, Tom Taylor, 543.
- Abraham Lincoln walks at Midnight, Vachel Lindsay, 661.
- Acceptation, M. J. Preston, 547.
- Across the Delaware, Will Carleton, 188.
- Ad Patriam, Clinton Scollard, 660.
- Adams and Liberty, R. T. Paine, 276.
- Additional Verses to Hail Columbia, O. W. Holmes, 596.
- Adrian Block's Song, E. E. Hale, 51.
- After the Centennial, C. P. Cranch, 578.
- After the Comanches, Unknown, 579.
- After the Fire, O. W. Holmes, 571.
- After the War, Richard Le Gallienne, 678.
- Aguinaldo, Bertrand Shadwell, 645.
- Alabama, The, Maurice Bell, 527.
- Alamance, S. W. Whiting, 135.
- Alaska, Joaquin Miller, 567.
- "Albemarle" Cushing, J. J. Roche, 535.
- Albert Sidney Johnston, K. B. Sherwood, 456.
- Albert Sidney Johnston, F. O. Ticknor, 457.
- Allatoona, Unknown, 512.
- America, A. C. Cox, 2.
- America, S. F. Smith, ii.
- American Flag, The, J. R. Drake, 192.
- American Independence, Francis Hopkinson, 178.
- American Patriot's Prayer, The, Unknown, 180.
- American Soldier's Hymn, The, Unknown, 264.
- Ancient Prophecy, An, Philip Freneau, 258.
- AndrÉ, C. F. Bates, 239.
- AndrÉ's Request to Washington, N. P. Willis, 238.
- Angels of Buena Vista, The, J. G. Whittier, 366.
- Anne Hutchinson's Exile, E. E. Hale, 73.
- Apostrophe to the Island of Cuba, J. G. Percival, 606.
- Arctic Vision, An, Bret Harte, 566.
- Arizona, S. M. Hall, 655.
- Armstrong at Fayal, The, Wallace Rice, 321.
- Arnold at Stillwater, T. D. English, 200.
- Arnold the Vile Traitor, Unknown, 238.
- Assault on the Fortress, The, Timothy Dwight, 70.
- Assunpink and Princeton, T. D. English, 189.
- AstrÆa at the Capitol, J. G. Whittier, 478.
- At Fredericksburg, J. B. O'Reilly, 447.
- At Port Royal, J. G. Whittier, 461.
- At the Cannon's Mouth, Herman Melville, 537.
- At the President's Grave, R. W. Gilder, 590.
- Attack, The, T. B. Read, 463.
- Bacon's Epitaph, Unknown, 45.
- Balboa, Nora Perry, 23.
- Ballad of Bunker Hill, The, E. E. Hale, 162.
- Ballad of Chickamauga, The, Maurice Thompson, 501.
570. - Civil War, C. D. Shanly, 432.
- Clerical Oppressors, J. G. Whittier, 385.
- Colonel Ellsworth, R. H. Stoddard, 416.
- Columbia, Timothy Dwight, 180.
- Columbus, E. E. Hale, 18.
- Columbus, Joaquin Miller, 14.
- Columbus, L. H. Sigourney, 9.
- Columbus and the Mayflower, Lord Houghton, 18.
- Columbus at the Convent, J. T. Trowbridge, 10.
- Columbus Dying, E. D. Proctor, 18.
- Columbus in Chains, Philip Freneau, 17.
- Columbus to Ferdinand, Philip Freneau, 9.
- Come, ye lads, who wish to shine, Unknown, 287.
- Comfort of the Trees, The, R. W. Gilder, 650.
- Complaint of New Amsterdam, The, Jacob Steendam, 53.
- Comrades, H. R. Dorr, 629.
- Conemaugh, E. S. P. Ward, 601.
- Conquered Banner, The, A. J. Ryan, 547.
- Constellation and the Insurgente, The, Unknown, 280.
- Constitution and the GuerriÈre, The, Unknown, 288.
- Constitution's Last Fight, The, J. J. Roche, 327.
- Convention Song, Unknown, 271.
- Cornwallis's Surrender, Unknown, 256.
- Cow-Chace, The, John AndrÉ, 233.
- Craven, Henry Newbolt, 527.
- Crisis, The, J. G. Whittier, 372.
- Crispus Attucks, J. B. O'Reilly, 132.
- Crossing at Fredericksburg, The, G. H. Boker, 446.
- Cruise of the Fair American, The, Unknown, 219.
- Cruise of the Monitor, The, G. H. Boker, 467.
- Cry to Arms, A, Henry Timrod, 411.
- Cuba, E. C. Stedman, 607.
- Cuba, Harvey Rice, 608.
- Cuba Libre, Joaquin Miller, 609.
- Cuba to Columbia, Will Carleton, 608.
- Cumberland, The, H. W. Longfellow, 464.
- Cumberland, The, Herman Melville, 466.
- Custer, E. C. Stedman, 583.
- Custer's Last Charge, Frederick Whittaker, 582.
- "Cut the Cables," R. B. Wilson, 622.
- Dance, The, Unknown, 256.
- Daniel Webster, O. W. Holmes, 377.
- Darien, Edwin Arnold, 651.
- Daughter of the Regiment, The, Clinton Scollard, 462.
- Daughter's Rebellion, The, Francis Hopkinson, 140.
- "Days of 'Forty-Nine, The," Unknown, 345.
- Dead, The, David Morton, 674.
- Dead President, The, E. R. Sill, 538.
- Dear President, The, J. J. Piatt, 539.
- Death of Colman, The, Thomas Frost, 50.
- Death of General Pike, The, Laughton Osborn, 299.
- Death of Goody Nurse, The, R. T. Cooke, 90.
- Death of Harrison, The, N. P. Willis, 156.
- Men behind the Guns, The, J. J. Rooney, 637.
- Men of the Alamo, The, J. J. Roche, 355.
- Men of the Maine, The, Clinton Scollard, 609.
- Men of the Merrimac, The, Clinton Scollard, 626.
- Men of the North and West, R. H. Stoddard, 409.
- "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin," Madison Cawein, 620.
- Message, A, E. S. Phelps, 440.
- Midnight—September 19, 1881, J. B. O'Reilly, 589.
- Miles Keogh's Horse, John Hay, 584.
- Minute-Men of Northboro', The, Wallace Rice, 152.
- Mr. Hosea Biglow speaks, J. R. Lowell, 360.
- "Mr. Johnson's Policy of Reconstruction," C. G. Halpine, 559.
- Mistress Hale of Beverly, Lucy Larcom, 97.
- Modern Jonas, The, Unknown, 232.
- Molly Pitcher, L. E. Richards, 213.
- Molly Pitcher, K. B. Sherwood, 213.
- Monterey, C. F. Hoffman, 363.
- Montgomery at Quebec, Clinton Scollard, 171.
- Morgan Stanwood, Hiram Rich, 151.
- Mosby at Hamilton, Madison Cawein, 482.
- Mother Country, The, Benjamin Franklin, 142.
- Mothers of the West, The, W. D. Gallagher, 330.
- Mugford's Victory, J. W. Chadwick, 174.
- Mumford, I. M. Porter, 476.
- My Maryland, J. R. Randall, 415.
- Mystery of Cro-a-tÀn, The, M. J. Preston, 36.
- Nathan Hale, Unknown, 185.
- Nathan Hale, F. M. Finch, 186.
- National Ode, The, Bayard Taylor, 575.
- National Song, W. H. Venable, 659.
- Ned Braddock, J. W. Palmer, 114.
- New Ballad, A, Unknown, 205.
- New-Come Chief, The, J. R. Lowell, 168.
- New England's Annoyances, Unknown, 65.
- New England's Chevy Chase, E. E. Hale, 148.
- New England's Growth, William Bradford, 69.
- New National Hymn, F. M. Crawford, 596.
- New Roof, The, Francis Hopkinson, 270.
- New Song, A, Unknown, 137.
- New Song, A, Joseph Stansbury, 240.
- New Song called the Gaspee, A, Unknown, 135.
- New Song to an Old Tune, A, Unknown, 432.
- New War Song by Sir Peter Parker, A, Unknown, 182.
- Newes from Virginia, Richard Rich, 40.
- News from Yorktown, L. W. Smith, 257.
- Nineteenth of April, The, Lucy Larcom, 414.
- No More Words, Franklin Lushington, 410.
- Norembega, J. G. Whittier, 32.
- Norsemen, The, J. G. Whittier, 4.
- O Captain! My Captain, Walt Whitman, 537.
- O Land Beloved, G. E. Woodberry, 660.
- Obsequies of Stuart, J. R. Thompson, 519.
- Occasioned by General Washington's Arrival in Philadelphia, on his Way to his Residence in Virginia, Philip Freneau, 91.
- San Francisco, J. V. Cheney, 657.
- San Francisco, Joaquin Miller, 657.
- Santiago, T. A. Janvier, 633.
- Saratoga Song, Unknown, 202.
- Savannah, A. S. Burroughs, 514.
- Sea and Land Victories, Unknown, 328.
- Second Review of the Grand Army, A, Bret Harte, 548.
- Seicheprey, Unknown, 672.
- Sergeant Champe, Unknown, 239.
- Settler, The, A. B. Street, 329.
- Seventy-Six, W. C. Bryant, 191.
- Shannon and the Chesapeake, The, T. T. BouvÉ, 300.
- Sheridan at Cedar Creek, Herman Melville, 521.
- Sheridan's Ride, T. B. Read, 521.
- Sherman's in Savannah, O. W. Holmes, 514.
- Sherman's March to the Sea, S. H. M. Byers, 512.
- Ship Canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific, The, Francis Lieber, 374.
- Shop and Freedom, Unknown, 428.
- Siege of Chapultepec, The, W. H. Lytle, 371.
- Sinking of the Merrimack, The, Lucy Larcom, 468.
- Sir Henry Clinton's Invitation to the Refugees, Philip Freneau, 229.
- Sir Humphrey Gilbert, H. W. Longfellow, 34.
- Skeleton in Armor, The, H. W. Longfellow, 6.
- Skipper Ireson's Ride, J. G. Whittier, 283.
- Song, A, Unknown, 130.
- Song, A, Unknown, 157.
- Song, A, Unknown, 172.
- Song about Charleston, A, Unknown, 246.
- Song of Braddock's Men, The, Unknown, 112.
- Song of Marion's Men, W. C. Bryant, 248.
- Song of Panama, A, A. D. Runyon, 652.
- Song of Sherman's Army, The, C. G. Halpine, 513.
- Song of Texas, W. H. C. Hosmer, 358.
- Song of the Flags, The, S. W. Mitchell, 655.
- Song of the Pilgrims, T. C. Upham, 57.
- Song on Captain Barney's Victory over the Ship General Monk, Philip Freneau, 227.
- Sonnets written in the Fall of 1914, G. E. Woodberry, 661.
- South Carolina, The, Unknown, 228.
- South Carolina to the States of the North, P. H. Hayne, 561.
- Spain's Last Armada, Wallace Rice, 632.
- Spirit of the Maine, The, Tudor Jenks, 621.
- Spool of Thread, A, S. E. Eastman, 402.
- "Stack Arms," J. B. Alston, 545.
- Star, The, M. C. Smith, 674.
- Star-Spangled Banner, The, F. S. Key, 317.
- Steer, Bold Mariner, On, Friedrich Schiller, 12.
- Stonewall Jackson, H. L. Flash, 486.
- Stonewall Jackson's Way, J. W. Palmer, 483.
- Storming of Stony Point, The, Arthur Guiterman, 230.
- Story of Vinland, The, Sidney Lanier, 3.
- Stricken South to the North, The, P. H. Hayne, 564.
- Strike the Blow, Unknown, 625.
- Sudbury Fight, The,
FOOTNOTES: Transcriber's Note: Obvious typographical errors were repaired, but valid and consistently used archaics spellings were retained (for example, scimetar). There is no numbered page 201, original skips from 200 to 202 (second column of 200 numbered 201 for continuity) P. 10, Columbus to Ferdinand, stanza 13: "Ere this was found"; multiple other poem sources read "Ere this was known". P. 294, The United States and the Macedonian, stanza 6: "To Carden then, in tones so bland,"—this line was missing in the original text, but was verified in other poem sources. P. 354, The Death of Harrison, end of stanza 4: The last two lines of this stanza, verified in other poem sources, were missing from the original text, which closed the stanza with—"On!—on with his ashes!—HE LEFT BUT HIS PLOUGH!" |