
1Mr. Randall assumed the name of Davidson after succeeding to the estate of Muirhouse.

2Account of the Bell Rock Lighthouse. Drawn up by desire of the Commissioners of the Northern Lighthouses, by Robert Stevenson. Edinburgh, 1824.

37th September 1807.

4The tender was named after the great Engineer.

5Spink’s boat was too large to come close to the rock.

6Report of the Royal Commission on Lighthouses, 1861, p. 86.

7Translation also by Dr. Gregory:—“In the reign of George the Third, the father of his country, in the second year of the Provostship of Sir John Marjoribanks, Baronet, of Lees,—The citizens of Edinburgh having made this new and magnificent access over the neighbouring hill to the capital city, according to the plan of Robert Stevenson, Civil Engineer, ordered the name of the Regent, George Augustus Frederick, to be inscribed on this bridge.”

8From which Fig.14 has been made.

9The essays most favourably noticed are those of Mr. Alexander Scott, Mr. George Robertson, Mr. George Douglas, Mr. John Ruthven, Mr. James Dickson, Mr. James Walker (Carron), Mr. James Walker (Lauriston), Mr. John Fraser, Mr. John Wotherspoon, Mr. John Moore, and Mr. John Baird.

10Notice of the Ravages of Limnoria terebrans on Creosoted Timber.—Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. iv. and vol. viii.

11Vol. ii. p. 129.

12Vol. ii. p. 196.

13A Sketch of the Institution and the progress of the Hydrographical Department of the Admiralty, from its first establishment in the year 1795.

14Vol. x. p. 57.


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