
The Tolchini (a Navajo clan) lived at Wind Mountain. One of the brothers became crazy and he went off a long way, and on his return brought with him a pine bough; a second time he returned with corn, and from each trip he brought something new and had a story to tell about it. His brothers would not believe him, and said, "He is crazy; he does not know what he is talking about." The brothers, however, became very jealous of him, and constantly taunted him with being a crazy liar. The Tolchini left the Wind Mountain and went to a rocky foothill east of San Mateo Mountain. They had nothing to eat but a kind of seed grass. The eldest brother said, "Let us go hunt," and told the crazy brother not to leave the camp. But after five days and nights and no word coming from the brothers he determined to follow[pg 281] them and help them, bring home the game; he thought they had killed more deer than they could carry. After a day's travel he camped near a canyon, selecting a cavelike place in which to sleep, for he was tired and thirsty. There was much snow, but no water, so he made a fire and heated a rock and made a hole in the ground, and placing the rock in the cavity put in some snow, which melted and furnished him a draft to quench his thirst. Just then he heard a tumult over his head like people passing and he went out to see who made the noise, and he discovered many crows crossing back and forth over the canyon. This was the home of the crow. There were other feathered people also (the chaparral cock was among them). He saw also many fires which had been made by the crows on either side of the canyon. Two other crows arrived and stood near him and he listened hard to hear all that was being said. These two crows cried out, "Somebody says, somebody says." The youth did not know what to make of this. Then, a crow from the opposite side of the canyon called, "What is the matter; tell us, tell us; what is wrong?" The two first criers then said, "Two of us got killed; we met two men who told us. They said the two men, who were all the time traveling around (referring to the two brothers of the crazy youth), killed twelve deer and a party of our people went to the deer after they were killed. Two of us who went after the blood of the deer were shot." The crows on the other side of the canyon, called, "Which men got killed?" The first crier replied, "The chaparral cock, who sat on the horn of the deer, and the crow, who sat on its backbone." The other called out, "We are not surprised that they were killed; that is what we tell you all the time. If you will go after the dead deer you must expect to be killed." "We will not think of them longer; they are dead and gone. We are talking of things of long ago." The younger brother sat quietly below and listened to everything that was being said.

After a time the crows on the other side of the canyon made a great noise and began to dance. They had many songs at that time. The youth could not see what they were doing, but he listened all the time. After the dance began a great fire was made, and then he could see black objects moving, but he could not distinguish any people. He recognized the voice of Hasjelti. Though the youth was crazy, he remembered everything in his heart. He even remembered the words of the songs that continued all the night; he remembered every word of every song. He said to himself, "I will listen until daylight." These people did not remain on one side of the canyon where the first fires were built, but they crossed and recrossed in their dance and had fires on both sides of the canyon. They danced back and forth until daylight (on the ninth night of the Hasjelti Dailjis was a repetition of this dance), when all the crows and the other birds flew away to the west. All that he saw after they left was the fires and smoke. The crazy youth then started off in a run to his brothers' camp to tell what he had seen and heard. His[pg 282] brothers were up early and saw the boy approaching. They said, "I bet he will have lots of stories to tell. He will say he saw something no one ever saw, or somebody jumped on him." And the brother-in-law who was with them said, "Let him alone; when he comes into camp he will tell us all, and I believe these things do happen, for he could not make up these things all the time."

The camp was surrounded by piÑon brush and a large fire burned in the center of the inclosure; there was much meat roasting over the fire. As soon as the youth reached the camp he raked over the coals and said, "I feel cold." The brother-in-law replied, "It is cold. When people camp together they tell stories to one another in the mornings; we have told ours and we must now hear yours." The youth related his experiences of the past night. He said, "Where I stopped last night was the worst camp I ever had." The brothers kept their backs to the youth and pretended not to pay any attention, but the brother-in-law listened and questioned him. He continued, "I never heard such a noise." The brothers then remarked, "I thought he would say something like that" (they were jealous of this crazy brother, he saw so much they could not see). The brother-in-law was inclined to believe the youth's story and asked what kind of people made the noise. "I do not know. They were strange people to me, but I do know they danced all night back and forth across the canyon, and I know my brothers killed twelve deer, and afterwards killed two of their people who went for the blood of the deer. I heard them say, 'That is what must be expected if you will go to such places you must expect to be killed.'" The elder brother began thinking and without turning toward the youth asked, "How many deer did you say were killed?" and he answered "twelve." Then the older brother said, "Well, sir, you have told me many stories and I never believed you, but this story I do believe. What is the matter with you that you know all these things? How do you know these things and find out these things?" The youth replied, "I do not know how, but all these things come to my mind and my eyes." The elder brother said, "I will now give more thought to you and study how you find out all about these things. We have a lot of meat and we did not know how to get it home; now that you have come let us return; you shall carry the meat." When halfway home they were about to descend a mesa, and when on the edge they sat down to rest; then they saw far down the mesa four mountain sheep, and the brothers commanded the youth to kill one for them. They said, "Our meat is dry; your legs are fresh, so you will kill the sheep." The youth succeeded in heading off the sheep by hiding in a bush (Bigelovia Douglasii9) sometimes called sage brush but it is not the true sage brush. The sheep came directly toward him; he aimed his arrow at them, but before he could pull the bow his arm stiffened and became dead and the sheep passed by. All the sheep[pg 283] passed him, but he again headed them off by hiding in the stalks of a large yucca.10 The sheep passed within five steps of him, and again when the time to pull the bow came his arm stiffened. The crow people were watching him all the time. He again followed the sheep and got ahead of them and hid behind a birch tree in bloom; he had his bow ready, but as the sheep approached him they became gods. The first one was Hasjelti, the second was Hostjoghon, the third was Naaskiddi, the fourth one was Hadatchishi. At this strange metamorphosis the youth was greatly alarmed, he dropped his bow and fell to the ground senseless. Hasjelti stood at the east side of the youth, Hostjoghon to the south, Naaskiddi to the west, and Hadatchishi to the north of him. Each had a rattle, which was used to accompany the songs for the recovery of the youth. They also traced with their rattle in the sand this emblem, meaning a figure of a man, and drew parallel lines at the head and feet with the rattle. When this was done the youth recovered and the gods had again assumed the form of sheep. They asked the youth why he had tried to shoot them. "You see you are one of us," they said. The youth had become transformed into a sheep. "There is to be a dance far off to the north beyond Ute Mountain; we want you to go with us to the dance. We will dress you like ourselves and teach you to dance; we will then go over the world." The brothers who watched from the mesa top wondered what the trouble could be. They could not see the gods. They saw the youth lying on the ground and said, "We must go and see what is the matter." On reaching the place they found that their young brother had gone. They saw where he had lain and where the people had worked over him. They began crying and said, "For a long time we would not believe him, and now he has gone off with the sheep." They made many efforts to head off the sheep, but without success, and they cried all the more, saying, as they returned to the mesa, "Our brother told us the truth and we would not believe him; had we believed him he would not have gone off with the sheep; perhaps some day we will see him."

Illustration: Emblem

At the dance the sheep found seven others like themselves. This made their number twelve. The seven joined the others in their journey around the world. All people let them see their dances and learn their songs. Then all the number excepting the youth talked together and they said, "There is no use keeping him with us longer (referring to the youth); he has learned everything; he may as well go now and tell his people and have them do as we do." The youth was instructed to have twelve in the dance, six gods and six goddesses, with Hasjelti to lead them. He was told to have his people make masks to represent them. It would not do to have twelve Naaskiddi[pg 284] represented among the Navajo, for they would not believe it and there would be trouble. They could not learn all of their songs. The youth returned to his brothers, carrying with him all songs, all medicine, and clothing.

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