CHAPTER | | PAGE | I. | Introductory Considerations A Personal Life and Its Interest to Americans. The Process of Life from Within. A Life Built as One Would Have the Nation. | 1 | II. | The Problem of a Worth-While Life The Lincoln Boy of the Kentucky Woods. Home-Seekers in the Wild West. A Wonderful Family in the Desolate Wilderness. Way-Marks of Right Life. | 9 | III. | The Lincoln Boy How the Lincoln Boy Made the Lincoln Man. Some Signs Along the Early Way. Illustrations Showing the Making of a Man. Lincoln’s First Dollar. The Characteristics of a Superior Mind. | 27 | IV. | The Wilderness as the Garden of Political Liberty Small Beginnings in Public Esteem. Tests of Character on the Lawless Frontier. The Pioneer Missionary of Humanity. Experiences in the Indian War. Life-Making Decisions. | 45 | V. | Business Not Harmonious with the Struggle for Learning Making a Living and Learning the Meaning of Life. Out of the Wilderness Paths into the Great Highway. Lincoln’s First Law Case. The Man Who Could Not Live for Self Alone. | 68 | VI. | Helpfulness and Kindness of a Worth-While Character The Love of Freedom and Truth. Wit-Makers and Their Wit. Turbulent Times and Social Storms. The Frontier “Fire-Eater. “Honor to Whom Honor Is Due. | 83 | VII. | Simplicity and Sympathy Essential to Genuine Character Nearing the Heights of a Public Career. Some Characteristics of Momentous Times. The Beginnings of Great Tragedy. The Life Struggle of a Man Translated Into the Life Struggle of a Nation. Some Human Interests Making Lighter the Burdens of the Troubled Way. | 101 | VIII. | The Man and the Confidence of the People Typical Incidents From Among Momentous Scenes. Experiences Demanding Mercy and Not Sacrifice. Humanity and the Great School of Experience. Simple Interests That Never Grow Old. Some Incidents From the Great Years. | 121 | IX. | Falsehood Aids No One’s Truth Freedom to Misrepresent Is Not Freedom. Homely Ways To Express Truth. | 140 | X. | The Friend of Humanity The Great Tragedy. The Time When “Those Who Came To Scoff Remained To Pray. “Some Typical Examples Giving Views of Lincoln’s Life. Remembrance At the End of a Hundred Years. | 156 | XI. | Concluding Reflections A Masterpiece of Meaning for America. The Harmonizing Contrast of Men. The Mission of America. | 168 |