class="pginternal">393, 394, 397, 399, 400, 409–411; sent North in arrest, i. 415, 420, 421. Benjamin, Lieutenant, wounded, i. 211. Benjamin, Samuel N., Lieutenant, ii. 413, 425, 430, 449, 451, 478, 479, 483, 484, 492, 497. Benny Haven’s restaurant, adjacent to West Point, i. 50. Benton, Fort, i. 348; Berry Islands, Bahamas, i. 102. Bevard, Professor, French teacher at West Point, i. 34, 39. Biddle, Henry J., rival classmate, i. 25, 31, 32, 35–37, 46. Big Blackfoot River, i. 385; ii. 93. Big Canoe, Pend Oreille chief, ii. 83, 84. Big Chestnut, Camp of the, ii. 336–338. Big Folly Creek, ii. 390, 391. Big Horn River, ii. 108. Big Muddy River, i. 352. Big Star, Spokane chief, speech, ii. 138, 139. Big Top, Gros Ventre chief, i. 356. Bigelow, D.R., i. 415; ii. 168. Biles, James, i. 415. Bird, James, ii. 101, 114. Bird Island, ii. 382. Bird Tail Rock, i. 376; ii. 124. Birney, David B., General, ii. 457, 488, 492, 497. Bishop, David H., marries Susan B. Stevens, i. 68; Bissel, Lieutenant, i. 113. Bissel, of Illinois, i. 260. Bitter Root Mountains, i. 380–382; ii. 75, 127. Bitter Root River, i. 379, 382, 386; ii. 7
st@g@html@files@43590@43590-h@43590-h-10.htm.html#Page_248" class="pginternal">248, 257. Calhoun Guard, ii. 392. California, i. 233, 248, 252. Callender, Franklin D., i. 40, 41, 58, 116, 171, 172; Cambridge, Mass., i. 98. Cameron, James, Colonel, killed at Bull Run, ii. 321. Cameron, Simon, Secretary of War, Governor Stevens tenders sword and services to, ii. 316, 322. Camospelo, Cuyuse chief, ii. 46, 214. Campaigns of the Rio Grande and of Mexico, i. 255, 256, 267, 268. Campbell, Archibald, ii. 277. Campbell, Colonel, i. 125. Campbell, Fort, i. 348, 363. Campbell, L.M., marries Elizabeth B. Stevens, i. 82, 87; - announces death of wife, 97.
Campbell’s battery, ii. 442. Canby, E.R.S., General, classmate, i. 27, 132. CaÑete, actress, i. 224. Canning, John, ii. 70. Cape Fear River, i. 277. Capron, Captain, killed, i. 184. Carcowan, Chehalis chief, ii. 7. Caribbean Sea, i. 433. Carpenter, Stephen D., i. 40, 41, 58. Carigan, Sapper, burial of, remarks, i. 136. Carr, Joseph B., Colonel, ii. 448, 456. Carusi, Jamaica negro innkeeper, i. 434, 435. Casa Mata, fort at Molino del Rey, i. 205. Cascade Range, i. 288, 394–396; Cascades of the Columbia, i. 405; Casey, Silas, Lieutenant-Colonel, i. 208; ii. 172, 176, 185, 186, 188; - Governor Stevens proposes joint movement across Cascades, declined, 195;
- seeks to protect Indian murderers, correspondence with Governor Stevens, 236–240, 243, 244, 292.
Cass, Lewis, i. 236; - Secretary of State, Governor Stevens submits memoir to, against British exactions, ii. 221–223;
- turbulent warriors hanged by Colonel Wright, 231.
Cypress Mountain, i. 359, 368. Dale, Eben, i. 99. Dalles, i. 400, 405; ii. 28, 30, 151, 153, 197, 199, 206, 208, 257. Dana, N.T.J., General, i. 28. Danpher, Matthew, ii. 32. Daufuskie Island, ii. 382. Davidson, Lieutenant, ii. 222. Davies, Professor, i. 44. Davis, Camp, i. 308, 310. Davis, Jefferson, i. 261, 281, 285; - reports to, 287, 288, 422;
- order from, to stop survey, 423;
- disparages northern route, 427–430;
- answer to, 431;
- fault-finding, apologizes, 430;
- Governor Stevens reports to, ii. 209, 221–223, 227, 277, 287.
Davis, Jefferson, revenue cutter, ii. 185. Davis, Robert, i. 468. Dawkins Branch, ii. 454. Dead Colt Hillock line, i. 321. Dearborn, Orrin M., Lieutenant, ii. 415, 484. Dearborn River, i. 376; ii. 94, 124. Decatur, U.S. man of war, ii. 107, 185. Deficiency in funds, i. 366, 367, 423. De Hart, Lieutenant, i. 112. Delacour, Father, i. 325. De Lacy, W.W., ii. 168. Delaware Jim, ii. 69, 70, 108, 115, 117, 124. De Lein, Dr., i. 218. Democratic party, i. 260, 280; - nominates Governor Stevens for delegate in Congress, ii. 265;
- unanimously renominates him, 289;
- doctrines, 302.
Democratic convention at Vancouver, Governor Stevens withdraws, his speech, i. 314–316. Denig, Mr., i. 137. Ely, Ralph, Captain, ii. 377, 378. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, lectures, i. 81. Emigrants, circular letter to, ii. 274. Encerro, Santa Anna’s hacienda, i. 126, 129. En-cha-rae-nae Creek, i. 401. En-chush-chesh-she-luxum, Lake, i. 401. Endicott, William, i. 16. Engineer company, advocates, i. 93; English cemetery, City of Mexico, i. 210. Ensign, Lewis, ii. 248. Ensign, Shirley, i. 415. Ernst, Lieutenant, i. 112. Eskridge, Richard I., Colonel, U.S.A., married Susan Stevens; their children, Maud, Richard Stevens, Hazard Stevens, Virginia, Oliver, Mary Peyton, ii. 502. Esquimault Harbor, ii. 291. Ethan Allen, Fort, ii. 328. Eustis, Henry L., General, i. 27. Evans Guards, ii. 392. Evans, Elwood, i. 306, 328, 375; ii. 245, 246, 248, 261, 266. Evans, John, Dr., i. 287, 296, 302, 307, 351, 364. Evans, N.G., General, ii. 381, 411, 412, 450, 460. Evelyn, Mr., i. 306. Everett, Edward, ii. 302. Everett, T.S., i. 106, 308, 311. Ewell, Richard S., General, i. 27, 183; ii. 431, 433, 438, 441, 442, 446, 457, 487. Ewen, Camp, ii. 322. Fairhaven, Mass., takes charge of battery, i. 76, 80. Falls Church, ii. 330. Farnsworth, Addison, Colonel, ii. 425, 452, 459, 466. Faugh-a-ballagh, “Clear the way,” designation of 28th Massachusetts, ii. 291–295. Haro, Canal de, ii. 13. Harris, Major, i. 83. Haskin, Joseph P., Lieutenant, i. 114, 116, 132, 173. Hassard, Nicholas, i. 63. Hastings, L.B., i. 412. Hatch, Rufus, General, ii. 441, 460, 466, 468. Hathaway, M.R., ii. 168, 200. Hatteras, Cape, storm off, ii. 270. Havana, i. 433. Haverhill, Mass., i. 1, 35. Hawk, Isaac, i. 415. Hawley, Joseph R., Lieutenant-Colonel, ii. 395, 402, 405, 407, 414. Hayes, John L., i. 83, 257; ii. 273, 282, 498. Hayes, William, General, i. 28. Hays, Fort, i. 185, 234. Hays, Gilmore, i. 414; ii. 158, 168–171, 186; Hays, Harry T., General, ii. 487, 490, 495, 496. Hays, Isaac, ii. 170. Haymarket, Va., ii. 440. Hazard, Benjamin, i. 63–65, 70, 71; Hazard, Daniel L., i. 303; ii. 288, 289. Hazard, Emily L., i. 65, 94. Hazard, Harriet (nÉe Lyman), i. 65, 91. Hazard, Harriet L., i. 67. Hazard, Margaret L., i. 63, 64, 67, 79, 81, 87, 96. Hazard, Mary W., i. 65, 94, 95, 276. Hazard, Mrs., i. 232. Hazard, Nancy, i. 87, 91, 95, 96, 268, 269. Hazard, Thomas G., i. 25, 26, 163. Indian war debt, ii. 296; Indiana, 19th regiment volunteers, ii. 329, 330. Ingalls, Mary, wife of Joseph, i. 3. Ingalls, Rufus, Captain, ii. 296. Ingraham, Sampson, i. 269. Ip-se-male-e-con or Spotted Eagle, Nez Perce chief, i. 58. Ireland, David, Captain, ii. 335. Irish volunteers, ii. 392. Irons, Lieutenant, killed, i. 184. Irvin, Colonel, i. 224. Irwin, Lieutenant, ii. 362. Istacalco, i. 207. Ives, Robert, Captain, ii. 482, 483. Iztaccihuatl, mountain in Mexico, i. 159. Jack, i. 393. Jackson Club, i. 269. Jackson, Fort, near Savannah, i. 230. Jackson, J.H., Colonel, ii. 395. Jackson, John R., i. 411, 440; ii. 170. Jackson, Thomas J., General, ii. 426, 427, 431, 434, 438, 441, 446, 452, 462, 468, 471, 475, 479, 480; Jacksonville, Fla., ii. 357. Jacques River, i. 330. Jalapa, i. 123, 126, 129, 130; James Island, ii. 380–388; James, Nez Perce chief, ii. 63, 217. James or Jacques River, i. 277, 320, 330, 331. James River, Va., ii. 423. Jameson, Mr., i. 201. Jamestown, i. 320. Janney, Mrs., i. 226, 264, 265. Jefferson, Va., ii. 431.
es/43589/43589-h/43589-h.htm#Page_341" class="pgexternal">341. Louisburg, i. 3. Louisiana volunteers, 4th, ii. 409, 411. Lovell, Mansfield, i. 28. Low, J.M., i. 412. Lowell, Mass., i. 68. Low Horn, Piegan chief, i. 374; ii. 99. Lugenbeel, Major, ii. 206. Lummi Indians, ii. 256. Lummi River, i. 468. Lupton, Major, ii. 200, 201. Lusk, William T., ii. 343, 368, 459, 482, 483, 485, 497. Lyman, Daniel, Colonel, i. 65. Lyman, Harriet, i. 65. Lymans, i. 77. Lyon, Nathaniel, General, i. 28. Lyons, Benjamin R., Lieutenant, ii. 366, 372, 402, 405, 406; Maryland volunteers, 2d, ii. 457. Macfeely, Robert, Lieutenant, i. 307, 370, 393. Madison, Port, i. 468; ii. 256. Maginn, i. 389. Magruder, John B., Captain, i. 114, 171, 172, 176, 211. Maine, i. 3, 5. Maine volunteers, i. 209; Maison du Chien, i. 338. Makah Indians, treaty with, i. 473–477. Major Tompkins’s steamer, i. 413, 462. Malinche, mountain in Mexico, i. 159. Maloney, Maurice, Captain, ii. 158, 207. Manassas Gap Railroad, ii. 434. Manassas Junction, ii. 431, 434, 435, 439. Mansfield Joseph, K.F., Colonel, i. 230, 237, 255; ii. 285. Man-who-goes-on-Horseback, Gros Ventre chief, i. 356. Maple River, i. 326. Marble Ridge Farm, stratagem against Indians, i. 7. Marcy, Camp, i. 319. Marcy, William L., Secretary of State, i. 273; Mexico, i. 91. Mexico, City of, defenses of, i. 154, 163; Micheau, Butte, i. 327. Michelle, head chief of Koo-te-nays, ii. 77; - at Flathead council, 84, 88.
Michigan. See 8th regiment volunteers. Miles, General, ii. 63. Milk Creek, scene of Walla Walla council, ii. 31, 218. Milk River, i. 353–355, 361, 362. Millard, Justin, ii. 168. Millard, M.B., ii. 168. Miller, Bluford, Captain, ii. 169, 171, 187, 197; - arrests Judge Lander, 248.
Miller, General, i. 45. Miller, W.W., General, ii. 168, 193; - appointed Superintendent of Indian Affairs, 307, 313.
Milroy, Robert H., General, ii. 446, 447, 451, 452, 470. Minot, i. 320. Minter, J.F., i. 307, 398–400, 406. Minton, John R., i. 116. Missionaries, Catholic, not disturbed by hostiles, ii. 132, 225; - Governor Stevens’s opinion of, as neutrals, 228, 229.
Mississippi River, i. 288, 302, 303, 308–310, 353. Missoula, town, river, valley, i. 379; ii. 93. Missouri, Coteau du, i. 338–340, 345. Missouri River, i. 297, 302, 345, 362. Mitchell, Joseph L., ii. 248. Mix, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, ii. 271–275. Mixcoac, i. 201, 202. Moffett, Joseph F., i. 306, 322. Molinard, Professor at West Point, i. 32. Molino del Rey, battle of, i. 204–207. Monroe, Fortress, i. 60; ii. 343, 365, 376, 380–382, 387. Pembina, i. 298, 335. Pembina carts, train, i. 313, 314. Pembina, gunboat, ii. 358. PeÑa y PeÑa, Mexican statesman, i. 219. Pend Oreille Indians, i. 386, 390; ii. 22–77, 79, 80, 92, 99, 109, 114. Pend Oreille, Lake, i. 370, 401; ii. 17. Pender, W.D., General, ii. 487, 495, 496. Penn’s Cove, ii. 256. Pennsylvania volunteers, i. 112, 209; - 47th, ii. 333.
- See 50th, 100th or Roundheads;
- 45th, 50th, 76th, 97th, 100th, 395–409;
- 26th, 455;
- 48th, 457;
- 51st, 470, 489, 495;
- 57th, 488, 495.
Penobscot River, Me., i. 84, 88. PeÑon, i. 163–165; - Lieutenant Stevens’s close reconnoissance of, 166, 167, 190.
Percival, S.W., i. 415; ii. 169. Perote, Mexico, i. 138, 153. Perry, James H., Colonel, ii. 358, 361, 364. Perry, Matthew C., Commodore, i. 257. Perry, Oliver Hazard, Commodore, i. 62. Peter, Captain Lee’s man, murdered, i. 222. Peter, John Colville, Spokane chief, speech, ii. 138. Peters, John A., lectures in Bucksport, i. 93. Pettygrove, F.W., i. 412. Phelps, John W., General i. 28. Philadelphia, trip to, i. 53. Phillips Academy, enters, i. 19. Phillips, Wendell, lectures in North Andover, i. 10. Piatt, A. Sanders, General, ii. 453. Pickett, George E. Captain, occupies San Juan Island, ii. 290–295. Piedad, church, village, causeway, Mexico, i. 164, 207. Piegan Indians, i. 348, 351; - talk with, 373, 374; ii. 202.
- Quillehute Indians, ii. 8.
- Quil-to-mee, Yakima chief, ii. 222.
- Quinaiult Indians, ii. 1–9.
- Quin-quim-moe-so, Spokane chief, speech, ii. 139.
- Quitman, John A., General, i. 119, 136, 137, 141, 153, 157;
- Rabbeson, A.B., i. 412; ii. 169, 171, 187.
- Rabbit River, i. 322.
- Raccoon Ford, ii. 426.
- Rainier, i. 438.
- Rains, G.J., Major, i. 405; ii. 28, 29, 140, 158;
- expedition to Yakima valley, 160, 207.
- Ramsay, Senator, ii. 266, 298.
- Randolph, George E., Captain, ii. 488, 492, 497.
- Randolph, Julia, i. 67.
- Randolph, Kidder, i. 88.
- Randolph, Lewis, Lieutenant, ii. 468.
- Randolph, Lucy, i. 83.
- Ransom, Dunbar R., Lieutenant, ii. 355, 359, 469.
- Ransom, Trueman B., Colonel, i. 173, 176.
- Rapidan River, ii. 426, 427.
- Rappahannock River, ii. 425, 427, 428, 430.
- Rappahannock station, ii. 427.
- Rattlers, i. 376; ii. 124.
- Ravalli, PÈre, i. 389; ii. 22, 72, 210.
- Raymond, N., ii. 33.
- Red House Ford, ii. 437, 474.
- Red River, i. 320.
- Red River hunters from Pembina, i. 333–337.
- Red River hunters from Selkirk settlements, i. 339–341.
- Red River traders, i. 325, 326.
- Red Wolf, Nez Perce chief, ii. 58, 63, 70, 112.
- Shaler, Alexander, Lieutenant-Colonel, ii. 329.
- Shaw, B.F., Colonel, i. 415, 453; ii. 1, 3, 5, 148, 151, 168, 171;
- marches across Cascades to Walla Walla, i. 197;
- battle of Grande Ronde 201–203, 211, 212, 221;
- arrests Judge Lander, 244.
- Shazer, George i. 462.
- Shead, Oliver, Captain, ii. 169, 171.
- She-nah-nam or Medicine Creek, i. 456.
- Shepard, George, lectures in Bucksport, i. 93.
- Sherburne, Miss, marriage to Lieutenant Whipple, i. 84.
- Sheridan, P.H., General, ii. 190, 303.
- Sherman, Thomas W., General, i. 28; ii. 338, 340, 341, 346, 349, 350, 357, 358, 368, 369, 376, 383.
- Sherman, William T., General, i. 28; ii. 303, 385.
- Sheyenne River, i. 315, 327, 332.
- Shields, James, General, i. 125, 129, 154, 166, 181, 182, 220, 221;
- Shoalwater Bay, i. 411.
- Shoshone or Snake Indians, i. 346.
- Shroder, Mrs., i. 67.
- Sibley, i. 166, 178, 176.
- Sigel, Franz, General, ii. 427–429, 432–434, 439, 440, 442, 445–449, 465, 494.
- Simcoe River, branch of Yakima, ii. 63.
- Simmons, M.T., Colonel, i. 415, 445
w.gutenberg.org/files/43589/43589-h/43589-h.htm#Page_296" class="pgexternal">296, 306, 308, 359, 368, 370, 373, 375, 378, 385, 392, 397, 403, 405.
- Stanley, Lake, i. 318.
- Stannard, George J., Lieutenant-Colonel, ii. 329.
- Stanton, Edwin M., ii. 303, 312.
- Stanton, of Tennessee, i. 260.
- Starke, William E., General, ii. 446, 487, 489, 490, 495, 496.
- Steachus, Cuyuse chief, ii. 50, 53, 57, 148, 150.
- Stebbins, second mate bark Prompt, i. 99.
- Steele, Richard, Lieutenant, i. 123, 124.
- Steilacoom, Fort, i. 296, 297, 412; ii. 156, 159, 267.
- Stellam, head chief Coeur d’Alenes, ii. 129;
- Stephens, Alexander H., ii. 306.
- Steptoe, E.J., battery, i. 141.
- Steptoe, E.J. Colonel, defeat by Spokanes, ii. 185, 206;
- at peace council, 210–221;
- Indians attack his camp, 222;
- marches back to Dalles, 223, 225, 226;
- defeated by Spokanes, 230, 283.
- Stevensburg, ii. 427, 428.
- Stevens Cantonment, ii. 80.
- Stevens Guards, ii. 132, 151, 169.
- Stevens hat, ii. 268.
- Stevens, Abiel, captured by Indians, i. 3.
- Stevens, Asa, Captain, died in Lake George campaign, i. 3.
- Stevens, Benjamin, Jr., i. 2.
- Stevens, Charles A., cousin, i. 33, 98, 99.
- Stevens, Dolly, i. 4.
- Stevens, Eliza, aunt, death of, i. 45.
- Stevens, Eliza, cousin, i. 91.
- Stevens, Elizabeth Barker, sister, i. 11;
- letters to, 130, 144.
- Til-coos-tay, Flathead chief, ii. 86.
- Tilden, Bryant P., i. 58, 72, 132.
- Tilton, Fort, i. 184.
- Tilton, James, Major, i. 445; ii. 123, 159, 168, 176, 193, 248.
- Timothy, Nez Perce chief, ii. 39, 57, 63, 70, 217.
- Tinkham, Abiel W., assistant at Fort Knox, i. 88, 233, 268, 295, 298, 306, 308, 314, 319, 321, 322, 326, 330–334, 341, 342, 370, 381, 383–385;
- ordered to examine Snoqualmie Pass, 406;
- his successful trip, 408, 422, 427.
- Tin-tin-meet-see, ii. 148.
- Tlascala, i. 144.
- Tleyuk, Chehalis chief, ii. 7, 8.
- Tlinkits, northern Indians, i. 452.
- Todd, John B.S., General, i. 28.
- Tolmie, William Frazer, Dr., i. 412.
- Toombs, R., General, ii. 494.
- Totten, Joseph G., General, i. 60–62, 89–91, 94, 98, 105, 109, 114, 119, 226, 227, 235, 237, 239, 256;
- Touchet River, i. 402; ii. 218.
- Tower, Zealous B., General, i. 28;
- draws character of General Stevens, 43, 58, 105, 108,
- Wanton, Gideon, Governor, i. 65.
- Wanton, John G., i. 65.
- Wanton, Mary, “Charming Polly,” i. 65.
- Warbass, Edward D., ii. 169, 187.
- Warbass, N.G., Dr., i. 439; ii. 168.
- Ward, Ira, i. 415.
- Warfield, L.A., Captain, ii. 343.
- Warren, Dr., treats rupture, i. 18.
- Warren, G.K., Colonel, ii. 466, 469.
- Warrenton, ii. 430, 432.
- Warrenton Junction, ii. 430–432.
- Washington, Camp, near Vera Cruz, i. 115.
- Washington, Camp, south of Spokane River, i. 3399, 400.
- Washington, George, General, i. 62.
- Washington, George, i. 412.
- Washington, Territory of, formed, i. 280;
- appointed governor of, 282;
- sparse settlements in, 411–414;
- Governor Stevens’s messages to legislature, 418, 419, 445, 447; ii. 162–164, 262;
- resolution that governor visit Washington, i. 424;
- of censure, ii. 263–264.
- Washington Artillery, ii. 450.
- Washington City, visits, i. 75, 89, 226, 237;
- Washington Lake, ii. 188.
- Washington Mounted Rifles, ii. 169, 197.
- Washington territorial library, purchased, i. 300.
- Washington volunteers, called out by Governor Mason, disbanded by Wool, ii. 149, 158, 160, 168–171, 189;
- mustered out on Sound, 192;
- all disbanded, character and services, 232–235.
- Waterloo Bridge, ii. 430.
- Watson, Colonel, i. 221.
- Watson, Major, ii. 366.
- Webster, Daniel, i. 75, 248, 249.
- Weed, Stephen H., Captain, ii. 470.
- Weed, Charles E., ii. 168, 248.
- Wee-lap-to-leek, chief of Tigh Indians, ii. 214.
- Wellman, Captain, bark Prompt, i. 99, 108.
- Welsh, Thomas, Colonel, ii. 395.
- Wenass River, ii. 197.
- Wenatche River, i. 395; ii. 64.
- West, Mr., ii. 329.
- West Point, i. 22, The Riverside Press
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