

class="pginternal">393, 394, 397, 399, 400, 409–411;
  • sent North in arrest, i. 415, 420, 421.
  • Benjamin, Lieutenant, wounded, i. 211.
  • Benjamin, Samuel N., Lieutenant, ii. 413, 425, 430, 449, 451, 478, 479, 483, 484, 492, 497.
  • Benny Haven’s restaurant, adjacent to West Point, i. 50.
  • Benton, Fort, i. 348;
  • Berry Islands, Bahamas, i. 102.
  • Bevard, Professor, French teacher at West Point, i. 34, 39.
  • Biddle, Henry J., rival classmate, i. 25, 31, 32, 35–37, 46.
  • Big Blackfoot River, i. 385; ii. 93.
  • Big Canoe, Pend Oreille chief, ii. 83, 84.
  • Big Chestnut, Camp of the, ii. 336–338.
  • Big Folly Creek, ii. 390, 391.
  • Big Horn River, ii. 108.
  • Big Muddy River, i. 352.
  • Big Star, Spokane chief, speech, ii. 138, 139.
  • Big Top, Gros Ventre chief, i. 356.
  • Bigelow, D.R., i. 415; ii. 168.
  • Biles, James, i. 415.
  • Bird, James, ii. 101, 114.
  • Bird Island, ii. 382.
  • Bird Tail Rock, i. 376; ii. 124.
  • Birney, David B., General, ii. 457, 488, 492, 497.
  • Bishop, David H., marries Susan B. Stevens, i. 68;
    • announces her death, 77.
  • Bissel, Lieutenant, i. 113.
  • Bissel, of Illinois, i. 260.
  • Bitter Root Mountains, i. 380–382; ii. 75, 127.
  • Bitter Root River, i. 379, 382, 386; ii. 7 st@g@html@files@43590@43590-h@43590-h-10.htm.html#Page_248" class="pginternal">248, 257.
  • Calhoun Guard, ii. 392.
  • California, i. 233, 248, 252.
  • Callender, Franklin D., i. 40, 41, 58, 116, 171, 172;
  • Cambridge, Mass., i. 98.
  • Cameron, James, Colonel, killed at Bull Run, ii. 321.
  • Cameron, Simon, Secretary of War, Governor Stevens tenders sword and services to, ii. 316, 322.
  • Camospelo, Cuyuse chief, ii. 46, 214.
  • Campaigns of the Rio Grande and of Mexico, i. 255, 256, 267, 268.
  • Campbell, Archibald, ii. 277.
  • Campbell, Colonel, i. 125.
  • Campbell, Fort, i. 348, 363.
  • Campbell, L.M., marries Elizabeth B. Stevens, i. 82, 87;
    • announces death of wife, 97.
  • Campbell’s battery, ii. 442.
  • Canby, E.R.S., General, classmate, i. 27, 132.
  • CaÑete, actress, i. 224.
  • Canning, John, ii. 70.
  • Cape Fear River, i. 277.
  • Capron, Captain, killed, i. 184.
  • Carcowan, Chehalis chief, ii. 7.
  • Caribbean Sea, i. 433.
  • Carpenter, Stephen D., i. 40, 41, 58.
  • Carigan, Sapper, burial of, remarks, i. 136.
  • Carr, Joseph B., Colonel, ii. 448, 456.
  • Carusi, Jamaica negro innkeeper, i. 434, 435.
  • Casa Mata, fort at Molino del Rey, i. 205.
  • Cascade Range, i. 288, 394–396;
  • Cascades of the Columbia, i. 405;
    • massacre, ii. 190.
  • Casey, Silas, Lieutenant-Colonel, i. 208; ii. 172, 176, 185, 186, 188;
    • Governor Stevens proposes joint movement across Cascades, declined, 195;
    • seeks to protect Indian murderers, correspondence with Governor Stevens, 236–240, 243, 244, 292.
  • Cass, Lewis, i. 236;
    • Secretary of State, Governor Stevens submits memoir to, against British exactions, ii. 221–223;
    • turbulent warriors hanged by Colonel Wright, 231.
  • Cypress Mountain, i. 359, 368.
  • Dale, Eben, i. 99.
  • Dalles, i. 400, 405; ii. 28, 30, 151, 153, 197, 199, 206, 208, 257.
  • Dana, N.T.J., General, i. 28.
  • Danpher, Matthew, ii. 32.
  • Daufuskie Island, ii. 382.
  • Davidson, Lieutenant, ii. 222.
  • Davies, Professor, i. 44.
  • Davis, Camp, i. 308, 310.
  • Davis, Jefferson, i. 261, 281, 285;
  • Davis, Jefferson, revenue cutter, ii. 185.
  • Davis, Robert, i. 468.
  • Dawkins Branch, ii. 454.
  • Dead Colt Hillock line, i. 321.
  • Dearborn, Orrin M., Lieutenant, ii. 415, 484.
  • Dearborn River, i. 376; ii. 94, 124.
  • Decatur, U.S. man of war, ii. 107, 185.
  • Deficiency in funds, i. 366, 367, 423.
  • De Hart, Lieutenant, i. 112.
  • Delacour, Father, i. 325.
  • De Lacy, W.W., ii. 168.
  • Delaware Jim, ii. 69, 70, 108, 115, 117, 124.
  • De Lein, Dr., i. 218.
  • Democratic party, i. 260, 280;
    • nominates Governor Stevens for delegate in Congress, ii. 265;
    • unanimously renominates him, 289;
    • doctrines, 302.
  • Democratic convention at Vancouver, Governor Stevens withdraws, his speech, i. 314–316.
  • Denig, Mr., i. 137.
  • Ely, Ralph, Captain, ii. 377, 378.
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo, lectures, i. 81.
  • Emigrants, circular letter to, ii. 274.
  • Encerro, Santa Anna’s hacienda, i. 126, 129.
  • En-cha-rae-nae Creek, i. 401.
  • En-chush-chesh-she-luxum, Lake, i. 401.
  • Endicott, William, i. 16.
  • Engineer company, advocates, i. 93;
  • English cemetery, City of Mexico, i. 210.
  • Ensign, Lewis, ii. 248.
  • Ensign, Shirley, i. 415.
  • Ernst, Lieutenant, i. 112.
  • Eskridge, Richard I., Colonel, U.S.A., married Susan Stevens; their children, Maud, Richard Stevens, Hazard Stevens, Virginia, Oliver, Mary Peyton, ii. 502.
  • Esquimault Harbor, ii. 291.
  • Ethan Allen, Fort, ii. 328.
  • Eustis, Henry L., General, i. 27.
  • Evans Guards, ii. 392.
  • Evans, Elwood, i. 306, 328, 375; ii. 245, 246, 248, 261, 266.
  • Evans, John, Dr., i. 287, 296, 302, 307, 351, 364.
  • Evans, N.G., General, ii. 381, 411, 412, 450, 460.
  • Evelyn, Mr., i. 306.
  • Everett, Edward, ii. 302.
  • Everett, T.S., i. 106, 308, 311.
  • Ewell, Richard S., General, i. 27, 183; ii. 431, 433, 438, 441, 442, 446, 457, 487.
  • Ewen, Camp, ii. 322.
  • Fairhaven, Mass., takes charge of battery, i. 76, 80.
  • Falls Church, ii. 330.
  • Farnsworth, Addison, Colonel, ii. 425, 452, 459, 466.
  • Faugh-a-ballagh, “Clear the way,” designation of 28th Massachusetts, ii. 291–295.
  • Haro, Canal de, ii. 13.
  • Harris, Major, i. 83.
  • Haskin, Joseph P., Lieutenant, i. 114, 116, 132, 173.
  • Hassard, Nicholas, i. 63.
  • Hastings, L.B., i. 412.
  • Hatch, Rufus, General, ii. 441, 460, 466, 468.
  • Hathaway, M.R., ii. 168, 200.
  • Hatteras, Cape, storm off, ii. 270.
  • Havana, i. 433.
  • Haverhill, Mass., i. 1, 35.
  • Hawk, Isaac, i. 415.
  • Hawley, Joseph R., Lieutenant-Colonel, ii. 395, 402, 405, 407, 414.
  • Hayes, John L., i. 83, 257; ii. 273, 282, 498.
  • Hayes, William, General, i. 28.
  • Hays, Fort, i. 185, 234.
  • Hays, Gilmore, i. 414; ii. 158, 168–171, 186;
    • resigns, 189.
  • Hays, Harry T., General, ii. 487, 490, 495, 496.
  • Hays, Isaac, ii. 170.
  • Haymarket, Va., ii. 440.
  • Hazard, Benjamin, i. 63–65, 70, 71;
    • death, 77.
  • Hazard, Daniel L., i. 303; ii. 288, 289.
  • Hazard, Emily L., i. 65, 94.
  • Hazard, Harriet (nÉe Lyman), i. 65, 91.
  • Hazard, Harriet L., i. 67.
  • Hazard, Margaret L., i. 63, 64, 67, 79, 81, 87, 96.
  • Hazard, Mary W., i. 65, 94, 95, 276.
  • Hazard, Mrs., i. 232.
  • Hazard, Nancy, i. 87, 91, 95, 96, 268, 269.
  • Hazard, Thomas G., i. 25, 26, 163.
  • Indian war debt, ii. 296;
  • Indiana, 19th regiment volunteers, ii. 329, 330.
  • Ingalls, Mary, wife of Joseph, i. 3.
  • Ingalls, Rufus, Captain, ii. 296.
  • Ingraham, Sampson, i. 269.
  • Ip-se-male-e-con or Spotted Eagle, Nez Perce chief, i. 58.
  • Ireland, David, Captain, ii. 335.
  • Irish volunteers, ii. 392.
  • Irons, Lieutenant, killed, i. 184.
  • Irvin, Colonel, i. 224.
  • Irwin, Lieutenant, ii. 362.
  • Istacalco, i. 207.
  • Ives, Robert, Captain, ii. 482, 483.
  • Iztaccihuatl, mountain in Mexico, i. 159.
  • Jack, i. 393.
  • Jackson Club, i. 269.
  • Jackson, Fort, near Savannah, i. 230.
  • Jackson, J.H., Colonel, ii. 395.
  • Jackson, John R., i. 411, 440; ii. 170.
  • Jackson, Thomas J., General, ii. 426, 427, 431, 434, 438, 441, 446, 452, 462, 468, 471, 475, 479, 480;
  • Jacksonville, Fla., ii. 357.
  • Jacques River, i. 330.
  • Jalapa, i. 123, 126, 129, 130;
  • James Island, ii. 380–388;
  • James, Nez Perce chief, ii. 63, 217.
  • James or Jacques River, i. 277, 320, 330, 331.
  • James River, Va., ii. 423.
  • Jameson, Mr., i. 201.
  • Jamestown, i. 320.
  • Janney, Mrs., i. 226, 264, 265.
  • Jefferson, Va., ii. 431.341.
  • Louisburg, i. 3.
  • Louisiana volunteers, 4th, ii. 409, 411.
  • Lovell, Mansfield, i. 28.
  • Low, J.M., i. 412.
  • Lowell, Mass., i. 68.
  • Low Horn, Piegan chief, i. 374; ii. 99.
  • Lugenbeel, Major, ii. 206.
  • Lummi Indians, ii. 256.
  • Lummi River, i. 468.
  • Lupton, Major, ii. 200, 201.
  • Lusk, William T., ii. 343, 368, 459, 482, 483, 485, 497.
  • Lyman, Daniel, Colonel, i. 65.
  • Lyman, Harriet, i. 65.
  • Lymans, i. 77.
  • Lyon, Nathaniel, General, i. 28.
  • Lyons, Benjamin R., Lieutenant, ii. 366, 372, 402, 405, 406;
    • death of, 415.
  • Maryland volunteers, 2d, ii. 457.
  • Macfeely, Robert, Lieutenant, i. 307, 370, 393.
  • Madison, Port, i. 468; ii. 256.
  • Maginn, i. 389.
  • Magruder, John B., Captain, i. 114, 171, 172, 176, 211.
  • Maine, i. 3, 5.
  • Maine volunteers, i. 209;
    • 6th regiment, ii. 332;
    • 3d and 4th, 488, 495.
  • Maison du Chien, i. 338.
  • Makah Indians, treaty with, i. 473–477.
  • Major Tompkins’s steamer, i. 413, 462.
  • Malinche, mountain in Mexico, i. 159.
  • Maloney, Maurice, Captain, ii. 158, 207.
  • Manassas Gap Railroad, ii. 434.
  • Manassas Junction, ii. 431, 434, 435, 439.
  • Mansfield Joseph, K.F., Colonel, i. 230, 237, 255; ii. 285.
  • Man-who-goes-on-Horseback, Gros Ventre chief, i. 356.
  • Maple River, i. 326.
  • Marble Ridge Farm, stratagem against Indians, i. 7.
  • Marcy, Camp, i. 319.
  • Marcy, William L., Secretary of State, i. 273;
  • Mexico, i. 91.
  • Mexico, City of, defenses of, i. 154, 163;
  • Micheau, Butte, i. 327.
  • Michelle, head chief of Koo-te-nays, ii. 77;
    • at Flathead council, 84, 88.
  • Michigan. See 8th regiment volunteers.
  • Miles, General, ii. 63.
  • Milk Creek, scene of Walla Walla council, ii. 31, 218.
  • Milk River, i. 353–355, 361, 362.
  • Millard, Justin, ii. 168.
  • Millard, M.B., ii. 168.
  • Miller, Bluford, Captain, ii. 169, 171, 187, 197;
    • arrests Judge Lander, 248.
  • Miller, General, i. 45.
  • Miller, W.W., General, ii. 168, 193;
    • appointed Superintendent of Indian Affairs, 307, 313.
  • Milroy, Robert H., General, ii. 446, 447, 451, 452, 470.
  • Minot, i. 320.
  • Minter, J.F., i. 307, 398–400, 406.
  • Minton, John R., i. 116.
  • Missionaries, Catholic, not disturbed by hostiles, ii. 132, 225;
    • Governor Stevens’s opinion of, as neutrals, 228, 229.
  • Mississippi River, i. 288, 302, 303, 308–310, 353.
  • Missoula, town, river, valley, i. 379; ii. 93.
  • Missouri, Coteau du, i. 338–340, 345.
  • Missouri River, i. 297, 302, 345, 362.
  • Mitchell, Joseph L., ii. 248.
  • Mix, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, ii. 271–275.
  • Mixcoac, i. 201, 202.
  • Moffett, Joseph F., i. 306, 322.
  • Molinard, Professor at West Point, i. 32.
  • Molino del Rey, battle of, i. 204–207.
  • Monroe, Fortress, i. 60; ii. 343, 365, 376, 380–382, 387.
  • Pembina, i. 298, 335.
  • Pembina carts, train, i. 313, 314.
  • Pembina, gunboat, ii. 358.
  • PeÑa y PeÑa, Mexican statesman, i. 219.
  • Pend Oreille Indians, i. 386, 390; ii. 22–77, 79, 80, 92, 99, 109, 114.
  • Pend Oreille, Lake, i. 370, 401; ii. 17.
  • Pender, W.D., General, ii. 487, 495, 496.
  • Penn’s Cove, ii. 256.
  • Pennsylvania volunteers, i. 112, 209;
  • Penobscot River, Me., i. 84, 88.
  • PeÑon, i. 163–165;
    • Lieutenant Stevens’s close reconnoissance of, 166, 167, 190.
  • Percival, S.W., i. 415; ii. 169.
  • Perote, Mexico, i. 138, 153.
  • Perry, James H., Colonel, ii. 358, 361, 364.
  • Perry, Matthew C., Commodore, i. 257.
  • Perry, Oliver Hazard, Commodore, i. 62.
  • Peter, Captain Lee’s man, murdered, i. 222.
  • Peter, John Colville, Spokane chief, speech, ii. 138.
  • Peters, John A., lectures in Bucksport, i. 93.
  • Pettygrove, F.W., i. 412.
  • Phelps, John W., General i. 28.
  • Philadelphia, trip to, i. 53.
  • Phillips Academy, enters, i. 19.
  • Phillips, Wendell, lectures in North Andover, i. 10.
  • Piatt, A. Sanders, General, ii. 453.
  • Pickett, George E. Captain, occupies San Juan Island, ii. 290–295.
  • Piedad, church, village, causeway, Mexico, i. 164, 207.
  • Piegan Indians, i. 348, 351;

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