tml@files@49402@49402-h@49402-h-6.htm.html#Page_30" class="pginternal">30 Battle of the Wisconsin Heights, 218, 221 Beall, Alexander (Maj.), 123, 194 Beardstown, 85, 93, 117, 154, 157, 160, 188, 278, 279, 282, 283 Beauty of Rock Island, 95 Beckwith, L’t. Col. Daniel W., 169 Berry, Thomas G. (Col.), 160 Biggerstaff, Ardin (Capt.), 190 Black Hawk, Capacities, 20 Black Hawk, Grave Robbed, 273 Black Hawk, Not a Chief, 21, 80 Black Hawk, Village, See V. " Burbank, Sid. (L’t.), 126 Burlington, Iowa, 78, 270 Burning of Black Hawk’s Bones, 274 Burns, James (Capt.), 194 Butler, Peter (Capt.), 193 Butler, Walter (Capt.), 194
> Davis, Jefferson (L’t.), 120, 122, 141, 142, 192, 198, 240, 284, Appendix, 290 De Camp, Samuel G.I. (Surgeon), 246 Decori, which includes “One-eyed Decori”, 210, 228, 231, 232 Dee Sulhorst, Justus, 143 De Hart, William C. (L’t.), 243 De Lassus, Pierre C., 171 Dement, John (Maj.), 93, 125, 130, 140, 164, 187, 190, 192, 197, 198, 208, 209, 301 Desertion from British Army, 42 Des Moines Rapids, 37, 111 Durman, Jonathan (Capt.), 190, 191
iles@49402@49402-h@49402-h-11.htm.html#Page_46" class="pginternal">46, 268, 270 Ft. Selby, Including Capture and Loss, 47, 48, 51 Ft. Wilbourn, 140, 159, 172, 188, 189, 194, 196, 204, 205, 286 Ft. Winnebago, 112, 114, 121, 189, 208, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 235, 287 Funk, Mr. ––, of McLean Co., 198 Gaines, Gen. Edmund P., 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 238 Galena, 120, 129, 141, 142, 154, 156, 77, 111, 116, 139, 140, 146, 148, 188 Indian Maiden at Fort Madison, 40 Iowa Village, Battle at, 69, 70 Jackson, Andrew, 57, 58, 60, 193, 212, 242, 260, 261, 273 Macomb, Maj.-Gen. Alex, 228 Madding, Champion S. (Capt.), 191 Ma-ka-tai-she-kia-kiak, 17, 64, 98 Manner of Enlistments, 119 March, Enoch C. (Col.), 93, 94, 116, 140, 188, 193, 195, 212, 222 March to Rock River Mouth, in 1831, 92 March to the Wisconsin, 216 March to Yellow Banks in 1832, 118, etc. Marshall, Humphrey (L’t.), 245 Marshall, Thomas I. or J., 124 Marsac, Joseph F. (Capt.), 255 Mason, Stevens T. (Gov.), 254, 256 McLean Hist. Society, 136 McMillen, Meredith S., 218 McMurtry, William (Capt.), 193
Phrenological Comments, 18, 19 Pickett, John (L’t.), 253 Pierce, Earl (Capt.), 160 Pike, Zebulon M. (L’t.), 31, 32, 37 Pinckney, Ninian (Capt.), 37, 38 Portage des Sioux, Treaty of, 60 Posey, Alexander (Gen.), 190, 192, 193, 197, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 65 Scott, Winfield (Gen.), 168, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 38, 41, 42, 44, 56, 140, 154, 188, 266 St. Peter’s Indian Agency, 101, 102 Sullivan, John (Capt.), 47, 48 Superior, The–-Boat, 242 et seq. Sycamore Creek, 137, 139, 156, 161, 162, 204, 205, 238, 285, 286
@g@html@files@49402@49402-h@49402-h-37.htm.html#Page_225" class="pginternal">225, 227, 1.Occasionally rendered in early life “Black Sparrow Hawk.” 136.Kee-was-see was another defendant, Armstrong 368. Richard M. Young was the judge, Thomas Ford the prosecutor, and Hamilton and Bigelow attorneys for defense at that time. 286.Another volunteered at Beardstown, April 29th, and another at Dixon’s Ferry, May 19, making the total strength of the company seventy men. Minor errors or inconsistencies of punctuation or formatting have been corrected silently. Where it seems most likely that spelling errors were made by the printer, they have been corrected as noted below. Most quoted material is not noticeably lax in this regard, perhaps because the author made his own corrections. However, spelling of proper names can vary and are generally allowed to stand, even where the Index disagrees with the referred text. For instance, the index entry ‘Blackmaars, Mich.’ refers to the possessive form ‘Blackmaar’s’ in the text. It is not clear whether the reference is to a village or merely the residence of a family of that name. Similarly, the entry for ‘Davitts ——’ refers to ‘Davitt’s’. A less trustworthy entry for ‘Dee Sulhorst, Justus’ refers to 'the farm of Justus DeSeelhorst’. The latter spelling is borne out by historical records, but the index has not been corrected. The entry for ‘Phillipps Ferry’ (‘Phillip’s Ferry’ in the text), was considered an error and corrected by removing the redundant letter. The index entry for ‘Guyol de Guirano’ appears as ‘Guirano, Guyolde’ which has been deemed an error and corrected. The entry for ‘Na-i-o-gui-man omits the page reference to p. 67. The entry for Wallace Revell also omitted the reference to p. 138, n. 125. The entry for ‘Order No. 45, to L’t. Lowman’, refers to a Lt. Samuel Bowman, and has been corrected. In the appendix, p. 293 seems to have been missed during the editing of the original text. On that page, O.H. Browning is listed in the printed text as ‘O.S. Browning’ (which was hand-corrected in the text), referring to the future Senator O.H. Browning. The correction has been retained. Handwritten notes in the text also point out that a number of references on p. 293 were missed in the compilation of the index (for Joseph E. Johnson, John A. McClernand, and Capt. Harrison Wilson). Given that there may be other omissions, these were not added and are merely noted here. The caption for the image of Rachael Munson between pp. 154 and 155 misspelled her first name (as ‘Rachel’), which was corrected for consistency. As noted below this variant appeared also on p. 152. This table summarizes any corrections which were made to the text. p. 32 | n. 14 | Am. State Papers, V, 689, 690, [663] | Sic. 693? | p. 40 | | sudden[t] halt | Removed. | p. 58 | | gen[e]ral orders | Added. | p. 101 | | This forty-mile [s]trip | Added. | p. 107 | | [“]‘Chiefs and Warriors of the Sacs and Foxes: | Added. | | | “[‘]It becomes our duty, | Added. | p. 126 | | General Atkinson is[s]ued | Added. | p. 131 | | with ma[ura/rau]ding bands and murderers. | Corrected. | p. 145 | | the foll[o]wing day | Added. | p. 150 | | [“]We passed on to the creek | Added. | p. 152 | | out of Rach[a]el’s head | Added. | p. 168 | | a harm[l]ess child | Added. | p. 193 | | sett[t]lers | Removed. | p. 204 | | rat[i]ons per man | Added. | p. 210 | | but th[o]roughly discouraged | Added. | p. 229 | | [“]For two whole days | Added. | p. 305 | | a [course] dough for subsistence | Sic. | |