| PAGE |
Chapter I.–Birth, Personal Description and Character of Black Hawk. Not a Chief. Made a Brave. Expeditions against the Osages. Death of Py-e-sa. Period of Mourning. Expedition against the Osages. Expedition against the Cherokees. Expedition against the Chippewas, Osages and Kickapoos. The first Appearance of the Americans | 17 |
Chapter II.–British Intrigue against the Frontiers. Hatred of the Americans. Treaty of 1804 | 25 |
Chapter III.–Treaty of 1804 and Black Hawk’s Version | 31 |
Chapter IV.–Treaty of 1804 | 34 |
Chapter V.–Erection of Fort Madison. Rumors of Indian Attack. Black Hawk joins Tecumseh. Returns to his Village. Attacks Fort Madison. The Siege | 37 |
Chapter VI.–Black Hawk enlists with the British in the War of 1812. Deserts. Foster Son story. Keokuk made Chief | 41 |
Chapter VII.–Expedition of Governor Clark to Prairie du Chien. Lieut. Campbell’s Battle | 46 |
Chapter VIII.–Major Taylor’s Battle. Battle of the Sink Hole. Various Murders. British Agents withdrawn from Rock River Country | 52 |
Chapter IX.–Treaty of Portage des Sioux, 1815. Treaty of St. Louis, 1816 | 60 |
Chapter X.–Fort Armstrong built. Black Hawk as a Fault Finder. Annihilation of the Iowas | 66 |
Chapter XI.–Treaties of 1822-4-5. Winnebago Outbreak. Attack on the Boats. Arrest and Discharge | 71 |
Chapter XII.–The Military Tract. Perils of Frontier Life. Gathering Settlements about Black Hawk’s village. Friction. Attempted Compromise. Complaints. Gov. Reynolds calls out Militia. Notifies Clark and Gaines. Correspondence. Gaines at Fort Armstrong | 77 |
Chapter XIII.–Council. Militia Organized. March to Black Hawk’s Village. Flight. Village Burned. Treaty of 1831 | 92 |
Chapter XIV.–Unrest. Messengers and War Parties sent out. Attack on the Sioux. They Retaliate. Attack on the Menominees. A Council | 100 |
Chapter XV.–Ne-a-pope’s Mission. Keokuk’s Village. Council. Black Hawk Moves down Iowa River and up the Mississippi to Rock River. Atkinson Moves up to Ft. Armstrong | 109 |
Chapter XVI.–Council. Atkinson calls for Troops. Reynolds’ Proclamation. Black Hawk Defiant. Gratiot’s Journey | 112 |
Chapter XVII.–The Militia Moves to Rock River | 116 |
Chapter XVIII.–Roster. Movement up Rock River Begun. The Prophet’s Village Burned. Forced March to Dixon’s Ferry | 122 |
Chapter XIX.–Dixon’s Ferry. Plight of Reynolds’ Messengers. Stillman’s Defeat | 129 |
Chapter XX.–Call for Additional Troops. Burial of the Dead. Arrival of Atkinson. Lead Mines Militia. Erection of Forts. Dodge’s March to the Four Lakes Country | 139 |
Chapter XXI.–Atkinson Moves up Rock River. Indian Creek Massacre. Narratives | 145 |
Chapter XXII.–General Panic. Independent Companies Raised. Atkinson’s March Continued. Insubordination. Army Disbanded. Interim Regiment Raised | 159 |
Chapter XXIII.–Various Illinois Murders, including those of Sample, Payne and the St. Vrain Party | 165 |
Chapter XXIV.–Atkinson’s March to Mouth of Fox River. Dodge’s March to Meet Him. Capt. Iles’ March | 172 |
Chapter XXV.–Capt. Snyder’s Battle. Murders in the Lead Mines Country. Battle of Pecatonica. Capt. Stephenson’s Battle | 176 |
Chapter XXVI.–Attack on Apple River Fort | |