A. Abercromby, British general, 226, 252 Aboukir, Hogue, and Cressy, British cruisers, loss of, 355 Aboukir Bay, battle of, see Nile Actium, campaign of, 61-64; battle of, 64-69 Agrippa, Roman admiral, 62-66 Aircraft, in World War, 411, 429, 449 Albuquerque, Portuguese viceroy, 118 Alfred, king of England, 71, 130, 145 Algeciras Convention, 347 Ali Pasha, Turkish admiral, 104, 105, 107 Allemand, French admiral, 224 Almeida, Portuguese leader, 117-118 Amiens, treaty of, 227, 259, 261 Anthony, Roman general, at Actium, 61-68 Arabs, at war with Eastern Empire, 72-83, 441-442; as traders, 83; ships of, 117 Arbuthnot, British admiral, 388 Ariabignes, Persian admiral, 33, 36 Aristides, 36 Armada, see Spanish Armada Armed Neutrality, league of, 253 Armstrong, Sir William, 289 Athens, see Greece Audacious, British ship, 355 August 10, battle of, 334 Austerlitz battle of, 279 Austria, in Napoleonic Wars, 232, 244, 253, 279; at war with Italy, 296-303; in Triple Alliance, 345; in World War, 351 B. Bagdad Railway, 346 Bantry Bay, action in, 194; attempted landing in, 233 Barbarigo, Venetian admiral, 102, 104-105 Barbarossa, Turkish admiral, 90-92, 95-97 Barham, First Lord of Admiralty, 266 Bart, Jean, French naval leader, 195 Battle cruiser, see Ships of War Beachy Head, battle of, 194 Beatty, British admiral, at Heligoland Bight, 352-354; at Dogger Bank, 370-373; at Jutland, 389-408, 413, 415 Berlin Decree, 279 Blake, British admiral, 169, 171-182, 194, 414, 416 Blockade, in American Civil War, 290; in World War, 419-424, 439 Boisot, Dutch admiral, 139 Bonaparte, see Napoleon Bossu, Spanish admiral, 138-139 Boxer Rebellion, 329-330 Boyne, battle of, 194 Bragadino, Venetian general, 100 Breda, peace of, 188 Bridport, British admiral, 232, 233, 234 Brill, capture of, 138 Brueys, French admiral, 224, 248, 250 Burney, British admiral, 401, 415 Bushnell, David, 293-294 C. Cabot, John, 121 Cadiz, founded, 17; British expeditions to, 155, 165, 168; blockaded Calder, British admiral, 243; in action with Villeneuve, 266, 267-269, 270 Camara, Spanish admiral, 319 Camperdown, battle of, 223, 234-237 Canidius, Roman general, 67 Carden, British admiral, 375-379 Carpenter, Alfred, British commander, 434 Carthage, founded, 18; at war with Greece, 20, 38; in Punic Wars, 49-60, 76, 441 Cervera, Spanish admiral, 315; in Santiago campaign, 321-326 Champlain, battle of Lake, 284 Charles II of England, 183, 188, 189 Charles V of Spain, 91, 92, 126, 127, 134 Charleston, attack on, 69 Chatham, raided by Dutch, 188 Chauncey, U. S. commodore, 283 China, in ancient times, 25; first ships to, 118; at war with Japan, 304-310; in disruption, 328-329 Chios, battle of, 286 Churchill, Winston, 375-378, 381, 383 Cinque Ports, 145 Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, in Actium campaign, 61, 63-68 Collingwood, British admiral, 239, 243; at Trafalgar, 272, 274-277 Colonna, admiral of Papal States, 102, 105 Colport, British admiral, 233 Columbus, 112, 120, 121; voyages of, 122-125 Commerce, of Phoenicians, 16-19; under Roman Empire, 70; with the East, 110, 113-118; in northern Europe, 131-132; in modern times, 312-313 Commerce Warfare, in Dutch War of Independence, 137-138; in Napoleonic Wars, 259-260; in War of 1812, 281, 284; in World War, 369, 419-440 Communications, in warfare, 446 Compass, introduction of, 111 Condalmiero, Venetian admiral, 93, 96 Conflans, French admiral, 197, 198, 199 Constantinople, founded, 71; attacked by Arabs, 72-83; attacked by Russians, 83-84; sacked by Crusaders, 85; captured by Turks, 86, 89, 110; in World War, 375, 381-382, 384; 441, 442 Continental System, 279-280, 285 Continuous Voyage, doctrine of, 290, 420-421 Contraband, 253 Convoy, System in World War, 436-438 Cook, Captain James, 219-220 Copenhagen, battle of, 223, 236, 252-259 Corinthian Gulf, battle of, 35, 40-43 Cornwallis, British admiral, 263, 265, 267, 270 Coronel, battle of, 359-361 Corunna, Armada sails from, 158; attacked by Drake, 165; Allied fleet in, 269 Cradock, British admiral, at Coronel, 358-361 Crete, 15-16, 25, 26, 43, 247, 442, 443 Cromwell, Oliver, 170, 181, 182 D. Dardanelles, German squadron enters, 356-357; campaign of, 374-385 Darius, king of Persia, 21, 27, 28 De Grasse, French admiral, at Virginia Capes, 207-211; at Saints' Passage, 212-215 De Guichen, French admiral, 203, 204 Denmark, in Copenhagen campaign, 252-259 De Ruyter, Dutch admiral, 173, 175, 179, 182, 184-190, 194, 416 D'Estaing, French admiral, 202-203, 227 Destroyer, see Ships of War Dewa, Japanese admiral, 339, 341 Dewey, U. S. admiral, at Manila, 316-320, 415 De Witt, Dutch admiral, 172, 177 Diedrichs, German admiral, 320 Dirkzoon, Dutch admiral, 138 Diu, battle of, 118 Dogger Bank, Russian fleet off, 335; action off, 364, 369-374 Don Juan of Austria, at Lepanto, 100-109; 135 Doria, Andrea, Genoese admiral, 91, 92, 95-98 Doria, Gian Andrea, Genoese admiral 98-108 Dragut, Turkish commander, 90, 98 Drake, Sir Francis, British admiral, voyages of, 153-155; in Armada campaign, 157-163; last years of, 165 Dreadnought, see Ships of War Drepanum, battle of, 57 Duguay-Trouin, French commander, 195, 197 Duilius, Roman consul, 52 Dumanoir, French admiral, 277 Duncan, British admiral, at Camperdown, 234-237 Dungeness, battle of, 172 E. East Indies Companies, British and Dutch, 141 Ecnomus, battle of, 53-56 Egypt, early ships of, 15; Napoleon in, 233, 347, 357, 374, 441 Elizabeth, queen of England, 125, 138, 151, 152, 155, 166 Emden, German cruiser, 355; cruise of, 366-368 England, early naval history of, 145-151; at war with Spain, 151-167; at war with Holland, 168-192; at war with France, 193-221; plans for invasion of, 197-198, 232, 261-265. See Great Britain Entente of Great Britain, France, and Russia, 347 Erie, battle of Lake, 284 Eurybiades, Spartan commander, 32, 45 Evan-Thomas, British admiral, 390, 392, 393, 396-398, 401 Evertsen, Dutch admiral, 174 F. Falkland Islands, battle of, 363-366 Farragut, U. S. admiral, 292, 296, 317, 381, 414 Fighting Instructions, of British Navy, 184, 187, 190, 200, 206, 211, 216-217, 416 First of June, battle of, 227-232 Fisher, British admiral, 348, 359, 377, 378, 381, 384 Fisher, Fort, capture of, 293 Fleet in Being, 190, 321, 331, 358, 417 Foch, French general, 439 Foley, British captain, 249, 256 Four Days' Battle, in Dutch Wars, 185-186 France, at war with England in 18th century, 193-221; in Napoleonic Wars, 222-280; in Far East, 329; aids Russia, 335; in World War, 345, 347 Francis I, of France, 91, 125 Frobisher, Martin, 158 Fulton, Robert, 270, 287; his submarine, 293-295 G. Gabbard, battle of, 176 Galleon of Venice, Venetian ship, 93, 96, 97, 98, 103 Galley, galleon, galleas, see Ships of War Gallipoli Peninsula, operations on, 383-385; see Dardanelles Ganteaume, French admiral, 263, 265 Genoa, 82, 85; at war with Venice 88, 122, 135 Germany, early commerce under Hausa, 131-133; unification of, 286; in Far East, 320, 328, 330; aids Russia, 335; growth of, 345-347; in World War, 345ff. Gibraltar, captured by British, 196; blockaded, 218, 227 GÖben, German battle cruiser, escape of, 355-357; 381, 411 Goodenough, British naval officer, at Heligoland Bight, 352-353; at Jutland, 396, 401, 413 Grand Fleet, British, 349; strength of, 350, 351, 369; at Jutland, 386-417; 432 Graves, British admiral, 209-211 Gravina, Spanish admiral, 266, 274, 277 Great Britain, in Napoleonic Wars, 222-280; in War of 1812, 280-285; in World War, 345 ff. See England. Greece, 16; at war with Persia, 27-39; in Peloponnesian War, 39-47; 441 Greek fire, 77, 78, 80, 94, 444 Grenville, Sir Richard, 165 Guns, gunpowder, see Ordnance Gunfleet, battle of, 186-188 H. Hampton Roads, battle of, 287, 291-292 Hannibal, 60 Hanseatic League, 131-133, 145 Hase, German naval officer, quoted 404-407 Hawke, British admiral, 198-200, 227, 414, 416 Hawkins, John, 151, 152-153, 158 Heath, British admiral, 388 Heimskirck, Jacob van, Dutch seaman, 141, 142 Heligoland, 227, 280; battle of, 297, 299 Heligoland Bight, battle of, 351-354, 411 Henry, Prince, the Navigator, 114, 116 Henry VIII, of England, 146, 148 Herbert, Lord Torrington, British admiral, 194, 195 HermÆa, battle of, 56 High Seas Fleet, of Germany, 349; strength of, 350; at Jutland, 373, 387-417; surrender of, 439-440 Hindenberg, German general, 420 Hipper, German admiral, at Dogger Bank, 370, 373; at Jutland, 390-391, 393, 396-398, 403 Hobson, U. S. naval officer, 324 Hoche, French general, 233 Holland, see Netherlands Holland, John P., 296 Hood, British admiral, at Virginia Capes, 207-211; at Saints' Passage, 212, 215, 238, 239 Hood, British rear-admiral, at Jutland, 388, 392, 397, 398, 401 Horton, Max, British commander, 355 Hotham, British admiral, 238-239 Howard, Thomas, of Effingham, 158, 160, 178 Howe, British admiral, 202; at First of June, 227-232 Hudson, Henry, 141 Hughes, British admiral I. Interior Lines, defined, 28 Italy, at war with Austria, 296-303; in World War, 345 Ito, Japanese admiral, at the Yalu, 306-308 J. Jamaica, captured by British, 181 Japan, at war with China, 304-310; at war with Russia, 330-343 Jellicoe, British admiral, 350; at Jutland, 387-417, 437 Jervis, Earl St. Vincent, British admiral, 232, 234, 236; character of, 239-240; at Cape St. Vincent, 241-244, 263, 295, 417 Jones, Paul, American naval officer, 200-201, 202 Juan, see Don Juan Jutland, battle of, 374, 386-418 K. Kamimura, Japanese admiral, 334 KarlsrÜhe, German cruiser, 355, 367 Keith, British admiral, 263 Kentish Knock, battle of, 172 Keyes, British naval officer, 352, 353, 433 Kiao-chau, seized by Germany, 320, 328, 334, 346, 366 Kitchener, British general, 377-379, 383, 384 KÖnigsberg, German cruiser, 355, 367 L. Lake, Simon, 296 La Hogue, battle of, 195 La Touche TrÉville, French admiral, 262, 265 Lepanto, campaign of, 100-103; battle of, 103-108, 148 Lepidus, Roman general, 61 Leyden, siege of, 139-140 Lowestoft, battle of, 184-185 London, Declaration of, 421 Louis XIV of France, 185, 189, 190, 191, 193, 195, 448 Lusitania, loss of, 424 M. McGiffin, American naval officer, at the Yalu, 305, 307, 309 Macdonough, U. S. commodore, 284 Magellan, Portuguese navigator, 119-121 Mahan, American naval officer, quoted, 60, 189, 197, 216, 270, 310, 313, 324, 345; in Spanish-American War, 321, 348, 443, 448 Maine, U. S. battleship, 314 Makaroff, Russian admiral, 332 Malta, 17; siege of, 98, 227, 247, 253, 261, 266, 280, 356 Manila, battle of, 316-320 Martel, Charles, 82 Matelieff, de Jonge, Dutch seaman, 143 Medina Sidonia, Duke of, 156-162, 178 Merrimac, Confederate ram, 290; in action with Monitor, 291-292 Milne, British admiral, 357 Mine barrage, in North Sea, 432-433 Missiessy, French admiral, 224, 263 Mohammedans, see Arabs Monitor, U. S. ironclad, 287, 290-292 Monk, British admiral, 173-179, 183, 185-188, 190, 191, 194 Monroe Doctrine, 313, 347, 447 Montojo, Spanish admiral, 317, 319 Moore, British admiral, 373 Muaviah, Emir of Syria, 73-78 Mukden, battle of, 335 MÜller, German naval officer, 367 Muza, Mohammedan general, 79, 82 Mycale, battle of, 38 MylÆ, battle of, 52-53 N. Napoleon, quoted, 222, 223, 224, 233; in Italy, 238, 239; in Egypt, 244-248, 252; plans northern coalition, 253; attempts invasion of England, 261-265; instructs Villeneuve, 269, 270; adopts continental system, 279-280, 414, 419, 445 Naupaktis, battle of, 43-45 Navarino, battle of, 286 Navigation, progress in, 111-112 Navigation Acts, 170 Navy, British, administration of, 146, 150; under Commonwealth, 168; training of officers for, 183; at Restoration, 183; in 18th century, 202; in French Revolutionary Wars, 225; mutiny in, 234-235; in War of 1812, 281; size of, in World War, 350. See England, Great Britain. Nebogatoff, Russian admiral, 336, 342 Nelson, Horatio, British admiral, 169, 178, 179, 182, 223; in Mediterranean, 238-240; at Cape St. Vincent, 241-244; at the Nile, 244-252; at Copenhagen, 252-259; in the Channel, 259; in Trafalgar campaign and battle, 265-270, 310, 360, 414, 415 Netherlands, at war with Hansa, 132; commerce of, 133, 140-143, 168, 191, 442; at war with Spain, 134-140; at war with England, 168, 192; in War of American Revolution, 200, 232; in Napoleonic Wars, 237, 279 New York, taken by British, 184, 191; held by Howe, 202 Nicosia, siege of, 99-100 Nile, campaign of, 244-248; battle of, 249-252 Nore, mutiny at, 234-235 North Sea Mine Barrage, see Mine Barrage O. Octavius, Roman emperor, at Actium, 61-69 Ontario, campaign on Lake, 283 Oquendo, Spanish naval officer, 157 Ordnance, early types of, 94; introduced on ships, 146; at Armada, 150; breech-loading, 289; rifled, 289; long range, 374 Oregon, U. S. battleship, cruise of, 314, 315; at Santiago, 326, 327 P. Parker, British admiral, at Copenhagen, 254-258 Parma, Duke of, 135, 156, 158, 160, 162 Peloponnesian War, 39-47 Penn, British admiral, 174, 175, 181 Perry, U. S. Commodore, 284 Persano, Italian admiral, at Lissa, 298-303 Persia, conquers Phoenicia, 20-21; at war with Greece, 27-39 Pharselis, battle of, 75 Philip II, of Spain, 99, 100, 101, 128, 134, 151, 152, 156, 157, 158, 165, 166 Phoenicia, commerce and colonies of, 16-20, 25-26; at Salamis, 33-34, 36, 49, 441, 443 Phormio, Greek admiral, 39-45 Port Arthur, 307; given to Japan, 310; seized by Russia, 329; operations around, 332-335; fall of, 334, 343 Portland, battle of, 173-175 Portsmouth, Treaty of, 343 Portugal, commerce and colonies of, 114-121; decline of, 143 Prevesa, battle of, 96-98, 103 Prussia, in Northern Coalition, 253; at war with Austria, 297 Ptolemy, 112 Q. "Q-ships," 431 Quiberon Bay, battle of, 198-199, 227 R. Recalde, Spanish naval officer, 157 Revenge, Drake's flagship, 149, 158; last fight of, 165 Robeck, British admiral, at Dardanelles, 379 Rodman, U. S. admiral, 432 Rodney, British admiral, 203; at Saints' Passage, 212-217 Rojdestvensky, Russian admiral, cruise of, 335-339; at Tsushima, 339-343 Rome, in Punic Wars, 49-60; in Actium campaign, 61-70; wars of Eastern Empire, 71-86; 441 Rooke, British admiral, 196 Roosevelt, Theodore, 316, 324, 343, 347 Rosyth, British base, 348, 355, 387 Russia, in Napoleonic Wars, 250, 253, 259, 266, 280; in Far East, 328-330; at war with Japan, 330-343, in World War, 345, 375, 417, 446 Ruyter. See De Ruyter S. Saint AndrÉe, Jean Bon, 228 St. Vincent, battle of Cape, 223, 233, 241-244 St. Vincent, Earl of. See Jervis Saints' Passage, battle of, 212-217 Salamis, battle of, 21, 32-39; 45-47; campaign of, 28-32 Salonika, 385 Sampson, U. S. admiral, in Santiago campaign, 320-327 San Juan de Ulna, fight at, 153 Santa Cruz, Spanish admiral, 102, 107, 155, 157 Santiago, battle of, 320-327 Saracens. See Arabs Scapa Flow, British base, 348, 351, 355, 386, 432 Scheer, German admiral, at Jutland, 387-411 Scheldt River, 133; battle in, 139; blockaded by Dutch, 142, 156, 225, 261 Scheveningen, battle of, 177 Schley, U. S. naval officer, in Santiago campaign, 321-323, 326 Schoonevelt, battle of, 189 Scott, Sir Percy, British admiral, 348, 410 Sea Beggars, 135-137 Sea Power, preserves Greece, 39; England's gains by, 191, 196-197, 220; in Napoleonic Wars, 222-223, 285; in World War, 348-349, 385; influence of, 441-443; elements of, 443-445 Selim the Drunkard, Sultan of Turkey, 99 Semenoff, Russian naval officer, 335, 339 Seymour, British admiral, at Armada, 158 Shafter, U. S. general, 324, 325 Shimonoseki, Treaty of, 310 Ships of War, "round" and "long," 19; trireme, 19, 21-24; penteconter, 32; liburna, 62; galley, 69, 93-95; dromon, 74; galleas, 102-103, 148; junk, 117; Viking craft, 131; galleon, 147-149; two and three-deckers, 178; steam, 287; submarine, 293-296, 426-428; destroyer, 296, 412; battle cruiser, 343, 348, 369; dreadnought, 343, 348 Sicily, 17, 38, 46; in Punic Wars, 50-59 Sinope, bombardment of, 288 Sirocco. Turkish admiral, 104, 105 Sluis, battle of, 146 Solebay, battle of, 189 Soliman the Magnificent, Sultan of Turkey, 92, 98 Souchon, German admiral, 356, 357 Spain, at war with Turks, 100-108; discoveries of, 121-128; at war with Dutch, 134-143; at war with England, 151-167, 442; in Napoleonic Wars, 240, 265; at war with United States, 313-328 Spanish Armada, 128, 141, 149, 156-167, 445 Sparta. See Greece. Spee, German admiral, 358-366, 369 Steam navigation, beginnings of, 287 Sturdee, British admiral, 363-365 Submarine, early types of, 293-296; in World War, 350, 420, 423-439, 445 Suffren, French admiral, 201, 203, 217-218, 220, 228 Syracuse, at war with Athens, 46-47, 76, 247 T. Tactics, of galleys, 94-95; after use of sails and guns, 163-164; in Dutch wars, 179; in 18th century, 194, 216-217; after use of armor, 296-297; influenced by Lissa, 310; at Jutland, 411-416; in submarine warfare, 429-431 Takeomi, Japanese naval officer, 339 Tegetthoff, Austrian admiral, at Lissa, 299-303 Teneriffe, attacked by Blake, 181 Terschelling, raided by English, 188 Themistocles, 28, 31, 32, 37, 43, 45 Ting, Chinese admiral, at the Yalu, 305, 306 Tirpitz, German admiral, 346, 410, 411, 448, 450 Togo, Japanese admiral, 304; at battle of 10th of August, 333-334; at Tsushima, 339-342 Togo, Japanese squadron commander, 339 Tordesillas, Treaty of, 125 Torpedoes, origin of name, 295; Whitehead, 296; in Russo-Japanese war, 342, 343 Torrington, Earl of. See Herbert Toscanelli, Paul, 122 Toulon, French base, 226, 238, 246, 263 Tourville, French admiral, 194, 195 Trafalgar, battle of, 178, 179, 223, 236, 265-279. Transport service, in World War, 438-439 Triple Alliance, 345 Tromp, Cornelius, Dutch admiral, 185-188 Tromp, Martin, Dutch admiral, 169, 171-179, 182, 185, 190, 416 Troubridge, British naval officer, 239, 241, 250 Tsuboi, Japanese admiral, at the Yalu, 306-309 Tsushima, battle of, 339-343 Tunis, 18; captured by Spanish, 91-92; attacked by Blake, 180 Turkey, rise of, 89-90; at war with Venice and Spain, 90-109; in World War, 355, 357, 374-384, 442 Tyrwhitt, British naval officer, 351, 352, 353 U. Ulm, battle of, 279 Uluch Ali, Turkish leader, 90; in Lepanto campaign, 101, 104, 106-108 United States, in American Revolution, 200-212; in War of 1812, 280-285; in Civil War, 286, 290-296; in Spanish-American War, 313-328; in World War, 424, 432-433, 438-439; naval problems of, 446-447. See Navy V. Valdes, Pedro de, Spanish naval officer, 157, 161 Valdes, Pedrode, Spanish naval officer, 157, 161 Veniero, Venetian admiral, 101-103, 105 Vengeur du Peuple, French ship, 228, 230 Venice, early history of, 82, 85; commerce of, 87-89, 442; at war with Turks, 90-109; ships of, 147 Villaret de Joyeuse, French admiral, at First of June, 228-231 Villeneuve, French admiral, 224; at the Nile, 250; in Trafalgar campaign and battle, 265-270, 273-276 Virginia Capes, battle of, 68, 201, 207-211, 442 W. Wangenheim, Baron von, 357 William II, German emperor, 328, 345, 347, 448 William III of England, 193, 194 William, Prince of Orange, 134, 137, 140 Wilson, Woodrow, President of United States, 387 Winter, Dutch admiral, 235 Witjeft, Russian admiral, 331, 333 X.-Y.-Z. "Y-guns," 431 Yalu, battle of, 304-310 York, Duke of, afterward James II of England, 184, 190 Zama, battle of, 60 Zeebrugge, attack on, 433-435 ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. |