I The Beginnings of Navies
II Athens as a Sea Power:
1. The Persian War
2. The Peloponnesian War
III The Sea Power of Rome:
1. The Punic Wars
2. The Imperial Navy
IV The Navies of the Middle Ages:
The Eastern Empire
V The Navies of the Middle Ages [Continued]
Venice and the Turk
VI Opening the Ocean Routes:
1. Portugal and the New Route to India
2. Spain and the New World
VII Sea Power in the North:
Holland's Struggle for Independence
VIII England and the Armada
IX Rise of English Sea Power:
Wars with the Dutch
X Rise of English Sea Power [continued]:
Wars with France to the French Revolution
XI Napoleonic Wars:
The First of June and Camperdown
XII Napoleonic Wars [Continued]:
The Rise of Nelson
XIII Napoleonic Wars [Concluded]:
Trafalgar and After
XIV Revolution in Naval Warfare:
Hampton Roads and Lissa
XV Rivalry for World Power
XVI The World War:
The First Year
XVII The World War [Continued]:
The Battle of Jutland
XVIII The World War [Concluded]:
Commerce Warfare
XIX Conclusion

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