By Joseph C. Lincoln Author of "Showings," "The Portygee," etc. The whole family will laugh over this deliciously humorous novel, that pictures the sunny side of small-town life, and contains love-making, a dash of mystery, an epidemic of spook-chasing—and laughable, lovable Galusha. THESE YOUNG REBELSBy Frances R. Sterrett Author of "Nancy Goes to Town," "Up the Road with Sally," etc. A sprightly novel that hits off to perfection the present antagonism between the rebellious younger generation and their disapproving elders. PLAY THE GAMEBy Ruth Comfort Mitchell A happy story about American young people. The appealing qualities of a brave young girl stand out in the strife between two young fellows, the one by fair the other by foul means, to win her. IN BLESSED CYRUSBy Laura E. Richards Author of "A Daughter of Jehu," etc. The quaint, quiet village of Cyrus, with its whimsical villagers, is abruptly turned topsy-turvy by the arrival in its midst of an actress, distractingly feminine, Lila Laughter; and, at the same time, an epidemic of smallpox. HELEN OF THE OLD HOUSEBy Harold Bell Wright Wright's greatest novel, that presents the life of industry to-day, the laughter, the tears, the strivings of those who live about the smoky chimneys of an American industrial town. |