By GEORGE GIBBS, Author of "Youth Triumphant," etc. A distinguished novel depicting present day society and its most striking feature, the "flapper." A story of splendid dramatic qualities. THE COVERED WAGONBy EMERSON HOUGH, Author of "The Magnificent Adventure," "The Story of the Cowboy," etc. A novel of the first water, clear and clean, is this thrilling story of the pioneers, the men and women who laid the foundation of the great west. HOMESTEAD RANCHBy ELIZABETH G. YOUNG The New York Times says that "Homestead Ranch" is one of the season's "two best real wild and woolly western yarns." The Boston Herald says, "So delightful that we recommend it as one of the best western stories of the year." SACRIFICEBy STEPHEN FRENCH WHITMAN, Author of "Predestined," etc. How a woman, spoiled child of New York society, faced the dangers of the African jungle trail. "One feels ever the white heat of emotional conflict."—Philadelphia Public Ledger. DOUBLE-CROSSEDBy W. DOUGLAS NEWTON, Author of "Low Ceilings," etc. "An excellently written and handled tale of adventure and thrills in the dark spruce valleys of Canada."—New York Times. JANE JOURNEYS ONBy RUTH COMFORT MITCHELL, Author of "Play the Game," etc. The cheerful story of a delightful heroine's adventures from Vermont to Mexico. |