| PAGE |
Charles H. Sternberg | Frontispiece |
Rocks of Laramie Beds on South Schneider Creek, Converse Co., Wyoming | 16 |
Weathered Rocks and Laramie Beds near South Schneider Creek | 16 |
Mushroom-like Concretion Known as Pulpit Rock | 17 |
Fossil Leaves of Sassafras dissectum. (After Lesquereux.) | 20 |
Fossil Leaves. a, Unopened Leaf Nodule. b, Nodule opened to show fossil leaf. c, d, e, f, Various forms of fossil leaves | 21 |
Facsimile of letter from Dr. Lesquereux to the author | 24 |
Skull and Front Limb of Clidastes tortor | 44 |
Skeleton of Clidastes tortor | 45 |
Skeleton of Ram-nosed Tylosaur, Tylosaurus dyspelor | 45 |
Ram-nosed Tylosaur, Tylosaurus dyspelor. Restoration by Osborn and Knight | 50 |
Skull of the Flat-wristed Mosasaur, Platecarpus coryphÆus | 51 |
Restoration of Kansas Cretaceous Animals. (From drawing by S. Prentice, after Williston.) a, Unitacrinus socialis; b, Clidastes velox; c, Ornithostoma ingens | 56 |
Giant Cretaceous Fish, Portheus molossus (above), compared with a six-foot modern Tarpon (below) | 57 |
Lower jaw of Trachodon marginatus, SHOWING SUCCESSIVE LAYERS OF TEETH. Top and side views of a tooth of Myledaphus bipartitus. (After Osborn and Lambe.) | 76 |
Skull of a Duck-billed Dinosaur, Diclonius, FOUR FEET IN LENGTH | 77 |
Professor E. D. Cope | 78 |
Brontosaurus or Thunder Lizard. Restoration by Osborn and Knight | 79 |
Fossil shells, Haploscapha grandis. (After Cope.) | 108 |
Charles Sternberg and son taking up a large slab of fossils from a chalk bed in Gove Co., Kansas | 109 |
Camp and Wagon of the fossil hunters on Grasswood Creek, Converse Co., Wyoming | 109 |
Skeleton of the Plesiosaur, Dolichorhynchus osborni. (After Williston.) | 114 |
Fossil limb bones of the Giant Sea Tortoise, Protostega gigas | 115 |
Fossil shell of Giant Land Turtle, Testudo orthopygia | 122 |
The Snake-necked Elasmosaurus, Elasmosaurus platyurus. Restoration by Osborn and Knight | 123 |
Three-toed Horse, Hypohippus. (After Gidley.) | 132 |
Fossil Rhinoceros, Teleoceras fossiger. (After Osborn.) | 133 |
Skull and tusks of Imperial Mammoth, Elephas imperator | 178 |
Fossil-bearing Cliffs. (After Merriam.) Upper John Day exposure | 179 |
Fossil-bearing Cliffs. (After Merriam.) Middle John Day exposure | |