Charles H. Sternberg Frontispiece
Rocks of Laramie Beds on South Schneider Creek, Converse Co., Wyoming 16
Weathered Rocks and Laramie Beds near South Schneider Creek 16
Mushroom-like Concretion Known as Pulpit Rock 17
Fossil Leaves of Sassafras dissectum. (After Lesquereux.) 20
Fossil Leaves. a, Unopened Leaf Nodule. b, Nodule opened to show fossil leaf. c, d, e, f, Various forms of fossil leaves 21
Facsimile of letter from Dr. Lesquereux to the author 24
Skull and Front Limb of Clidastes tortor 44
Skeleton of Clidastes tortor 45
Skeleton of Ram-nosed Tylosaur, Tylosaurus dyspelor 45
Ram-nosed Tylosaur, Tylosaurus dyspelor. Restoration by Osborn and Knight 50
Skull of the Flat-wristed Mosasaur, Platecarpus coryphÆus 51
Restoration of Kansas Cretaceous Animals. (From drawing by S. Prentice, after Williston.) a, Unitacrinus socialis; b, Clidastes velox; c, Ornithostoma ingens 56
Giant Cretaceous Fish, Portheus molossus (above), compared with a six-foot modern Tarpon (below) 57
Lower jaw of Trachodon marginatus, SHOWING SUCCESSIVE LAYERS OF TEETH. Top and side views of a tooth of Myledaphus bipartitus. (After Osborn and Lambe.) 76
Skull of a Duck-billed Dinosaur, Diclonius, FOUR FEET IN LENGTH 77
Professor E. D. Cope 78
Brontosaurus or Thunder Lizard. Restoration by Osborn and Knight 79
Fossil shells, Haploscapha grandis. (After Cope.) 108
Charles Sternberg and son taking up a large slab of fossils from a chalk bed in Gove Co., Kansas 109
Camp and Wagon of the fossil hunters on Grasswood Creek, Converse Co., Wyoming 109
Skeleton of the Plesiosaur, Dolichorhynchus osborni. (After Williston.) 114
Fossil limb bones of the Giant Sea Tortoise, Protostega gigas 115
Fossil shell of Giant Land Turtle, Testudo orthopygia 122
The Snake-necked Elasmosaurus, Elasmosaurus platyurus. Restoration by Osborn and Knight 123
Three-toed Horse, Hypohippus. (After Gidley.) 132
Fossil Rhinoceros, Teleoceras fossiger. (After Osborn.) 133
Skull and tusks of Imperial Mammoth, Elephas imperator 178
Fossil-bearing Cliffs. (After Merriam.) Upper John Day exposure 179
Fossil-bearing Cliffs. (After Merriam.) Middle John Day exposure

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