The Little Immigrant


Title: The Little Immigrant

Author: Eva Stern

Edition: 10

Language: English

Thanks to Robert Stern, great-grandson of the author, for donating this eBook.


In 1921, my great-grandmother, wrote this book about how her parents met, married and began a family. Eva's mother, Ernestine, was presumably "the little immigrant." The book was privately printed, and only a few copies survive.

The names of most of the characters have been disguised, although thinly. In the table below, the fictitious names appear on the left, the real names, where known, on the right:

Renestine Jewel Ernestine Jacobowsky
Aldine Bilter (her married sister)
Jaffray Starr Jacob Sterne
Lola, the Starrs' first-born Laura Sterne
Ena, their second-born Eva Sterne
Lester Leopold Sterne
Andrew Alfred Sterne
Frank, the youngest child Fred Sterne
Josiah, longtime family slave
Caroline, Josiah's wife
Sarah, successor to Carolina

One name that is authentic is that of Gen. Buell, whom the Starrs put up during the Reconstruction period after the Civil War and who in fact was sent to Jefferson following a breakout of violence during this period.

Eva Sterne, who became the wife of Leopold Stern (with only one e), was 59 when this book was printed.


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