I. Northward Ho! 19
II. The Land of Tomorrow 30
III. St. Michael 38
IV. Northern Lights 46
V. Great Opportunities 52
VI. Politics and Government 63
VII. The Parallel Steel Bars 72
VIII. Flowers and Birds of the Northland 83
IX. Mt. McKinley National Park 91
X. The All-Alaska Sweepstakes 100
XI. Buried Wealth 115
XII. The Haunt of the Salmon 126
XIII. The Eighth Wonder of the World 137
XIV. The Cities of the Far North 151
XV. The Native Races 161
XVI. Social Life in Alaska 197
XVII. The Prize of the Pacific 210
XVIII. Alaska and the War 216
XIX. Alaskan Writers 222
Conclusion 236


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