A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
Abd-el-Melik, 248, 250, 253, 254
Abrantes, 57, 104, 392
Abrantes, Marquis of, 393
Abu Abdallah, Governor of Alcacer do Sal, 72, 73
Abu-l-Hasan, defeated at the Salado, 1340, 92
Abyssinia, visits of Portuguese travellers to, 167
“Academia Real das Sciencias,” 372, 396
Academy of History, 353
A’Court, Sir William; see Heytesbury, Lord
Aden, 200, 214
Affonso Henriques, 24, 31, 34, 35, 37-58, 98
Affonso II., 70-74, 98
Affonso III., 79, 80-83, 89, 98
Affonso IV., 86, 91-99
Affonso V., 130-35, 138, 159, 160
Affonso VI., 324, 326-34
Affonso, son of Affonso III., 85, 86
Affonso, only son of John II., 163, 170
Affonso, JoÃo, bastard son of Diniz, 91
Affonso, Pedro, bastard son of Count Henry, 31
Affonso, Pedro, bastard son of Diniz, Count of Barcellos, 91
Africa, 144-56, 195, 213, 247, 343, 346, 428, 429
Agriculture, 87, 181, 368
Ahmed, Maula, 248, 249, 253-55
Alans, the, conquer Lusitania, 10
Alarcos, battle of, 63
Albergaria, Diogo Soares de, 169
Albergaria, Francisco Soares de, 309
Albergaria, Lopo Soares de, 203
Albert, Cardinal, 286, 290
Alboquerque, Affonso de, 169, 185, 193, 197-201
Alboquerque, Francisco de, 193
Alboquerque, JoÃo de, 209
Alboquerque, Mathias de, 291
Alboquerque, Mathias de, 317
Alboquerque, Pedro de, 169
Alboquerque, Sancho, Count of, 101
Alcacer do Sal, 54, 62, 66, 72
Alcacer-Quibir, battle of (1578), 254
Alcanede granted to Knights of Calatrava, 66
Alcantara, battle of (1580), 283
AlÇobaÇa, monastery of, 54, 69, 98, 99, 397
AlÇobaÇa, Cortes of, 164, 165
Alemquer, 53, 104
Alemtejo, the, 55, 57, 66, 87, 181, 421
Alexander III., Pope, 57
Alexander VI., Pope, 163, 191
Alfarrobeira, battle of (1449), 133
Alfonso VI., 17, 18, 23
Alfonso VII., 30, 35, 37-39, 54
Alfonso VIII., 63, 71
Alfonso IX., 63, 64, 71
Alfonso X., 81
Alfonso XI., 92
Algarves, the, 43, 62, 76, 78, 80, 81, 181, 182
Alho, Affonso Martins, 94
Ali, Almoravide Caliph, 28
Ali Adil Shah, King of BijÁpur, 247
Aljubarrota, battle of, 111, 113
Aljustrel, taken by Knights of Santiago, 76
Almada, 53, 62, 66, 104, 312
Almada, Alvaro Vaz de, see Arronches, Count of
Almada, Antonio de, 308, 311
Almanza, battle of (1707), 351
Almeida taken by the Spaniards (1760), 363
Almeida, Francisco de, 195-97, 214
Almeida, LourenÇo de, 175, 196
Almeida, Miguel de, 308, 309, 311
Almeida-Garrett, JoÃo Baptista, 425, 431
Almohades, the, 44, 55, 57, 62;
see Ya’kub, Yusuf
Almoravides, the, 17, 41
Almoster, battle of (1834), 421
Alorna, JoÃo de Almeida Portugal, Marquis of, 371, 374
Alorna, Pedro, Marquis of, 395
Alva, Duke of, 249, 281, 283
Alvares, Manoel, 276
Alvares, Mattheus, 287
Alvitiz, Pedro, 72
“Amadis of Gaul” romance, 126
Amarante, Francisco da Silveira, Count of, 415
Ameixial, battle of (1663), 331
Amelia of Bavaria, 418, 423
Anadia, Viscount of, 391
Andeiro, JoÃo Fernandes, see Ourem, Count of
Andrade, Gomes Freire de, 395, 413
Andrade, Jacinto Freire de, 325
Andrew of London, 52
Andrew of Oxford, 93
Angeja, Marquis of, 372
Angola, 324, 346
Anne of Austria, 314, 315
Annes, Affonso, 109
Annes, EstevÃo, 80
Annes, GonÇalo, 167
Annes, Martim, 75
Annes, Pedro, 73, 75
AnnunciacÃo, Miguel de, 371
Antas, General das, 420, 424
Antonio, Prior of Crato, 281, 283-86
Aranjuez, Treaty of (1793), 386
Arcadia de Lisboa, 369, 372
Arguin, fort at, 154, 295
Armamar, Count of, 316
Arnold of Aerschot, 52
Arnold, Edmund, 118
Arrayolos, Count of, 130
Arronches, battle of (1801), 389
Arronches, Antonio Vaz de Almada, Count of, 132, 133
Arundel, Richard, Earl of, 93
Arundel, Thomas, Earl of, 118
Arzila, 133, 179, 249, 253, 285
Ashworth, Sir C., 405
Asseiceira, battle of (1834), 421
Asturians, the, 5
Ataulphus, Visigothic king, 11
Athaide, Catherina de, 270
Athaide, Luis de, Viceroy of India, 246-48, 257
Atoleiros, battle of (1384), 110
Augustus, Duke of Leuchtenberg, 423
Ayamonte, 78, 80
Ayamonte, Marquis of, 316, 317
Aymeric of Cahors, 89
Azambuja, Diogo de, 169
Azambuja, Jeronymo de, 276
Azamor in Morocco, 179
Azevedo, Antonio de Araujo de, 387, 388, 391, 396
Azores, the, 147, 285, 295, 419
Azurara, chronicler, 135, 379
Badajoz, 56, 326, 375, 389
Bahadar Shah, King of Gujarat, 204, 205
Bainetti, Marquis de, 305
Baldaya, Affonso GonÇalves, 147
Ballerais, Count of, 316
Bank of Portugal, 368
Bar, Count of, 62
Barbacena, Felisberto Caldeira Brant Pontes, Marquis of, 405, 418
Barbosa du Bocage, Manoel Maria, 379, 385
Barbosa Machado, Diogo, see Machado
Barcellos, JoÃo Affonso Telles de Menezes, Count of, 104
Barcellos, Duke of, 255
Bardez, Mar?thas defeated at, 374
Barreto, Antonio Moniz, 320
Barreto, Antonio Moniz, 247, 248
Barreto, Francisco, 246, 247, 271
Barros, JoÃo de, 185, 226, 274-76
Batalha, Convent, 113, 119
Batavia, 294, 342
Beatrice de Gusman, 81
Beatrice of Castile, 86, 98
Beatrice, daughter of Pedro I., 101
Beatrice, daughter of Ferdinand and Leonor, 106, 107
Beatrice, daughter of the “Holy Constable,” 125
Beatrice, daughter of Emmanuel, 178, 264
Beauvais, Bishop of, 62
Belatha, Emirate of, 43
Belem, palace at, 176;
Convent at, 184, 204;
Sebastian buried at, 256
Bellesta, Spanish general, 397
Benedict XIV., Pope, 360
Bengal, trade with, 205, 296, 343
Beresford, William Carr, Viscount, 400, 402, 405-7, 412, 413
Bermudo II., King of Gallicia, 13
Berwick, James, Duke of, 351
Bishoprics and bishops, 10, 26, 30, 67, 75, 79, 183
Black Death, the, 95
Blake, Admiral Robert, 323, 324
Bojador, Cape, 146, 147
Bombay ceded to England, 330, 346
Bomfim, Count of, 424
Bonaparte, Joseph, 401
Bonaparte, Lucien, 389
Braamcamp, Antonio JosÉ, 427
Bradford, Sir Edward, 425, 426
Charlot, General, 397
Charter of 1826, 417, 421, 424, 425
Chastenau, Comte de, 337
Chaul, battle of (1508), 196
Chimnaji Ap? takes Bassein, 373
China, 175, 215, 216, 342
Chin Chee, factory at, 215
Christ, Order of, 86, 124, 183
Christianity introduced, 10, 12
Chronica do Conquista do Algarves, 127
Chroniclers, the early, 126, 127, 379
Cintra, 53, 104, 119, 334, 400
Ciudad Rodrigo, 56, 331, 341
Clement XIV., Pope, 364
Cleynaerts, quoted, 236
Clinton, Col. Henry, 390
Cochin, 193, 195, 196, 198, 204, 294, 342
Cochin China,
175, 214
Coelho, Duarte, 175, 214
Coelho da Silva, Francisco, 385
Coelho, JosÉ Maria Latino, 431
Coimbra, 15, 18, 24, 28, 58, 74, 83, 87, 97, 105, 111, 119, 406
Coimbra, bishops of, see AnnunciacÃo, Aymeric, Tiburcio
Coimbra, University of, see University
Coligny, Admiral, 234
Colombo, factory, 203
Columbus, Christopher, 169
Commerce, Treaties of, 86, 94, 165, 337-40, 372
Congo, the, 151
Congreve, William, quoted, 216
Constance, daughter of Diniz, 86
Constance, wife of Pedro, 92, 95
Constituent Assembly of 1820, 413, 414
Constitution of 1822, 414, 424
Conti, valet of Affonso VI., 330, 331
Conventions, 400, 421, 424
Correa, Antonio, 309, 316
Correa da Silva, Antonio, 380
Correa da Serra, JosÉ, 379, 385
Correia, Paio Peres, 76
Corte-Real, Diogo de MendonÇa, Count of, 352
Corte-Real, Gaspar, 175
Corte-Real, Jeronymo, 267, 301
Cortes, 45, 71, 81, 83, 106, 111, 128, 130, 160, 164, 165, 257, 280, 283, 312, 417
Costa Cabral, Antonio Bermudo da, see Thomar, Count of
Costa, Duarte da, 233
Costa, JoÃo da, 262
Courts of Love, 89, 91
Coutinho, Francisco, see Redondo, Count of
Coutinho, Gaston, 308, 311
Coutinho, Luis Pinto de Sousa, 386
Coutinho, Manoel de Sousa, 291
Coutinho, Ruy Pereira, 175
Couto, Diogo do, 185, 301
Covada Piedade, battle of, 421
Covilham, JoÃo Peres de, 167
Cromwell, Oliver, 323
Crusaders, 48, 52, 60, 62, 72
Crusadoes, struck by Affonso V., 133
Cruz e Silva, Antonio Diniz da, 378
Cueva, Fernando de la, 313
Cunha, Ayres da, 226
Cunha, Cardinal da, 354
Cunha, EstevÃo da, 308, 309
Cunha e Menezes, Francisco da, 393
Cunha, JoÃo LourenÇo da, 101, 104
Cunha, Luis da, 308
Cunha, Luis da, 359
Cunha, Nuno da, 204, 205
Cunha, Rodrigo da, 308, 311
Cunha, TristÃo da, 175, 196, 197
Da Cunha, Da Silva, &c., see Cunha, Silva, &c.
DÁbhol, sacked by Almeida, 197
Daman, taken by Constantino de Braganza, 213, 270
Das Antas, Das Regras, &c., see Antas, Regras, &c.
De Castro, De Noronha, &c., see Castro, Noronha, &c.
Denifle, H., “UniversitÄten des Mittelalters,” 260
Diamonds discovered in Brazil, 377
Diamper (Udayampura), Synod of, 292
Dias, Bartholomeu, 156
Dickson, Sir Alexander, 405
Diniz, King of Portugal, 81, 83, 85-91, 98, 260
Diniz, son of Pedro I. and Ines de Castro, 103, 114, 118
Diogo, Duke of Viseu, 162
Diu, Island of, 197, 204, 205, 211, 212, 334
Domingues, Rodrigo, 93
Domingues, Vasco, 104
Drake, Sir Francis, 285, 290
Dulce of Aragon, queen of Sancho I., 57, 98
Duperron de Castera, 379
D’Urban, Sir Benjamin, 402
Dutch, the, 290, 291, 294-98, 314, 315, 318, 320, 341-43, 346
Eannes, Gil, doubles Cape Bojador, 147
Earthquake of Lisbon, 357, 358
Eben, Baron, 401
Education, National system of, 430
Edward, King of Portugal, 122, 124, 126-29
Edward I., of England, 86
Edward II., of England, 86
Edward III., of England, 93, 94, 104
Edward IV., of England, 134, 164
Edward, the Black Prince, 94
Edward, Duke of Guimaraens, 178, 278
Egas, JoÃo, Archbishop of Braga, 79
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 285, 295
Elmina, fort built at, 156
Elvas, 75, 312, 327, 360, 389
Emeralds found in Brazil, 377
Emmanuel, King of Portugal, 170-78, 188, 191, 215
England, 52, 62, 72, 86, 93-95, 106, 111, 113, 116-18, 164, 165, 290, 295, 296, 329, 330, 336, 337-40, 343, 352, 363, 380, 381, 387, 388, 399-405, 414, 417, 421, 429
Epic, first Portuguese, 93
Equator, the, crossed, 154
Era, changed from Augustan to Christian, 121
Espinosa, Gabriel, 288
Euric, Visigothic king, 11
Evora, Pedro de, 167
Evora, 10, 55, 57, 66, 128, 135, 160, 302, 331
Evora Monte, surrender of, 421
Faria e Sousa, Manoel, 185, 301
Farinha, Affonso Peres, 76
Faro, Affonso, Count of, 161
Ferdinand, King of Portugal, 99-107
Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 423, 425, 426
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, 134, 135, 163, 171
Ferdinand VI., of Spain, 352
Ferdinand I., of Leon, 14, 15
Ferdinand II., of Leon, 54-56
Ferdinand IV., of Castile, 86
Ferdinand, son of Sancho I., 70, 74
Ferdinand, son of Affonso II., 76, 78, 79
Ferdinand, son of John I., the “Constant Prince,” 122, 125, 129, 130
Ferdinand, son of Edward, 153, 161
Ferdinand, son of Emmanuel, Duke of Guarda, 178
Ferdinand, son of Maria II., 426
Fernandes, JoÃo, 151
Fernandes, Martim, 73
Ferrario, Francisco, 276
Ferreira, Antonio, 266, 267
Feudalism in Portugal, 87, 88, 120, 121, 160, 413
“Fidelissimus,” title conferred on kings of Portugal, 353
Fielding, Henry, 381
“Filintists,” the, 379
Flor da Rosa, battle of (1801), 389
Fonseca, Agostino Luis da, 405, 407
Fontaine, Pierre Louis, 385
Fontainebleau, Treaty of (1807), 392
Forbes-Skelater, JoÃo, 386
Francis Xavier, St., 209, 212, 295
Frederick III., Emperor, 134
Freemasons, 385, 393
Freire, Antonio de Andrade, 371
French, the, in Brazil, 233-35
French Revolution, 382, 383, 385, 414
Friars, Orders of, 74, 208, 417, 422
Funchal, in Madeira, 144
Galle in Ceylon, 330
Gallicia, 15, 25, 37-39, 56
Gallicians, mentioned by Strabo, 5
Garveras, Count das, 340
Galway, Henri de Ruvigny, Lord, 340, 341, 351
Gama, Antonio de Saldanha da, see Porto Santo, Count of
Gama, EstevÃo da, 205, 206
Gama, Vasco da, 175, 188, 189, 191-93, 203, 204
Gaunt, John of, see Lancaster, Duke of
Gazeta de Lisboa, 325
Gelmires, Diogo, 28-30
George IV. of England receives Maria II., 418
Goa, 183, 198, 201, 203, 135
Joanna, queen of Affonso V., 134
Joanna, daughter of Affonso V., 165
Joanna, daughter of Charles V., 179, 240
John I., King of Portugal, 97, 103, 105-7, 109-11, 113-27, 133, 261
John II., King of Portugal, 156, 158-70
John III., King of Portugal, 174-84, 261, 263
John IV., King of Portugal, 304-6, 312-17, 321, 323, 324
John V., King of Portugal, 350-54
John VI., King of Portugal, 373-89, 392, 393, 408, 410, 411, 414-16
John XXI., Pope, 83
John XXII., Pope, 86
John I., of Castile, 106, 107, 110, 111, 113
John, son of Pedro I., 103-5
John, Duke of Beja, 122, 125
John, son of John III., 179, 184
John, son of Maria II., 426
John of Abbeville, Cardinal, 75, 76
Joseph, King of Portugal,
Joseph, bastard son of John V., 371
Joseph, son of Maria I. and Pedro III., 373
JuliÃo, Chancellor, 67, 71
Junot, General, 391, 392, 393, 395-97, 400
Juromenha, 66, 389
Justice, administration of, 88, 121, 160, 367
Kandy, conquest of king of, 292
Kersaint, French deputy, 385
Knights, military religious Orders of, 32, 48, 66, 76
Labrador discovered, 175
La Clue, French admiral, 358
LafÕes, JoÃo de Braganza, Duke of, 371, 372, 385
Laharpe translates “Camoens,” 379
Lamego, 8, 15, 45
LanÇarote, his slaving voyages, 149
Lancaster, Henry, Earl of, 93
Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Duke of, 103, 113
Lane-Poole, S., quoted, 11, 172
Language, the Portuguese, 2, 8, 89, 121, 265
Law, Portuguese, 10, 88, 121, 124
LeÇa granted to Knights of Hospital, 32
Le Cor, Carlos Frederico, 392, 405, 407, 411
Leiria, 10, 43, 46, 81, 87, 106, 183, 368, 421
Lemos, DamiÃo Antonio de, 369
Leonor Telles de Menezes, Queen, 101, 103-5, 107, 110
Leonor, daughter of Affonso IV., 94
Leonor, daughter of Edward, 134
Leonora of Aragon, 124, 130, 131
Leonora of Castile, 101, 102
Lhuillier, member of Regency, 396
Lima, Luis de, 255
Limia, taken by Affonso Henriques, 37, 56
Linhares, built by Sancho I., 69
Lippe-Buckeburg, Count of, 363, 364, 367
Lisbon, 5, 8, 12, 17, 18, 51, 52, 64, 87, 95, 102, 103, 109, 110, 119, 120, 182, 236, 237, 257, 260, 261, 286, 290, 302, 308-12, 333, 338, 353, 355, 357, 358, 368, 372, 380, 381, 393, 413, 421, 426, 427
Literature, 89, 90, 126, 127, 135, 137, 169, 259-77, 301, 325, 369, 377-79, 425, 430-32
Lobeira, Vasco de, 126
Lodeiro, granted to Knights of Sepulchre, 32
Loison, General, 397
London, crusaders from, 62, 94
Lopes, Fernan, chronicler, 127, 379
Lopes, Martim, 167
Louis XI., of France, 135, 159
Louis XIV., of France, 329, 332
LoulÉ, Marquis of, 415
LourenÇo, Archbishop of Braga, 110, 121
LourenÇo, Theresa, 97
Luis I., King of Portugal, 426, 427, 430
Luis, son of Emmanuel, Duke of Beja, 178, 179, 211, 281
Luisa de Guzman, Queen of John IV., 304, 305, 326-31
Lusitania, not Portugal, 6-8
Lusitanians, 5-7
Luz Soriano, SimiÃo JosÉ da, historian, 431
Macao, 215, 270, 317, 342, 369, 375
Macassar, 343
Machado, Diogo Barbosa, 369
Machado de Castro, Joaquim, see Castro
Machico, Province of Madeira, 144
Machin, Robert, 144-46
Madden, Sir Samuel, 405
Madeira, 144-46, 390, 399
Madrid, 341;
treaty of, 351, 352
Mafra, 53, 353, 397
MagalhÃes, FernÃo de, 175, 180, 199, 214
MagalhÃes, Pedro Jacques de, 331
Magellan, see MagalhÃes
Magro, GonÇalo Peres, 80
Major, R. H., quoted, 141, 149
Malacca, 175, 199, 214, 247, 248, 294, 317, 342
Malagrida, Gabriel, 361, 364
Maldive Islands, 175, 196
Mangalore, 246
Manique, Diogo Ignacio de Pina, 172, 382, 385, 390
Manufactures, Pembal and, 368
Marathas, the, 343, 373, 374
Margaret of France, 244
Margaret of Savoy, 305, 306, 309
Maria I., Queen of Portugal, 370-73, 393, 408
Maria II., Queen of Portugal, 417, 418, 421-25
Maria, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, 174
Maria, daughter of Affonso IV., 92
Maria, daughter of John III., 179
Maria Amelia, queen of Carlos I., 428
Maria Barbara, daughter of John V., 352
Maria Benedicta, 373
Maria Francisca, marries Affonso VI., 332;
and Pedro II., 333, 334
Maria Josepha, marries Pedro IV., 412
Maria Pia, queen of Luis I., 426
Maria Sophia, queen of Pedro II., 336
Marialva, Marquis of, 331
Marialva, Marquis of, 412
Marianna, queen of John V., 351
Marianna Vittoria, queen of Joseph, 352, 370
Martinho, commander of Palmella, 72
Martinho, Archbishop of Lisbon, 109
Martins, LourenÇo, 109
Mascarenhas, Francisco de, 291
Mascarenhas, JoÃo de, 211
Mascarenhas, JoÃo de, see Cadaval, Duke of
Mascarenhas, Martinho de, 371
Mascarenhas, Pedro de, 175
Mascarenhas, Pedro de, 212
Mascarenhas, Pedro de, 308
MassÉna, Marshal, 404-6
Matapan, Cape, battle off, 352
Matilda of Savoy, 41
Matilda, daughter of Affonso Henriques, 54
Matilda, daughter of Sancho I., 70
Maurice of Nassau, 298, 318, 319
Maurice, Bishop of Coimbra, 21, 28
Mauritius, 175, 346
Mayne, Colonel, 399
Mazagon, 240
Mazarin, Cardinal, 321, 323, 329
Medina Sidonia, Duke of, 304
Melinda, 189, 213
Mello, Affonso de, 312
Mello de Menezes, Antonio, 308, 309
Mello e Castro, Diniz de, 340
Mello, Francisco de, 314, 329
Mello, Jorge de, 308, 309, 312
Mello, e Castro, Martinho, 367, 368, 372, 388
Mello, Vasco Martins de, 105
Mencia, queen of Sancho II., 78, 80
Mendes, Antonio, 262
Mendes, GonÇalo, 73, 74
Mendes, Nuno, 15
Mendes, Paio, 30, 31
Mendes, Sueiro, 17, 30, 31
Mendes Leal, JosÉ da Silva, 425, 431
MendonÇa, Antonio Lopes de, 180
MendonÇa, Diogo de, 297
MendonÇa, Diogo de, see Corte Real, Count of
MendonÇa, JoÃo de, 246
MendonÇa, Lopo Furtado de, see Rio Grande, Count of
MendonÇa Furtado, Pedro de, 308, 311
MendonÇa, Pedro Francisco de, 334
Menezes, Alexis de, 242, 245
Menezes, Alexis de, 292
Menezes, Diogo de, 248
Menezes, Duarte de, 203, 209
Menezes, Duarte de, 255
Menezes, Duarte de, 291
Menezes, Emmanuel de, 297
Menezes, Fernando de, 270
Menezes, Garcia de, 6
Menezes, Henrique de, 204
Menezes, JoÃo de, 169
Mertola, taken (1239), 78
Methuen, Right Hon. John, 337
Methuen Treat
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@45581@45581-h@45581-h-9.htm.html#page_421" class="pginternal">421
Panjim, 198, 374, 375
Paraguay, 175
Paraiba, Captainship of, 298
Passos, JoÃo Soares de, 431
Patuleia, war of, 424
Paulist Republic, the, 376
Paullus, L. Æmilius, 6
Payva, Affonso de, 167
Pedro I., 92, 95, 98, 99
Pedro II., 332-41
Pedro III., 370-73
Pedro IV., 411, 414, 416, 417, 419-22
Pedro V., 425, 426
Pedro II., Emperor of Brazil, 419, 428
Pedro IV., King of Aragon, 94
Pedro, son of Sancho I., 70, 76, 78, 80
Pedro, Duke of Coimbra, 122, 124, 126, 130-33
Pedro Hispano elected Pope, 83
Pekin, Andrade at, 175, 215
Penafiel, Count of, 413
Peninsular War, the, 399-407
Pennamacor, Count of, 165
Pepper trade, 193,
Pereira de Mello, Antonio Manoel Fontes, 427
Pereira, ChristovÃo de Brito, 331, 332
Pereira, Nuno Alvares, “the Holy Constable,” 107, 109, 110, 111, 125, 126
Peres, Abril, 75
Peres, David, 370, 380
Peres, Rodrigo, 38
Peres de Trava, see Trava
Perestrello, Bartholomeu, 144, 147
Perignon, Marshal, 387
Pernambuco, in Brazil, 229, 295, 298, 320
Persian trade, 214, 296
Pessanha, LanÇarote, 109
Pessanha, Manoel, 88, 93, 145
Philip II., of Spain, 179, 248, 280, 283, 290, 298
Philip III., of Spain, 299
Philip IV., of Spain, 304, 313
Philip V., of Spain, 337, 340
Philip “the Good,” 125
Philip of Flanders, 58
Philippa daughter of John of Gaunt, queen of John I., 113-15, 123
Pieterzoon, L. S., 379
Pina, Ruy de, 169, 379
Pina Manique, Diogo Ignacio de, see Manique
Pinheiro, Antonio de, 280
Pinhel, 104
Pinto, FernÃo Mendes, 216, 217
Pinto, Serpa, 429
Pires, Ines, 118, 125
Pisano, Matthew de, 6, 7, 127
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 362
Pizarro, Quevedo, 419
Placencia, 341
Plate, River, 175
Po, Fernando, 154
Poetry and poets, 89, 90, 126, 263, 264-74, 301, 378, 379, 430, 431
Pombal, SebastiÃo JosÉ de Carvalho e Mello, Marquis of, 355, 357, 358, 360-71
PonÁni, 196
Ponte de Lima, 421
Ponte de Lima, Thomas Xavier de Lima Brito, Marquis of, 372
Ponte Delgada, Leonor da Camara, Marchioness of, 418
Porches, 80
Porto, see Oporto
Porto Alegre, bishopric of, 183
Porto Carrero, Cardinal, 337
Porto de Moz, 53
Porto Santo, island of, 144
Porto Santo, Antonio de Saldanha da Gama, Count of, 408
Porto Seguro, 222, 229
Portuguese Legion, the, 395
Povoa, General da, 405
Praia Bay, battle of (1830), 419
Prehistoric monuments, 4, 5
Prose, its commencement, 126, 127
Puebla, Marquis de la, 305, 311
Quebedo, Vasco Mousinho de, 301
Quesnel, French general, 397
Quiloa, South-east Africa, 195
Quilon, India, 196
Ramires, Mem, 49
Rarim, 374
Ratton, Jacome, 385
Raymond of Toulouse, 18, 21, 23
Raymond Berenger of Aragon, 54
Rebello da Silva, Luis Augusto, 425, 431
Recife, island of, 298, 320
Red Sea, the, 200, 204, 205, 270
Redondo, Francisco Coutinho, Count of, 184, 246, 270
Regency of 1807, the, 393, 400, 401, 404, 407, 412, 413
Regency of 1808, 396
Regras, JoÃo das, 109, 111, 121
Republican party, 428
Resende, Andrea de, 7, 262, 277
Resende, Count of, 413
Resende, SebastiÃo de, 256
RÉunion, island of, 175
Ribeiro, Bernardim, 263, 264, 276
Ribeiro, JoÃo Pinto, 305, 306, 308, 309, 325
Ribeiros, Bernardim, 405
Richard II., of England, 106, 113, 118
Richard III., of England, 165
Richard of Saham, 93, 94
Richelieu, Cardinal, 302, 314, 315
Rio de Janeiro, 351
Rio d’Ouro, 147
Rio Grande, 298
Rio Grande, Count of, 352
Rodil, General, 421
Rodrigues, Martinho, 69, 76
RoliÇa, battle of (1808), 399
Romans, the, 6-8, 10
Romances, 126
Rooke, Admiral Sir George, 337, 340
Rosslyn, General Earl of, 391
Roussel, Captain, 426
Rubies in Brazil, 377
Rupert, Prince, 323
SÁ e Mello, Ayres de, 372
SÁ, Emmanuel de, 234
SÁ, Emmanuel de, 308
SÁ de Menezes, Francisco de, 301, 325
SÁ de Miranda, Francisco de, 264-66
SÁ, Garcia de, 212
SÁ, Pantaleone de, 323
SÁ, Rodrigo de, 308, 309, 323
SÁ e Benevides, Salvador Correa de, 324, 343, 346
SÁ de Bandeira, Viscount, 421, 424
Saccavem, 104
Sadashivgarh, 374
Sagre, Prince Henry at, 125, 140, 141
St. Antonio, Castle of, 312
St. Benedict of Aviz, Order of, 66, 80, 103, 125, 170, 183
St. Caetano, Ignacio de, 372
St. George, Citadel of, 311, 395
St. Helena, 175, 346
St. Ildefonso, Treaty of (1796), 387
St. Julian, Castle of, 313
St. LourenÇo, JoÃo Amberto de Noronha, Count of, 371
St. LourenÇo, Count of, 420
St. Mamede, battle of, 31
St. Michael in the Azores, 147
St. Paio de Gouvea, 32
St. Paul in Brazil, 376
St. PÉ, Chevalier de, 302
St. Salvador, 230, 297, 298
St. ThomÉ, 343
St. Vincent, Cape, battle off, 420
St. Vincent, Earl of, 391
Salado, The, battle of, 93
Saldanha, Antonio de, 193
Saldanha, Antonio de, 308, 311
Saldanha, Cardinal de, 60
Saldanha, JoÃo Carlos de Saldanha de Oliveira e Daun, Duke of, 418, 420, 421, 424, 427
Salic law, the, rejected, 106
Salvaterra, 87, 107
Sampaio, Lopo Vaz de, Governor-General of India, 204
Sampaio, Count of, 396, 413, 418
San Caetano, San LourenÇo, &c., see St. Caetano, &c.
Sancha, daughter of Sancho I., 74
Sanches, Affonso, 91, 92
Sancho I., 56-58, 60-70
Sancho II., 74-80
Sandwich, Earl of, 330, 333
Santarem, 17, 18, 49, 57, 58, 60, 62, 87, 393
Santarem, JoÃo de, 154
Santarem, Viscount of, 215, 425
Santiago, Knights of, 76, 87, 125, 170, 183
Sarria, Marquis of, 363
Sartorius, Admiral Sir George Robert, 419, 420
Savage, Thomas, 165
Scabra, JosÉ de, 396
Schomberg, Frederick, Count, 327, 331
Sebastian, King, 184, 238, 240-45, 249, 251-56
Sebastianistas, the, 256, 257
Sebastians, the false, 286-90
Seia, Castle of, 37
Senegal, River, 150
Sepulchre, Knights of the, 32, 66
Sequeira, Diogo Lopes de, 175, 199, 203
Sequeira, Domingos Antonio de, 380
Sequeira, Luis de, 292
Serpa, 76, 299
Serra, JosÉ Correa da, 379, 385
SerrÃo, Francisco, 175, 199, 214
Serrano, General, 421
Sesnando, Count of Coimbra, 15, 17
Seyr, 18, 24
Shah Jeh?n, takes H?gl?, 296
Ship-building, 143, 144, 169
Siam, 175, 214
Sieges, 24, 28, 29, 37, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 72, 75, 39, 40, 55, 107, 113, 163, 333, 337-40, 351, 352, 386, 387, 389, 392
Treaties of Commerce, 86, 94, 165
TristÃo, Nuno, reached Cabo Branco, 148;
killed, 150
Troubadours, influence of the, on Portuguese poetry, 89, 91
Truxillo, taken by Affonso Henriques, 55
Tullio, Marco, 288-90
Tunis, expedition to, 179, 211
Tuy, 28-30, 38, 56
Tyrawley, Lord, 257, 352
Udayampura (Diamper), 292
University at Lisbon, 89;
at Coimbra, 260-62, 268, 278, 355, 367, 376
Urban IV., Pope, 81
Urraca, daughter of Alfonso VI., 18, 23, 29,
Urraca, daughter of Affonso Henriques, 54
Urraca, queen of Affonso II., 70, 74
Uruguay, Republic of, 411
Valdevez, tourney and truce of, 39
ValenÇa, 421
Valencia de Alcantara, battle of (1762), 363
Valignano, Alexandre de, 292
Valverde, battle of (1385), 113
Vasconcellos de Brito, Miguel, 306, 309
Vasconcellos, Rodrigues de, 111
Vasconians, the, 5
Vasques, Fernan, 102
Vaublanc, Viennot de, 396
Vaz, TristÃo, 144
Vela, Rodrigo, 38
Vertot, AbbÉ, 45, 308
Vespucci, Amerigo, 175, 222
Vianna, 368, 421
Vicente, Dean of Lisbon, 74-76
Vicente, Gil, 262, 263
Victor, Marshal, 401
Vidigueira, Count of, see Gama, Vasco da
Vieira, Antonio, 325
Vieira, JoÃo Fernandes, 320
Vienna, Congress of, 407, 408
Villa Flor, Count of, 331
Villa Flor, Count of, see Terceira, Duke of
Villa Real, Marquis of, 315-17
Villa Velha, battle of (1762), 363
Villa Verde, Count of, 391
Villa ViÇosa, 104, 305, 306, 312, 332
Villegagnon, Nicolas Durant, Sieur de, 234
Villiers, Right Hon. J. C, 400
Vimeiro, battle of (1808), 400
Vinetus, Elias, 262
Viniculture, 87, 145, 368
Viriathus, Lusitanian hero, 6
Viseu, 8, 15
Visigothic rule, 10, 11
Waldeck, Prince of, 387, 388
Waldemar, King of Denmark, 70
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 399-402, 405-407, 418
Willikens, Dutch admiral, 297
Wilson, Colonel John, 405
Wilson, Colonel Sir Robert T., 399, 401
Windsor, Treaty of (1386), 113, 118, 128, 131, 164
Witchcraft, 69
Ya’kub, Almohade Caliph, 60, 62, 63
Yokohama, factory at, 217
York, Edmund, Duke of, 106
York, Edward, Duke of, 106, 107
Yusuf, Almohade Caliph, 57, 58
Yusuf Adil Shah, King of BijÁpur, 198
Yusuf Ibn Teshfin, 17
Zalaca, battle of (1086), 17
Zamora, Affonso Henriques, 35, 39, 40
Zamorin of Calicut, the, 190, 195, 196
Zarco, JoÃo GonÇalves, 144
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