
[1] “The Moors in Spain.” By Stanley Lane-Poole. 4th ed. 1890.

[2] See “The Moors in Spain,” chap. x.

[3] Some writers have ascribed the five “inescutcheons” on the shield of Portugal to the five Moorish kings killed at Ourique, the version adopted by Camoens in “The Lusiads,” canto iii. stanza 53.

[4] Crucesignati Anglici Epistola de Expugnatione Olisiponis, printed in vol. i. pp. 392, &c., of the PortugalliÆ Monumenta Historica, published by the Academy of Lisbon.

[5] “EncyclopÆdia Britannica,” 9th edition, Article “Portugal.”

[6] Camoens, “Lusiads,” canto iii. stanzas 96, 97, Burton’s translation.

[7] “Lusiads,” canto iii. stanzas 118-135.

[8] Camoens, “Lusiads,” canto iv. stanzas 52, 53.—Burton’s translation.

[9] The leading authority for the discoveries of the Portuguese in this century is “The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator, and its results,” by R. H. Major, London, 1868, of which a Portuguese translation, by J. A. Ferreira BrandÃo, was published at Lisbon in 1876.

[10] There is a good deal of contentious literature on the chronology of the African voyages of the Portuguese explorers, and in this account Mr. Major’s “Prince Henry the Navigator” has been followed.

[11] “The Story of the Moors in Spain,” chapter ii. p. 24.

[12] “Apontamentos para a Historia da Conquista de Portugal por Filippe II,” by A. P. Lopes de MendonÇa, in vol. ii. of the “Annaes das Sciencias Moraes e Politicas.”

[13] These Commentaries have been translated for the Hakluyt Society by W. de Grey Birch.

[14] For this quotation, as well as the most precise and exact information on the state of India during the Portuguese dominion, I must express my indebtedness to Sir W. W. Hunter’s “Imperial Gazetteer of India,” new edition, and refer to vol. vi., article India, chapter xiv., and the articles on Calicut, Cochin, Daman, Diu, and Goa.

[15] Hunter’s “Imperial Gazetteer of India,” vol. vi., article India, p. 360.

[16] Camoens, “Lusiads,” canto v. stanzas 46-48.

[17] The Viscount de Santarem in his “Memoria sobre o estabelicemento de Macau.”

[18] According to the estimate formed at the close of 1888, Brazil had a population of 14,002,335 inhabitants, while according to the census of 1878 Portugal had a population of 4,160,315, in the Azores and Madeira 390,384, the possessions in Asia 847,503, and the possessions in Africa, 2,741,448.

[19] On the character of Dom Sebastian, Sir Richard Burton has written some thoughtful pages; see his Commentary on Camoens, vol. i. pp. 341-344.

[20] The word Maula, generally corrupted into Muley, is said by Sir Richard Burton (Camoens, Commentary, vol. i. p. 350) to mean lord, master, and leader.

[21] For the early history of the university, see Denifle “Die UniversitÄten des Mittelalters,” vol. i. pp. 519-534.

[22] Montaigne’s “Essais,” i. 25.

[23] “EncyclopÆdia Britannica,” Art. Portugal.

[24] On the history of these pretenders, see “Les Faux Don SÉbastien,” by Miguel Martins d’Antas, the late Portuguese minister in London, published at Paris, 1866.

[25] Hunter’s “Imperial Gazetteer of India,” article, India, vol. vi. p. 360.

[26] The “Da Asia” of Diogo de Couto, decade xii. book i. chap. xix.

[27] Hunter’s “Imperial Gazetteer of India,” vol. vi. p. 251.

[28] Richelieu’s “Letters,” edited by the Vicomte d’Avenel, vol. vii. p. 858.

[29] Mazarin’s “Letters,” edited by M. ChÉruel, vol. ii. p. 501.

[30] See the interesting little book by Jules Tessin, published at Paris in 1877 under the title of “Le Chevalier de Jant. RÉlations de la France avec le Portugal au temps de Mazarin.”

[31] See Carlyle’s “Speeches and Letters of Cromwell,” vol. iv. p. 21; Whitelocke’s “Memorials,” ed. 1732, pp. 592, 595.

Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:
and and Gallicia=> and Gallicia {pg 25}
the the chief=> the chief {pg 189}
in both direction=> in both directions {pg 213}
when he succeeded to his county=> when he succeeded to his country {pg 238}
her to believed in him=> her to believe in him {pg 288}
Aorna, JoÃo Alorna, JoÃo {pg index}
MÁrÁthÁs=> Marathas {pg index}
Melllo, Jorge de=> Mello, Jorge de {pg index}
NovÃes => Novaes {pg index}


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