The foregoing seventy-three pages include all the names and date of birth, deaths and marriages of the descendents of Joshua Stephens, (6), which I have to date. The subject matter is merely a skeleton of the mass of family history data, which I have on hand, including biographies, pictures, manuscripts, letters, papers, relics, etc. I have put it in this shape for the reasons: 1. That it is impossible just now to publish the family history in full as it should be. 2. Fearing possibly a destruction of the data, etc., on hand, in this shape it can at least be preserved, as one copy will be deposited in the archives of the "Historical Society of Southern California," at Los Angeles, California, and one copy in the archives of the "Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society" at Columbus, Ohio; so that, if fortunately any relative should have a sufficiency of that commendable family love and pride to perpetuate the record, he will have a foundation on which to build, by going to those archives. I am aware that this work must contain errors. Many letters are vague; hand-writing hard to understand; correspondents are often contradictory, and many of their statements are known by me to be erroneous. I have endeavored to verify each report, and have, in many instances, successfully. I will reserve an account of my very interesting experience in digging up family history for the to be published work. There are undoubtedly clerical errors in this work, which I have corrected with ink so far as detected. THIS WORK OF GATHERING family was begun in April, 1881, and has been continued by me unremittingly ever since, and will be so long as I live. Due acknowledgements will be made in the to-be published work, of all assistance. (Signed) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Location of graves in west end of the old Hardin grave yard on N. E. ¼ of Section 29, of Turtle Creek Township, Shelby County, Ohio. Reading from the left: |