Some unusual, possibly unintentional spellings have been retained from the original. Retained some inconsistent hyphenation (e.g. "gunlock" vs. "gun-lock"). Images may be clicked to view larger versions. Page 20, changed comma to period after "into the boy's face." Page 21, changed "a thousands fiery tongues" to "a thousand fiery tongues." Page 22, changed "irres-solute" to "irresolute" and added missing quote before "Malaeska, we must part." Page 24, changed "brethen" to "brethren." Page 32, removed stray quote before "Malaeska turned her eyes eagerly." Page 35, changed "scraf" to "scarf." Page 37, changed "throubled" to "troubled." Page 53, changed "unplesant" to "unpleasant." Page 55, removed stray quote before "She paused a moment." Page 59, changed "out side" to "outside" for consistency. Page 66, changed ? to ! in "please, don't!" Page 67, changed "same other cause" to "some other cause" and "high-soulded" to "high-souled." Page 69, changed "olden hom" to "olden home" (possibly a printing problem specific to the source copy). Page 70, changed "formely existed" to "formerly existed" and "requsite" to "requisite." Page 71, changed "comdemned" to "condemned." Page 77, changed "did'nt" to "didn't." Page 85, changed "would'nt" to "wouldn't." Page 98, added missing quote after "thousand sons." |