Ivanhoe, 20
Rob Roy, 20
Guy Mannering, 20
The Antiquary, 20
Old Mortality, 20
Heart of Mid Lothian, 20
Bride of Lammermoor, 20
Waverley, 20
St. Ronan's Well, 20
Kenilworth, 20
The Pirate, 20
The Monastery, 20
The Abbot, 20
The Fortunes of Nigel, 20
The Betrothed, 20
Peveril of the Peak, 20
Quentin Durward, 20
Red Gauntlet, 20
The Talisman, 20
Woodstock, 20
Highland Widow, etc. 20
The Fair Maid of Perth, 20
Anne of Geierstein, 20
Count Robert of Paris, 20
The Black Dwarf and Legend of Montrose, 20
Castle Dangerous, and Surgeon's Daughter, 20

Above edition is the cheapest in the world, and is complete in twenty-six volumes, price Twenty cents each, or Five Dollars for the complete set.

A finer edition is also published of each of the above, complete in twenty-six volumes, price Fifty cents each, or Ten Dollars for the complete set.

Moredun. A Tale of 1210, 50
Tales of a Grandfather, 25
Scott's Poetical Works, $500
Life of Scott, cloth, 250


This edition of the Waverley Novels is contained in five large octavo volumes, with a portrait of Sir Walter Scott, making four thousand very large double columned pages, in good type, and handsomely printed on the finest of white paper, and bound in the strongest and most substantial manner.

Price of a set, in Black cloth, in five volumes, $1500
" " Full sheep, Library style, 1750
" " Half calf, antique, or Half calf, gilt, 2500
The Complete Prose and Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, are also published in ten volumes, bound in half calf, for $6000


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