Life of John A. Murrel, | 50 | Life of Joseph T. Hare, | 50 | Life of Col. Monroe Edwards, | 50 | Life of Jack Sheppard, | 50 | Life of Jack Rann, | 50 | Life of Dick Turpin, | 50 | Life of Helen Jewett, | 50 | Desparadoes of the New World, | 50 | Mysteries of New Orleans, | 50 | The Robber's Wife, | 50 | Obi; or, Three Fingered Jack, | 50 | Kit Clayton, | 50 | Life of Tom Waters, | 50 | Nat Blake, | 50 | Bill Horton, | 50 | Galloping Gus, | 50 | Life & Trial of Antoine Probst, | 50 | Ned Hastings, | 50 | Eveleen Wilson, | 50 | Diary of a Pawnbroker, | 50 | Silver and Pewter, | 50 | Sweeny Todd, | 50 | Life of Grace O'Malley, | 50 | Life of Davy Crockett, | 50 | Life of Sybil Grey, | 50 | Life of Jonathan Wild, | 25 | Life of Henry Thomas, | 25 | Life of Arthur Spring, | 25 | Life of Jack Ketch, | 25 | Life of Ninon De L'Enclos, | 25 | Lives of the Felons, | 25 | Life of Mrs. Whipple, | 25 | Life of Biddy Woodhull, | 25 | Life of Mother Brownrigg, | 25 | Dick Parker, the Pirate, | 25 | Life of Mary Bateman, | 25 | Life of Captain Blood, | 25 | Capt. Blood and the Beagles, | 25 | Sixteen-Stringed Jack's Fight for Life, | 25 | Highwayman's Avenger, | 25 | Life of Raoul De Surville, | 25 | Life of Rody the Rover, | 25 | Life of Galloping Dick, | 25 | Life of Guy Fawkes, | 75 | Life and Adventures of Vidocq, | 150 |