Life of John A. Murrel, 50
Life of Joseph T. Hare, 50
Life of Col. Monroe Edwards, 50
Life of Jack Sheppard, 50
Life of Jack Rann, 50
Life of Dick Turpin, 50
Life of Helen Jewett, 50
Desparadoes of the New World, 50
Mysteries of New Orleans, 50
The Robber's Wife, 50
Obi; or, Three Fingered Jack, 50
Kit Clayton, 50
Life of Tom Waters, 50
Nat Blake, 50
Bill Horton, 50
Galloping Gus, 50
Life & Trial of Antoine Probst, 50
Ned Hastings, 50
Eveleen Wilson, 50
Diary of a Pawnbroker, 50
Silver and Pewter, 50
Sweeny Todd, 50
Life of Grace O'Malley, 50
Life of Davy Crockett, 50
Life of Sybil Grey, 50
Life of Jonathan Wild, 25
Life of Henry Thomas, 25
Life of Arthur Spring, 25
Life of Jack Ketch, 25
Life of Ninon De L'Enclos, 25
Lives of the Felons, 25
Life of Mrs. Whipple, 25
Life of Biddy Woodhull, 25
Life of Mother Brownrigg, 25
Dick Parker, the Pirate, 25
Life of Mary Bateman, 25
Life of Captain Blood, 25
Capt. Blood and the Beagles, 25
Sixteen-Stringed Jack's Fight for Life, 25
Highwayman's Avenger, 25
Life of Raoul De Surville, 25
Life of Rody the Rover, 25
Life of Galloping Dick, 25
Life of Guy Fawkes, 75
Life and Adventures of Vidocq, 150

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