
Beautifully Illustrated by Felix O. C. Darley.

Major Jones' Courtship, 75
Major Jones' Travels, 75
Simon Suggs' Adventures and Travels, 75
Major Jones' Chronicles of Pineville, 75
Polly Peablossom's Wedding, 75
Mysteries of the Backwoods, 75
Widow Rugby's Husband, 75
Big Bear of Arkansas, 75
Western Scenes; or, Life on the Prairie, 75
Streaks of Squatter Life, 75
Pickings from the Picayune, 75
Stray Subjects, Arrested and Bound Over, 75
Louisiana Swamp Doctor, 75
Charcoal Sketches, 75
Misfortunes of Peter Faber, 75
Yankee among the Mermaids, 75
New Orleans Sketch Book, 75
Drama in Pokerville, 75
The Quorndon Hounds, 75
My Shooting Box, 75
Warwick Woodlands, 75
The Deer Stalkers, 75
Peter Ploddy, 75
Adventures of Captain Farrago, 75
Major O'Regan's Adventures, 75
Sol. Smith's Theatrical Apprenticeship, 75
Sol. Smith's Theatrical Journey-Work, 75
The Quarter Race in Kentucky, 75
Aunt Patty's Scrap Bag, 75
Percival Mayberry's Adventures and Travels, 75
Sam Slick's Yankee Yarns and Yankee Letters, 75
Adventures of Fudge Fumble, 75
American Joe Miller, 50
Following the Drum, 50

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