1 I include “women” because Lucy Stone once told me she draughted some of the Kansas laws for married women while sitting in the nursery with her baby on her knee. Other women worked with her, she said. Their labor was in the fifties of the nineteenth century—at the height of the movement to ameliorate the legal condition of married women. 2 Other societies also have vitality. The sortie of a handful of students one November night following election, a dinner each year celebrates. Grangers supposedly inimical to the interests of the University had won at the polls. The moon shone through a white, frosty air; the earth was hard and resonant. What the skulkers accomplished and the merry and hortative sequent to their furtive feast were told at the time by the beloved professor of Latin, the “professoris alicujus.” “T. C.’S” HORRIBILES. Jam noctis media hora. In coelo nubila spissa Stellas abstulerant. Umbrarum tempus erat quo Horrenda ignavis monstra apparent. Pueri tum Parvi matribus intus adhÆrent. Non gratiorem Noctem fur unquam invenit. Sed qui veniunt post Hanc Ædem veterem? Celebrantne aliqua horrida sacra Mercurio furum patrono? Discipuline? Non possunt! Tuti in lectis omnes requiescunt! Estne sodalicium studiosorum relevans se Magnis a curis? Sed cur huc conveniunt tam Furtivi? In manibus quidnam est vel sub tegumentis? O pudor! Et pullos et turkey non bene raptos! Vina etiam subrepta professoris alicujus (Horresco referens) e cella! Dedecus! Est nil Tutum a furibus? En pullos nunc faucibus illis Sorbent! Nunc sunt in terra, tum in ictu oculi non Apparebunt omne in Æternum! Miseros pullos, Infelices O pueros! Illi male capti A pueris, sed hi capientur mox male (O! O!!) A Plutone atro! Forsan lapsis quinque diebus, cum sapiens vir Omnes hos juvenes ad cenam magnificenter Invitavit. Tempore sane adsunt. Bene laeti Judex accipiunt et filia pulchra sodales Hos furtivos. Ad mensam veniunt. Juvenes cur Tam agitantur? Quid portentum conspiciunt nunc? Protrudunt oculi quasi ranarum! Nihil est in Mensa prÆter turkeys! Unus quoque catino! Solum hoc, prÆterea nil! 3 The translation is that of C. D. Yonge. 4 The ancient classic and early English writers afforded many instances of their people’s culinaria, and only when their content became familiar did I find that the Rev. Richard Warner had, in the last part of the eighteenth century, gone over the ground and chosen like examples—perhaps because they were the best. This quotation, and another one or two following, are solely found in our libraries in his admirable book here cited. Master Warner, writing nearer the old sources, had the advantage of original manuscripts and collections. “Tusser, they tell me, when thou wert alive, Thou, teaching thrift, thyselfe could’st never thrive.” 6 The printers, William and Andrew Bradford. 7 John Jerman. 8 “The Jews’ book” is, according to various researches, believed to be “The Rod of Judah,” a rabbinical work presented to the Senate of Hamburg in the seventeenth century, and carrying the legend in its Latin dedication. But the tale really dates back to the “Bostan,” or “Tree Garden,” of the Persian poet Saadi, who says, in another work, that he was a prisoner to the Crusaders, and labored in company with fellow-captives who were Jews in the trenches before Tripoli. 9 Used through the courtesy of the editor of “The William and Mary College Quarterly.” 10 This Jacob Tonson will be recalled as the chief bookseller (publisher) in London for some years prior to his death, 2 April, 1736. Transcriber’s Note:Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation are as in the original. |