Vincent Stephen
The Electric Current, and its Production by Chemical Means.
Production of electric current in chemical battery
Current very weak
Current compared to circulation of the blood
Strength and volume of current
Pressure not sufficient without volume
Action of current is instantaneous
Resistance to the passage of the current
Copper the usual metal for conductors
Heat produced by current when wire is too small
Production of Electric Currents by Mechanical Means.
Magneto-Electric Machines.
Current produced by mechanical means
Alternating current
Magneto-electric machines
Shock produced by interruption of current
The current must be commutated
Description of commutator
Current, though alternating in the dynamo, is continuous in the circuit
Continuous current used for electro-plating
Dynamo-Electric Machines.
Current will magnetise an iron or steel bar
Permanent magnet
Where the magneto and dynamo machines differ
Armature of so-called continuous-current dynamo
Type of commutator
Commutator brushes
Current continuous in the circuit
Alternating-current dynamos
Current not commutated
Intense magnetic field produced
Simplicity of Ferranti armature
Large number of alternations of the current
Alternating current cannot be used to excite an electro-magnet
Exciter coupled on to same spindle as dynamo
Power of exciter if used alone
Electric Lamps.
Production of electric light
Arc lights
Mechanism to regulate carbons
Some lamps suitable for alternating current
When carbons are consumed, light goes out
Arc lamps very complicated
Jablochkoff candles
Arc formed between the carbons
Candles require alternating current
Incandescent lamps
Vacuum formed in lamps prevents combustion
Vacuum not perfect
Advantages of incandescent lamps for house and ship lighting