The Electric Current, and its Production by Chemical Means.
Production of electric current in chemical batteryCurrent very weakCurrent compared to circulation of the bloodStrength and volume of currentPressure not sufficient without volumeAction of current is instantaneousResistance to the passage of the currentCopper the usual metal for conductorsHeat produced by current when wire is too small 1
Production of Electric Currents by Mechanical Means.
Magneto-Electric Machines.
Current produced by mechanical meansAlternating currentMagneto-electric machinesShock produced by interruption of currentThe current must be commutatedDescription of commutatorCurrent, though alternating in the dynamo, is continuous in the circuitContinuous current used for electro-plating 5
Dynamo-Electric Machines.
Current will magnetise an iron or steel barPermanent magnetElectro-magnetWhere the magneto and dynamo machines differArmature of so-called continuous-current dynamoType of commutatorCommutator brushesCurrent continuous in the circuitAlternating-current dynamosCurrent not commutatedIntense magnetic field producedSimplicity of Ferranti armatureLarge number of alternations of the currentAlternating current cannot be used to excite an electro-magnetExciter coupled on to same spindle as dynamoPower of exciter if used alone 9
Electric Lamps.
Production of electric lightArc lightsMechanism to regulate carbonsSome lamps suitable for alternating currentWhen carbons are consumed, light goes outArc lamps very complicatedJablochkoff candlesArc formed between the carbonsCandles require alternating currentIncandescent lampsVacuum formed in lamps prevents combustionVacuum not perfectAdvantages of incandescent lamps for house and ship lighting

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