The independent books published by Sir J. F. Stephen were as follows:— 1. Essays by a Barrister (reprinted from the Saturday Review). London, 1862, Smith, Elder & Co. 1 vol. 8vo. (Anonymous.) Pp. 335. 2. Defence of the Rev. Rowland Williams, D.D., in the Arches Court of Canterbury, by James Fitzjames Stephen, M.A., of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, recorder of Newark-on-Trent. London, 1862, Smith, Elder & Co. 1 vol. 8vo. Pp. xlviii. 335. 3. A General View of the Criminal Law of England, by James Fitzjames Stephen, M.A., of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, recorder of Newark-on-Trent. London and Cambridge, 1863, Macmillan & Co. 1 vol. 8vo. Pp. xii. 499. 4. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, by James Fitzjames Stephen, Q.C. London, 1873, Smith, Elder & Co. Pp. vi. 350. Second edition of the same (with new preface and additional notes), 1874. Pp. xlix. 370. 5. A Digest of the Law of Evidence, by James Fitzjames Stephen, Q.C. London, 1874, Macmillan & Co. Pp. xlii. 198. Reprinted with slight alterations, September 1876, December 1876; with many alterations, 1877. Second edition, 1881. Third, 1887. Fourth, 1893. 6. A Digest of the Criminal Law (Crimes and Punishments), by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I., Q.C. London, 1877, Macmillan & Co. Pp. lxxxii. 412. Second edition, 1879. Third, 1883. Fourth, 1887. Fifth, 1894. 7. A Digest of the Law of Criminal Procedure in Indictable Offences, by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., a judge of the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, and Herbert Stephen, Esq., LL.M., of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law. London, Macmillan & Co. 1883. Pp. xvi. 230. 8. A History of the Criminal Law of England, by Sir James 9. The Story of Nuncomar and the Impeachment of Sir Elijah Impey, by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I., one of the judges of the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division. London, 1885, Macmillan & Co. 2 vols. 8vo. Pp. 267, 336. 10. A General View of the Criminal Law of England, by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, a corresponding member of the French Institute, a judge of the Supreme Court, Queen's Bench Division. (Second edition.) London, 1890, Macmillan & Co. Pp. xii. 398. 11. HorÆ SabbaticÆ, Reprint of Articles contributed to the Saturday Review, by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Bart., K.C.S.I. London, 1892, Macmillan & Co. First, second and third series. Pp. 347, 417, 376. The following is a list of the chief contributions to quarterly and monthly periodicals. Cambridge Essays 1. Oct. 1855. Relation of Novels to Life. 2. July 1857. Characteristics of English Criminal Law. National Review 1. April 1856. Cambridge Reform. 2. Nov. 1864. The Public Schools Commission. Edinburgh Review 1. July 1856. Cavallier. 2. July 1857. Novelists. 3. Jan. 1858. Tom Brown's Schooldays. 4. April 1858. Buckle's 'Civilisation.' 5. Oct. 1858. Guy Livingstone. 6. April 1859. Hodson. 7. Oct. 1861. Jurisprudence. Cornhill Magazine 1. Sept. 1860. Luxury. 2. Dec. 1860. Criminal Law and the Detection of Crime. 3. April 1861. The Morality of Advocacy. 4. May 1861. Dignity. 5. June and July 1861. The Study of History. 6. Aug. 1861. The Dissolution of the Union. 7. Sept. 1861. Keeping up Appearances. 8. Nov. 1861. National Character. 9. Dec. 1861. Competitive Examinations. 10. Jan. 1862. Liberalism. 11. Feb. 1862. Commissions of Lunacy. 12. March 1862. Gentlemen. 13. May 1862. Superstition. 14. June 1862. Courts Martial. 15. July 1862. Journalism. 16. Sept. 1862. The State Trials. 17. Nov. 1862. Circumstantial Evidence. 18. Jan. 1863. Society. 19. Feb. 1863. The Punishment of Convicts. 20. April 1863. Oaths. 21. June 1863. Spiritualism. 22. July 1863. Commonplaces on England. 23. July 1863. Professional Etiquette. 24. Sept. 1863. Anti-respectability. 25. Oct. 1863. A Letter to a Saturday Reviewer. 26. Dec. 1863. Marriage Settlements. 27. Jan. 1864. Money and Money's Worth. 28. June 1864. The Church as a Profession. 29. July 1864. Sentimentalism. 30. Dec. 1864. The Bars of France and England. 31. Jan. 1867. The Law of Libel. Fraser's Magazine (A few earlier articles had appeared in this magazine.) 1. Dec. 1863. Women and Scepticism. 2. Jan. 1864. Japan. 3. Feb. 1864. Theodore Parker. 4. April 1864. Mr. Thackeray. 5. May 1864. The Privy Council. 6. June 1864. Capital Punishment. 7. Sept. 1864. Newman's 'Apologia.' 8. Nov. 1864. Dr. Pusey and the Court of Appeal. 9. Dec. 1864. Kaye's 'Indian Mutiny.' 10. Feb. 1865. Law of the Church of England. 11. March 1965. Merivale's 'Conversion of the Roman Empire.' 12. June and July 1865. English Ultramontanism. 13. Nov. 1865. Mr. Lecky's 'Rationalism.' 14. Feb. 1866. Capital Punishment. 15. June and July 1866. 'Ecce Homo.' 16. Nov. 1866. Voltaire. 17. Nov. 1869. Religious Controversy. 18. Jan. 1872. Certitude in Religious Assent. 19. July 1873. Froissart's 'Chronicles.' Fortnightly Review 1. Dec. 1872. Codification in India and England. 2. March 1877. A Penal Code. 3. March 1884. Blasphemy and Seditious Libel. Contemporary Review 1. Dec. 1873 and March 1874. Parliamentary Government. 2. March 1874. CÆsarism and Ultramontanism. 3. May 1874. CÆsarism and Ultramontanism: a Rejoinder. 4. Dec. 1874. Necessary Truth. 5. Feb. 1875. The Law of England as to the Expression of Religious Opinion. Nineteenth Century 1. April 1877. Mr. Gladstone and Sir G. C. Lewis on Authority. 2. May 1877. Morality and Religious Belief. 3. Sept. 1877. Improvement of the Law by Private Enterprise. 4. Dec. 1877. Suggestions as to the Reform of the Criminal Law. 5. Jan. 1880. The Criminal Code (1879). 6. Jan. 1881. The High Court of Justice. 7. April 1882. A Sketch of the Criminal Law. 8. Oct. 1883. India; the Foundations of Government. 9. June 1884. The Unknowable and the Unknown. 10. May 1885. Variations in the Punishment of Crime. 11. Oct. 1886. Prisoners as Witnesses. 12. Dec. 1886. The Suppression of Boycotting. 13. Oct. 1887. Mr. Mivart's 'Modern Catholicism.' 14. Jan. 1888. A Rejoinder to Mr. Mivart. 15. April and May 1888. Max MÜller's 'Science of Thought.' 16. June 1891. The Opium Resolution. 17. July 1891. Gambling and the Law. |