CHAPTER I | JAMES MILL | I. Early Life, | 1 | II. Bentham's Lieutenant, | 7 | III. Leader of the Utilitarians, | 25 | CHAPTER II | REFORM MOVEMENTS | I. Political Change, | 41 | II. Law Reform, | 47 | III. Economic Reform, | 51 | IV. Church Reform, | 57 | V. Sinister Interests, | 62 | CHAPTER III | POLITICAL THEORY | I. Mill on Government, | 74 | II. Whiggism, | 98 | III. Conservatism, | 109 | IV. Socialism, | 119 |
CHAPTER IV | MALTHUS | I. Malthus's Starting-point, | 137 | II. The Ratios, | 147 | III. Moral Restraint, | 156 | IV. Social Remedies, | 165 | V. Political Application, | 174 | VI. Rent, | 181 | CHAPTER V | RICARDO | I. Ricardo's Starting-point, | 186 | II. The Distribution Problem, | 195 | III. Value and Labour, | 204 | IV. The Classical Political Economy, | 216 | V. The Ricardians, | 226 | CHAPTER VI | ECONOMIC HERETICS | I. The Malthusian Controversy, | 238 | II. Socialism, | 259 | CHAPTER VII | PSYCHOLOGY | I. Thomas Brown, | 267 | II. James Mill's Analysis, | 287 | III. James Mill's Ethics, | 312 | CHAPTER VIII | RELIGION | I. Philip Beauchamp, | 338 | II. Contemporary Thought, | 361 |