Lord Russell's trial marks the moment in the latter part of Charles II.'s reign when his power reached its highest point. The Exclusion Bill was thrown out by the House of Lords in 1680, and though Stafford was tried and executed at the end of the year, the dissolution of the short-lived Oxford Parliament in April 1681 left the Country party, who had just acquired the name of Whigs, in a temporarily hopeless position. On the 2nd of July in the same year Shaftesbury was arrested on a charge of suborning witnesses in the Popish Plot, but the bill presented against him was thrown out by the Grand Jury, which had been packed in his favour by a friendly sheriff, and he was liberated in November. An unscrupulous exercise of the power of the Court led to North (brother of the Chief-Justice of the Common Pleas, soon to become Lord Keeper) and Rich being sworn in as sheriffs in June 1682, and Shaftesbury, no longer being able to rely on his City friends, retired into hiding and entered on the illegal practices described in Russell's trial. The security afforded to the opponents of Lord Russell was tried at the Old Bailey on the 13th of July 1683 before the Lord Chief-Justice, Sir Francis Pemberton, The charge against Lord Russell was that he was guilty of high treason in conspiring to depose and kill the King, and to stir up rebellion against him. To this he pleaded Not Guilty. He objected that he ought not to be arraigned and tried on the same day, to which it was replied that he had had more than a fortnight's notice of his trial and the facts alleged against him by having questions put to him when he was in custody in the Tower. On the first juror being called, Lord Russell objected that he was not a 40s. freeholder in the City. He was allowed to have counsel assigned to him to argue as to whether this was a good ground of objection; the counsel he chose were Pollexfen North then shortly opened the case. He alleged that in the previous October and November a council consisting of Russell, the Duke of Monmouth, Lord Grey, Rumsey Attorney-General—Was there nothing of my lord Shaftesbury to be contented? Rumsey—Yes, that my lord Shaftesbury must be contented; and upon that he took his resolution to be gone. Lord Chief-Justice—Did you hear any such resolution from him? Rumsey—Yes, my lord. Shaftesbury told him of the meeting; he was not there more than a quarter of an hour; he heard something of a declaration to be made, either there, or on a report of Ferguson's. Jeffreys—To what purpose was the declaration? Lord Chief-Justice—We must do the prisoner that right; he says he cannot tell whether he had it from him or Mr. Ferguson. There was some discourse begun by Arm with what care and vigilance they did guard themselves at the Savoy and Mews, whether they might be surprised or not. The rising was to be on the 19th of November. It was arranged by Shaftesbury that he himself was to go to Bristol, in what capacity it was not stated. Jeffreys—If my lord Russell pleases to ask him any questions he may. Lord Russell—I have very few questions to ask him for I know little of the matter; for it was the greatest accident in the world I was there, and when I saw that company was there I would have been gone again. I came there accidentally to speak with Mr. Sheppard; I had just come to town, but there was no discourse of surprising the guards, nor no undertaking of raising an army. Lord Chief-Justice—We will hear you to anything by and by, but that which we desire to know of your lordship is, as the witnesses come, to know if you would have any particular questions asked of them. On being pressed by Russell, Rumsey repeated that Russell 'did discourse of the rising' at Taunton and consented to it. Sheppard was called, and deposed that in and desired the conveniency of my house, for him and some other persons of quality to meet there. As soon as I had granted it, in the evening the duke of Monmouth, my lord Grey, my lord Russell, sir Thomas Armstrong, col. Rumsey and Mr. Ferguson came. Sir T. Armstrong desired me that none of my servants might come up, but they might be private; so what they wanted I went down for, a bottle of wine or so. He confirmed Rumsey's evidence as to the discourse about surprising the guards; Monmouth, Grey, and Armstrong went out to view them at the Mews; the next time they met Armstrong reported the guards were very remiss in their places, and not like soldiers, and the thing was feasible, if they had strength to do it. There were two meetings: he had notice of them; the company came in the evening; he saw no coaches; Lord Russell came both times. Jeffreys—Do you remember that col. Rumsey at the first time had any discourse about any private business relating to my lord Russell? Sheppard—No, I do not remember it. Attorney-general—Besides the seizing of the guards did they discourse about rising? Sheppard—I do not remember any further discourse, for I went several times down to fetch wine, and sugar, and nutmeg, and I do not know what was said in my absence. He remembered that a paper was read 'somewhat in the nature of a proclamation,' setting forth the grievances of the nation 'in order to a rising.' It was read by Ferguson, but he could not say whether they were all present or not. Cross-examined by Lord Russell, he could not be positive as to the time of the meetings; they were at the time that Lord Shaftesbury was absent from his house, and he absented himself about Michaelmas day. Lord Russell—I never was but once at your house, and there was no such design as I heard of. I desire that Mr. Sheppard may recollect himself. Sheppard—Indeed my lord I can't be positive in the times. My lord I am sure was at one meeting. Lord Chief-Justice—But was he at both? Sheppard—I think so; but it was eight or nine months ago, and I can't be positive. Lord Russell—I can prove I was then in the country. Col. Rumsey said there was but one meeting. Col. Rumsey—I do not remember I was at two; if I was not, I heard Mr. Ferguson relate the debates of the other meeting to my lord Shaftesbury. Lord Russell—Is it usual for witnesses to hear one another? Lord Chief-Justice—I think your lordship need not concern yourself about that; for I see the witnesses are brought in one after another. Lord Russell—There was no design. Jeffreys—He hath sworn it. Attorney-General—Swear my lord Howard (which was done). Pray will your lordship give an Lord Howard—My lord, I appear with some confusion. Let no man wonder that it is troublesome to me. My lord as to the question Mr. Attorney puts to me, this is the account I have to give: It is very well known to every one, how great a ferment was made in the city, upon occasion of the long dispute about the election of sheriffs; and this soon produced a greater freedom and liberty of speech one with another, than perhaps had been used formerly, though not without some previous preparations and dispositions made to the same thing. Upon this occasion among others, I was acquainted with captain Walcot Lord Chief-Justice—Pray my lord, raise your voice, else your evidence will pass for nothing. One of the Jury—We cannot hear my lord. Lord Howard—There is an unhappy accident happened that hath sunk my voice: I was but just now acquainted with the fate of my lord of Essex. My lord, I say, he came to me, and did acquaint me, that the people were now so sensible that all their interest was going, by that violence offered to the city in their elections, that they were resolved to take some course to put a stop to it, if it were possible: He told me there were several consults and meetings of persons about it, and several persons had begun to put themselves into a disposition and preparation to act; that some had furnished themselves with very good horses, and kept them in the most secret and blind stables they could. That divers had intended it, and for his own part he was resolved to imbark himself in it. And having an estate in Ireland, he thought to dispatch his son thither (for he had a good real estate, and a great stock, how he disposed of his real estate, I know not); but he ordered his son to turn his stock into money to furnish him for the occasion: This I take to be about August, his son was sent away. Soon after this the son not being yet returned, and I having several accounts from him wherein I found the fermentation grew higher and higher, and every day a nearer approach to action I told him I had a necessity to go into Essex to attend the concerns of my own estate; but told him how he might by another name convey letters to me, and I received two or three letters from him, that gave me an account in that disguised style, but such as I understood, that the negotiation which he had with my correspondents was going on, and in good condition; and it was earnestly desired I would come to town; this was the middle of September. I notwithstanding, was willing to see the result of that great affair, upon which all men's eyes were fixed, which was the determination of the shrivalty about that time. So I ordered it to fall into town, and went to my own house Saturday night which was Michaelmas Day. On Sunday he came to me and dined with me, and told me (after a general account given me of the affairs of the times) that my lord Shaftesbury was secreted and withdrawn from his own house in Aldersgate Street; and that though he had a family settled, and had absconded himself from them, and divers others of his friends and confidents; yet he did desire to speak with me, and for that purpose sent him to shew me the way to his lodging: He brought me to a house at the lower end of Wood Street, one Watson's house, and there my lord was alone. He told me he could not but be sensible, how innocent soever he was, both he and all honest men were unsafe, so long as the administration of justice was in such hands as would accommodate all things to the humour of the court. That in the sense of this he thought it but reasonable to provide for his own safety by withdrawing himself from his own house into that retirement. That now he had ripened affairs to that He said he was certain of it, but confessed it was a great disappointment that these lords had failed him. I told him, I was not provided with an answer at that time; that he well knew me, and knew the general frame and bent of my spirit. But I told him, I looked upon it as dangerous, and ought to be laid deep, and to be very well weighed and considered of: and did not think it a thing fit to be entered upon, without the concurrence of those lords. He did consent, with much ado, but, says he, you will find they will wave it, and give doubtful and deferring answers, but you will find this a truth. I went to Moor Park next day, where the Duke of Monmouth was, and told him the great complaint my lord Shaftesbury had made, that he failed him. Says he, I think he is mad; I was so far from giving him any encouragement, that I did tell him from the beginning, and so did my lord Russell, there was nothing to be done by us in the country at that time. I did not then own that I had seen my lord, but spake as if this were brought me by a third person, because he had not given me liberty to tell them where his lodging was. Says I, My lord, I shall be able to give a better account of this in a day or two: Shall I convey it to my lord, that you are willing to give a meeting? Yes, says he, with all my heart. This was the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th of Oct. I came to town on Saturday, and was carried to him on Monday; and I suppose this was Tuesday the 2nd of October. On Wednesday I think I went to him again (but it is not very material) and told him Therefore says I, Pray will you give him a meeting? God-so says the duke, with all my heart, and I desire nothing more. Now I told him, I had been with my lord Shaftesbury, with other inlargements that I need not trouble your lordship with; well, says he, pray Lord Russell—My lord, I think I have very hard measure, here is a great deal of evidence by hearsay. Lord Chief-Justice—This is nothing against you, I declare it to the jury. Attorney-General—If you please, my lord, go on in the method of time. This is nothing against you, but it's coming to you, if your lordship will have patience, I assure you. Lord Howard—This is just in the order it was done. When this was put off, then they were in a great hurry; and Captain Walcot had been several times with me, and discoursed of it. But upon this disappointment they said, it should be the dishonour of the lords, that they were backward to perform their parts; but still they were resolved to go on. And this had carried it to the latter end of October. About the 17th or 18th captain Walcot came to me, and told me, now they were resolved positively to rise, and did believe that a smart party might perhaps meet with some great men Attorney-General—About what time was this, when you settled this council? Lord Howard—It would have been proper for me in the next place to tell you that, and I was coming to it. This was about the middle of Jan. last (as near as I can remember); for about that time we did meet at Mr. Hambden's house. Attorney-General—Name those that met. Lord Howard—All the persons I named before; that was the duke of Monmouth, my lord of Essex, my lord Russell, col. Sidney; Mr. Hambden junr., and myself; when we met there, it was presently agreed what their proper province was, which was to have a care of the whole; and therefore it was necessary some general things should fall under our care and conduct which could not possibly be conducted by individual persons. The things that did principally challenge this care, we thought were these: Whether the insurrection was most proper It was further suggested that if the meeting was remote from London, the King must either give an opportunity for a rising there by withdrawing troops, or else give the insurgents time to gather head. Other questions discussed were what counties and towns were the fittest for action, what arms were necessary, how the £20,000 or £30,000 which the Duke of Monmouth considered necessary for the rising were to be raised; lastly and chiefly how to 'order it, as to draw Scotland into a consent with us.' Another meeting was held ten days afterwards at Lord Russell's, when the same persons were present. It was then decided to send messengers to Lord Argyle 'to settle an understanding with him, and others to invite to England persons' that Attorney-General—You are sure my lord Russell was there? Lord Howard—Yes, sir; I wish I could say he was not. Attorney-General—Did he sit there as a cypher? What did my lord say? Lord Howard—Every one knows my lord Russell is a person of great judgment, and not very lavish in discourse. Serjeant Jeffreys—But he did consent? Lord Howard—We did not put it to the vote, but it went without contradiction, and I took it that all there gave their consent. Solicitor-General—The raising of money you speak of, was that put into in any way? Lord Howard—No, but every man was to put themselves upon thinking of such a way, that money might be collected without administering jealousy. Attorney-General—Were there no persons to undertake for a fund? Lord Howard—No, I think not. However it was but opinion, the thing that was said was jocosely, rather than anything else, that my lord of Essex had dealing in money, and therefore he was thought the most proper person to take care of those things; but this was said rather by way of mirth, than otherwise. Howard then withdrew to Essex to see after some private affairs; on returning to town he heard that Smith had returned with Sir John Cochram but did not see them. He then went Lord Chief-Justice—My lord Russell, now if your lordship pleases, is the time for you to ask him any questions. Lord Russell—The most he hath said of me, my lord, is only hearsay; the two times we met, it was upon no formed design, only to talk of news, and talk of things in general. Lord Chief-Justice—But I will tell you what it is he testifies, that comes nearest your lordship, that so you may consider of it, if you will ask any questions. He says after my lord Shaftesbury went off (all before is but inducement, as to anything that concerns your lordship, and does not particularly touch you; after his going away he says) the party concerned with my lord Shaftesbury did think fit to make choice of six persons to carry on the design of an insurrection or rising, as he calls it, in the kingdom; and that to that purpose, choice was made of the Duke of Monmouth, my lord of Essex, your lordship, my lord Howard, colonel Sidney, and Mr. Hambden. Lord Russell—Pray my lord, not to interrupt you, by what party (I know no party) were they chosen? Lord Howard—It is very true, we were not chosen by community, but did erect ourselves by mutual agreement, one with another, into this society. Lord Russell—We were people that did meet very often. Lord Chief-Justice—Will your lordship please to have any other questions asked of my lord Howard? Lord Russell—He says it was a formed design, when we met about no such thing. Lord Chief-Justice—He says that you did consult among yourselves, about the raising of men, and where the rising should be first, whether in the city of London, or in more foreign parts, that you had several debates concerning it; he does make mention of some of the duke of Monmouth's arguments for its being formed in places from the city; he says you did all agree, not to do anything further in it, till you had considered how to raise money and arms: and to engage the kingdom of Scotland in this business with you, that it was agreed among you that a messenger should be sent into the kingdom of Scotland. Thus far he goes upon his own knowledge, as he saith; what he says after, of sending a messenger, is by report only. Attorney-General—I beg your pardon, my lord. Lord Chief-Justice—It is so, that which he heard concerning the sending of Aaron Smith. Attorney-General—Will you ask him any questions? Lord Russell—We met, but there was no debate of any such thing, nor putting anything in method. But my lord Howard is a man that hath a voluble tongue, talks very well, and is full of discourse, and we were delighted to hear him. Attorney-General—I think your lordship did mention the Campbells? Lord Howard—I did stammer it out, but not without a parenthesis, it was a person of the alliance, and I thought of the name of the Argyles. Atterbury was called, and swore that Sir West Attorney-General—That which I call you to, is to know whether or no, in your managery of this plot, you understand any of the lords were concerned, and which. Mr. West—My lord, as to my lord Russell, I never had any conversation with him at all, but that I have heard this, that in the insurrection in November, Mr. Ferguson and colonel Rumsey did tell me that my lord Russell intended to go down and take his post in the West, when Mr. Trenchard had failed them. Lord Chief-Justice—What is this? Attorney-General—We have proved my lord privy to the consults; now we go about to prove the under-actors did know it. West—They always said my lord Russell was the man they most depended upon, because he was a person looked upon as of great sobriety. Lord Russell—Can I hinder people from making use of my name? To have this brought to influence Lord Chief-Justice—As to this, the giving evidence by hearsay will not be evidence; what colonel Rumsey, or Mr Ferguson told Mr. West, is no evidence. Attorney-General—It is not evidence to convict a man, if there were not plain evidence before; but it plainly confirms what the other swears: but I think we need no more. Jeffreys—We have evidence without it, and will not use anything of garniture; we will leave it as it is, we won't trouble your lordship any further. I think, Mr. Attorney, we have done with our evidence. The Lord Chief-Justice then recapitulated the evidence given against Lord Russell, dwelling particularly on the traitorous character of Rumsey's message, Russell's privity to Trenchard's rising, the alleged written declaration, and the consultations as to the best method of effecting a rising, and finally called on Lord Russell to make his defence. Lord Russell—My lord, I cannot but think myself mighty unfortunate, to stand here charged with so high and heinous a crime, and that intricated and intermixed with the treasons and horrid practices and speeches of other people, the king's counsel taking all advantages, and improving and heightening things against me. I am no lawyer, a very unready speaker, and altogether a stranger to things of this nature, and alone, and without counsel. Truly, my The Attorney-General replies that they are proceeding under the Statute of 25 Edward III.; that he does not contend that a design to levy war is treason, but to prepare forces to fight against the King is a design within the Statute to kill the King; 'to design to depose the King, to imprison the King, to raise the subjects Jeffreys—If my lord will call his witnesses—— Lord Russell—This is tacking of two treasons together; here is one in November by one witness, and then you bring in another with a discourse of my lord Howard, and he says the discourse passed for pleasure. The Lord Chief-Justice and Jeffreys point out that it has been settled that the two witnesses required in treason may be witnesses to different acts, and that if Lord Russell admits the facts his counsel may be heard on the point of law. Lord Chief-Justice—My lord, to hear your counsel concerning this fact, that we cannot do, it was never done, nor will be done. If your lordship doubts whether this fact is treason or not, and desires your counsel may be heard to that, I will do it. Solicitor-General—Will your lordship please to call any witness to the matter of fact? Lord Russell—It is very hard a man must lose his life upon hearsay. Colonel Rumsey says he brought a message which I will swear I never heard nor knew of. He does not say he spake to me, or I gave him any answer. Mr. Sheppard remembers no such thing; he was gone to and again. Here is but one witness, and seven months ago. Attorney-General—My lord, if there is anything that is law, you shall have it Lord Russell—My lord, colonel Rumsey, the other day before the king [the information of Rumsey is signed by the Duke of Abermarle and Sir Leoline Jenkins, Secretary of State] could not say that I heard it, I was in the room, but I came in late, they had been there a good while; I did not stay above a quarter of an hour tasting sherry with Mr. Sheppard. Here some of the judges desired that 25 Edw. III. c. 2 should be read, which was done. The material parts of it declare 'that whereas divers opinions have been before this time, in what case treason shall be said, and in what not ... when a man doth compass or imagine the death of our lord the king ... or if a man do levy war against our lord the king in his realm, or be adherent to the king's enemies in his realm, giving to them aid and comfort in Lord Russell—I do not know how to answer it. The points methinks must be quite otherwise, that there should be two witnesses to one thing at the same time. Attorney-General—Your lordship remembers, in my lord Stafford's case, there was but one witness to one act in England, and another to another in France. Lord Russell—It was to the same point. Attorney-General—To the general point, the lopping point. Lord Russell—I can prove I was out of town when one of these meetings was; but Mr. Sheppard cannot recollect the day, for I was out of town all that time. I never was but once at Mr. Sheppard's and there was nothing undertaken of viewing the guards while I was there. Col. Rumsey, can you swear positively, that I heard the message, and gave any answer to it? Lord Chief-Justice (to Col. Rumsey)—Sir, did my lord Russell hear you when you delivered the message to the company? Were they at the table, or where were they? Colonel Rumsey—When I came in they were standing at the fireside; but they all came from the fireside to hear what I said. Lord Russell—Col. Rumsey was there when I came in. Colonel Rumsey—No, my lord. The duke of Monmouth and my lord Russell went away together; and my lord Grey, and sir Thomas Armstrong. Lord Russell—The duke of Monmouth and I came together, and you were standing at the chimney when I came in; you were there before me. My lord Howard hath made a long narrative here of what he knew. I do not know when he made it, or when he did recollect anything; 'tis but very lately, that he did declare and protest to several people, that he knew nothing against me, nor of any Plot I could in the least be questioned for. Lord Chief-Justice—If you will have any witnesses called to that, you shall, my lord. Lord Russell—My lord Anglesey, and Mr. Edward Howard. My lord Anglesey stood up. Lord Chief-Justice—My lord Russell, what do you ask my lord Anglesey? Lord Russell—To declare what my lord Howard told him about me, since I was confined. Lord Anglesey—My lord, I chanced to be in town the last week; and hearing my lord of Bedford was in some distress and trouble concerning the affliction of his son, I went to give him a visit, being my old acquaintance, of some 53 years' standing, I believe; for my lord and I were bred together at Maudlin College in Oxon; I had not been there but a very little while, and was ready to go away again, after I had done the good office I came about; but my lord Howard came in, I don't know whether he be here. Lord Howard—Yes, here I am to serve your lordship. Lord Anglesey—And sat down on the other side of my lord of Bedford, and he began to comfort my lord; and the arguments he used for his comfort, were, my lord, you are happy in having a wise son, Lord Chief-Justice—My lord, what you have from my lady is no kind of evidence at all. Lord Anglesey—I don't know what my lord is, I am acquainted with none of the evidence, nor what hath been done; But my lady Chaworth came to me, and acquainted me there was some suspicion—— Jeffreys—I don't think it fit for me to interrupt a person of your honour, my lord, but your lordship knows in what place we stand here: What you can say of anything you heard of my lord Howard, we are willing to hear, but the other is not evidence. As the court will not let us offer hearsays, so neither must we that are for the king permit it. Lord Anglesey—I have told you what happened in my hearing. Mr. Howard was then called, and after describ Lord Chief-Justice—Pray apply yourself to the matter you are called for. Mr. Howard—This it may be is to the matter, when you have heard me: for I think I know where I am, and what I am to say. Lord Chief-Justice—We must desire you not to go on thus. Mr. Howard—I must satisfy the world, as well as I can, as to myself, and my family, and pray do not interrupt me. After this, my lord, there never passed a day for almost—— Lord Chief-Justice—Pray speak to this matter. Howard—Sir, I am coming to it. Lord Chief-Justice—Pray, Sir, be directed by the Court. Howard—Then now, sir, I will come to the thing. Upon this ground I had of my lord's kindness, I applied myself to my lord in this present issue, on the breaking out of this Plot. My lord, I thought certainly, as near as I could discern him (for he took it upon his honour, his faith, and as much as if he had taken an oath before a magistrate), that he knew nothing of any man concerned in this business, and particularly of my lord Russell, whom he vindicated with all the honour in the world. My lord, it is true, was afraid of his own person, and as a friend and a relation I concealed him in my own house, and I did not think it was for such a conspiracy, but I thought he was unwilling to go to the Tower for Lord Russell—Call Dr. Burnet. Lord Russell—Pray, Dr. Burnet, did you hear anything from my lord Howard, since the Plot was discovered, concerning me? Dr. Burnet—My lord Howard was with me the night after the Plot broke out, and he did then, as he had done before, with hands and eyes lifted up to heaven, say he knew nothing of any Plot, nor believed any; and treated it with scorn and contempt. Lord Howard—My lord, may I speak for myself? Jeffreys—No, no, my lord, we don't call you. Lord Chief-Justice—Will you please to have any other witnesses called? Lord Russell—There are some persons of quality that I have been very well acquainted and conversed with. I desire to know of them, if there was anything in my former carriage to make them think me like to be guilty of this? My lord Cavendish. Lord Cavendish—I had the honour to be acquainted with my lord Russell a long time. I always thought him a man of great honour, and too prudent and wary a man to be concerned in so vile and desperate a design as this, and from which he would receive so little advantage; I can say nothing more, but that two or three days since the discovery of this plot upon discourse about Col. Rumsey my lord Russell did express something, as if he had a very ill opinion of the man, and therefore it is not likely he would entrust him with such a secret. Lord Russell—Dr. Tillotson. Lord Chief-Justice—What questions would you ask him, my lord? Lord Russell—He and I happened to be very conversant. To know whether he did ever find anything tending to this in my discourse. Lord Chief-Justice—My lord calls you as to his life, and conversation and reputation. Dr. Tillotson—My lord, I have been many years last past acquainted with my lord Russell, I always judged him a person of great virtue and integrity, and by all the conversation and discourse I ever had with him, I always took him to be a person very far from any such wicked design he stands charged with. Lord Russell—Dr. Burnet, if you please to give some account of my conversation. Dr. Burnet—My lord, I have had the honour to Dr. Thomas Cox was then called and said that having seen a great deal of Lord Russell during the six weeks 'before this plot came out,' he had always found him against all kind of risings; he expressed distrust of Rumsey. He said, for my lord Howard, he was a man of excellent parts, of luxuriant parts, but he had the luck not to be much trusted by any party. The Duke of Somerset spoke shortly as to Lord Russell's honour, loyalty, and justice. Foreman of the Jury—The gentlemen of the jury desire to ask my lord Howard something upon the point my lord Anglesey testified, and to know what answer he makes to lord Anglesey. Lord Chief-Baron—My lord, what say you to it, that you told his father that he was a discreet man, and he needed not to fear his engagement in any such thing? Lord Howard—My lord, if I took it right my lord Anglesey's testimony did branch itself into two parts, one of his own knowledge, and the other by hearsay; as to what he said of his own knowledge, when I waited upon my lord of Bedford, and endeavoured to comfort him concerning his son, I believe I said the Lord Clifford, Mr. Suton Gore, Mr. Spencer, and Dr. Fitz-Williams then all gave evidence as to Lord Russell's character in general terms. Lord Chief-Justice—My lord, does your lordship call any more witnesses? Lord Russell—No, my lord, I will be very short. I shall declare to your lordship, that I am one that have always had a heart sincerely loyal and affectionate to the king, and the government the best government in the world. I pray as sincerely for the king's happy and long life as any man alive; and for me to go about to raise a rebellion, which I looked upon as so wicked and unpracticable, is unlikely. Besides, if I had been inclined to it, by all the observation I made in the country, there was no tendency to it. What some hot-headed people have done there, is another thing. A rebellion cannot be made now as it has been in former times; we have few great men. I was always for the government, I never desired anything to be redressed, but in a parliamentary and legal way, I have always been against innovations and all irregularities whatsoever; and shall be as long as The Solicitor-General then proceeds to sum up the case against Lord Russell. The treason alleged against the prisoner is conspiring the death of the King; the overt act proving the conspiracy is the assembling in council to raise arms against the King and raise a rebellion here. Rumsey was sent by Shaftesbury to Sheppard's house to ask for news of Trenchard's rising at Taunton; the message was delivered in Russell's presence and an answer was given as from them all that they were disappointed there, and were not ready to rise. Monmouth, Grey, and Armstrong went out to inspect the guards and reported that it was feasible to surprise them. Russell was present and discussed a rising with the rest; the rising was to be on the 19th of November. Sheppard speaks to Ferguson engaging his rooms on behalf of Monmouth; there was consequently a private meeting there which Russell attended. He confirms Rumsey as to the inspecting of the guards, and speaks to the reading of a paper, though he As to the killing of the King, I am apt to think that was below the honour of the prisoner at the bar ... but this is equal treason; if they designed only to bring the King into their power, till he had consented to such things as should be moved in Parliament, it is equally treason as if they had agreed directly to assassinate him. Lord Howard, it is true, testified repeatedly to Lord Russell's innocence, but was not this the best way of concealing his own guilt? Surely Dr. Burnet would look on himself as the last person to whom conspirators would confess their crimes. Jeffreys followed, recapitulating a few of the facts, but adding nothing to the Solicitor-General's argument. Lord Chief-Justice—Gentlemen of the jury, the prisoner at the bar stands indicted before you of The evidence against him is some consults that there were by six of them, who took upon them, as he says, to be a council for the management of the insurrection, that was to be procured in this kingdom. He instances in two that were for this purpose, the one of them at Mr. Hambden's house, the other at my lord Russell's house. And he tells you at these meetings, there was some discourse of providing treasure, and of providing arms; but they came to no result in these things. He tells you that there was a design to send for some of the kingdom of Scotland, that might join with them in this thing. And this is upon the matter, the substance of the evidence, that hath been at large declared to you by the king's counsel, and what you have heard. Now gentlemen, I must tell you some things it lies upon us to direct you in. My lord excepts to these witnesses, because they are concerned, by their own shewing, in this design. If there were any, I did direct (some of you might hear me) yesterday, that that was no sufficient exception against a man's being an evidence in the case of treason, that he himself was concerned in it; they are the most proper persons to be evidence, none being Upon this whole matter, this is left to you. If you believe the prisoner at the bar to have conspired the Then the Court adjourned till four o'clock in the afternoon, when the Jury brought the said Lord Russell in guilty of the said High Treason. On July 14th Lord Russell was brought up before the Recorder for sentence, and, demanding to have the indictment read, pleaded that no intention to kill the King had been proved. The Recorder, however, pointed out that the point had already been taken, and that he was bound by the verdict of the jury. He then condemned the prisoner in the usual way to be drawn, hanged, and quartered. This sentence was commuted to beheading, and was carried out on 21st July. Lord Russell was accompanied from Newgate to Lincoln's Inn Fields, where the execution took place, by Tillotson and Burnet. He spoke a few words on the scaffold, expressing his affection for the Protestant religion, and denying knowledge of any plot against the King's life, or the government. He left a paper of considerable interest from a general point of view justifying his action in relation to the Popish Plot and the Exclusion Bill. As to his trial, he asserts that he never saw Sheppard but once, and then there was no undertaking as to seizing the guards and no one appointed to the duke of Monmouth came to me and told me he was extremely glad I had come to town, for my lord Shaftesbury and some hot men would undo us all, if great care be not taken; and therefore for God's sake use your endeavours with your friends to prevent anything of this kind. He told me there would be company at Mr. Sheppard's that night, and desired me to be at home in the evening, and he would call me, which he did: And when I came into the room I saw Mr. Rumsey by the chimney, although he swears he came in after; and there were things said by some with much more heat than judgment, which I did sufficiently disapprove, and yet for these things I stand condemned. It is, I know, inferred from thence, and was pressed to me, that I was acquainted with these heats and ill designs, and did not discover them; but this is but misprision of treason at most. So I die innocent of the crime I stand condemned for, and I hope nobody will imagine, that so mean a thought could enter into me, as to go about to save myself by accusing others; the part that some have acted lately of that kind has not been such as to invite me to love life at such a rate.... I know I said but little at the trial, and I suppose it looks more like innocence than guilt. I was also advised not to confess matter of fact plainly, since that must certainly have brought me within the Lord Russell's attainder was reversed by a private Act of 1 Will. and Mary on the ground that the jury were not properly returned, that his lawful challenges to them for want of freehold were refused, and that he was convicted 'by partial and unjust constructions of the law.' FOOTNOTES: |