
Albemarle, Duke of, takes information in Lord Russell's case, ii. 36.

Albert, Archduke, sends embassy to James I., i. 3;

Cobham's connection with, 24.

Aldridge, George, witness against Cowper, how he left the town, ii. 170, 171.

Aleyn, Sir Thomas, witness against Col. Turner, i. 170-180, 186, 191, 192, 201.

Amy, Henry, wounds of French and Lord Warwick; arrival at the Bagnio of other duellists; condition of their swords, ii. 101.

Anderson, Lord Chief-Justice, i. 10.

Andrews, Doctor, i. 22.

Anglesey, Lord, gives evidence in favour of Lord Russell, ii. 38, 39.

Applegate, chairman, witness against Lord Warwick, ii. 92-95;

carried Lord Mohun to Leicester Fields, 92;

carried French to the Bagnio, 93;

Mohun tried to stop quarrel, 95.

Arabella. See Stewart, Lady Arabella.

Aremberg, Duke of, ambassador of Henry IV., i. 3;

overtures to, 3, 12, 19, 29, 35, 55;

Raleigh's account of, 25, 47, 49, 57.

Argyle, Duke of, and Lord Russell's Plot, ii. 27.

Armstrong, Sir Thomas, and Lord Russell, ii. 8, 11, 13, 47;

and the Rye House Plot, 25.

Arundel, Lord, at Raleigh's execution, i. 69, 71.

Atterbury, a witness in Lord Russell's trial, ii. 32.

Axtel, Daniel, regicide, i. 129, 150;

statement by, as to Hulet, 162.

Babington, Dr., witness against Cowper, ii. 165.

Barefoot, Mrs., witness for Cowper, ii. 214.

Barter, witness against Lady Lisle, i. 249, 250;

re-examined as to Dunne's statements, 256.

Beavor, witness against Peters, i. 152, 154.

Berry, James, found Sarah Stout drowned, ii. 151, 153.

Blisset, Col., witness for Lord Warwick, ii. 115-117;

Warwick gives Coote 100 guineas, 115;

friendship between them, 116.

Blunt, Charles, Earl of Devon, i. 9.

Bocking, Jane, bewitched, i. 214, 225.

Bowd, witness for Cowper, as to Sarah Stout's melancholy, ii. 239, 240.

Bownes, John, regicide, i. 129.

Bradshaw, John. See Charles I., i. 75-119, 76;

discusses authority of Court, 80-87;

asks the King to plead, 91, 92;

declares sentence settled, King to be heard, 96, 97;

final speech by, 103-117.

Brandon, George, the executioner of Charles I., i. 163, 165, 166.

Bridgman, Sir Orlando. See Harrison, Peters, and Hulet, i. 125, 129;

tries Col. Turner, 169.

Brook, George, i. 4-8, 11;

and the 'Bye,' 16, 30;

Cecil's examination of, 28;

pension to, 35, 36;

and Copley, 39;

examination of, 40;

book given to, 40, 41;

and Arabella Stewart, 47.

Browne, Sir Thomas, witness against the Suffolk witches, i. 227.

Browne, Thomas, chairman, witness against Lord Warwick, ii. 82-87;

carried Coote to Leicester Fields, 83;

tried to carry Coote to the surgeon, 84;

cross-examined, 81, 87.

Buchanan, David, witness against Goodere, ii. 268-272;

Goodere and Mahony at Sir John's cabin, 270, 271.

Burnet, Dr., gives evidence in favour of Lord Russell, ii. 40-44;

accompanies him to the scaffold, 54.

Campbell, Sir ——, and Lord Russell's plot, ii. 28.

Campian, Edmund, Jesuit, i. 47.

Capel, Lord, execution of, i. 164.

Carew, advises Raleigh to escape, i. 70.

—— John, regicide, i. 129.

Carpenter, Dunne's evidence as to, ii. 68, 81;

witness against Lady Lisle, 77.

Castlewood, Lord, duel with Lord Mohun, ii. 130-135.

Cavendish, Lord, gives evidence in favour of Lord Russell, ii. 42.

Cawthorne, witness against Lord Warwick, ii. 68-82;

French and Coote start from Locket's and return, 70, 71;

quarrel at Locket's, 71;

party leave Locket's, 71, 72;

cross-examination, 72-82;

heard no quarrel between Warwick and Coote, 73;

quarrel at Locket's, 75-82.

Chamberlain, Sir T., witness against Turner, i. 189, 190, 201.

Chandler, Susan, bewitched, i. 214;

state of, at the Assizes, 214;

evidence as to, 226;

recovers on verdict, 234.

Charles, Prince of Wales, i. 61.

Charles I., trial of, i. 75-119:

assembling of the High Court, 76-79;

charge read, 79, 80;

authority of Court discussed, 80-83;

the Court adjourns and re-assembles, 83;

King charged, authority of Court discussed, and King refuses to plead, 84-87;

Court adjourns and re-assembles, 89;

Solicitor-General demands judgment, 89-91;

King charged and refuses to plead, 91-95;

Court adjourns and re-assembles, 95;

sentence agreed on, King to be heard, 96, 97;

King demands to be heard by Lords and Commons and is refused, 97-101;

Bradshaw's speech, 103-117;

sentence on the King, 118.

Charles II. and the regicides, i. 120-125.

Clement, seaman, witness against Cowper, as to corpses floating, ii. 166-168.

Clifford, Lord, witness for Lord Russell, ii. 46.

Coatsworth, surgeon, witness against Cowper, ii. 158, 159, 163, 164.

Cobham, Lord. See Raleigh, i. 1-71;

in opposition, 2;

overtures to French and Spanish, 3;

Raleigh accuses, 5;

avows Raleigh's guilt; 6;

not a witness, 33, 37-39, 47-49;

takes message to Aremberg, 19;

letter to, from Raleigh, 21;

Raleigh's instigation of, 21, 23;

examination of, 23, 24, 40, 41;

Raleigh's reply to, 25, 26;

second examination of, 26, 27, 35, 45;

Cecil's examination of, 28, 29;

Coke's argument as to Raleigh's complicity with, 29-33;

Raleigh's confession as to, 36;

letter to the lords, 55, 56;

to Raleigh, 56, 57.

Cochram, Sir John, and Lord Russell's plot, ii. 28, 29.

Coke. See Raleigh's trial, i. 1-71;

opening speech by, 13-23;

on Raleigh's connection with Cobham, 29-33;

on Cobham's letter, 53-56;

final sentence of Raleigh by, 65.

Cook, John, solicitor to the Commonwealth, i. 79, 124, 129.

Coote, opening as to, in Lord Warwick's case, ii. 65-68;

leaves Locket's first and returns, 71;

leaves with Warwick and Lord Mohun, 71, 72;

no quarrel with Warwick, 73, 74, 76, 108, 110, 114, 117, 119;

quarrel with French, 75;

conversation of, with Warwick and Mohun in St. Martin's Lane, 83, 86, 87;

wounded in Leicester Square, 84, 88;

death of, 89;

killed by French, 102;

news of his death, 104;

Warwick's account of the death of, 111, 112;

receives money from Warwick, 115, 116.

Copley, i. 4;

his confession, 35, 39.

Corriton, prosecutes Lady Lisle, i. 241.

Cotton, Sir Robert, King Charles taken to his house, i. 89, 119, 150.

Court, Theodore, witness against Goodere, master of the Ruby, ii. 264-267, 268.

Cowper, Dr. W., witness for Spencer Cowper, ii. 197.

—— Spencer, trial of, ii. 139-228;

opening of case against, 141-146;

at Sarah Stout's house, Walker's evidence, 140-148;

Sarah Stout's melancholy, 140-151;

the finding of Sarah Stout's body, 151-155;

medical evidence for the prosecution, 154-162;

evidence as to dead bodies floating, 162-169;

how Cowper left Hertford, 169, 170;

Cowper's defence, 183-187;

the finding of the body, 187-194;

medical evidence, evidence of Sir Hans Sloane, etc., 194-199;

Sarah Stout's melancholy, 199-205;

Sarah Stout and Mr. Marshall, 206-208;

letters to Marshall, 208-210;

letters to Cowper, 210-212;

Cowper's connection with Sarah Stout, 212-214;

summing up, 224-246;

acquittal and appeal proceedings, 227, 228.

Cowper, William, witness for Spencer Cowper, ii. 212-214.

—— Mrs., evidence of, for Spencer Cowper, as to Sarah Stout's melancholy, ii. 201, 202.

Cox, Dr. Thomas, witness for Lord Russell, ii. 44.

—— William, witness against Hulet, i. 164.

Crattle, James, witness against Lord Warwick, ii. 90-92;

carried him to Leicester Square, 90;

and to the Bagnio, 91.

Creed, witness for Lady Lisle, i. 262.

Crippes, William, witness against Lord Warwick, ii. 87-90;

helped to carry Coote to Leicester Fields, 87;

conversation in St. Martin's Lane, 87, 88;

Coote wounded, 88.

Cromwell, Oliver, and Peters, i. 142-145, 149, 150.

Cullender, Rose, trial of, i. 211-235;

indictment, 213;

bewitched the Pacys, 221; 223, 224;

and the Durents, 225;

and Susan Chandler, 226;

touches the children in court, 229;

bewitches Soam's cart, 231;

and Sherringham's beasts, 232;

defence of, 233;

summing up and verdict as to, 234.

Dew, Robert, witness for Cowper, as to finding Sarah Stout's body, ii. 188-190.

Dimsdale, John (senior), surgeon, witness against Cowper, ii. 160-162.

—— —— surgeon, witness against Cowper, ii. 154-156, 161.

Dockwra, opening as to, in Lord Warwick's case, ii. 165;

arrival at the Bagnio, 97;

tried for murder of Coote, and convicted of manslaughter, 112.

Doncaster, Lord, at Raleigh's execution, i. 69, 70.

Duckinfield, Captain Loftus, witness against Lord Warwick, ii. 102-107;

interview with Warwick, James, and Dockwra, 102;

French killed Coote, 102;

Warwick fought with James, 103;

duellists to leave London, 104;

condition of Warwick's sword, 105.

Dunne, James, witness against Lady Lisle, i. 242;

examination in chief, 242-247;

cross-examination of, 247-249;

re-examined as to what he told Lady Lisle, 250-255;

re-examined as to arrests at Moyles Court, 255-257;

final examination of, 258-261.

Duny, Amy, trial of, for witchcraft, i. 211-235;

indictment, 213;

bewitches William Durent, 215, 217;

and Elizabeth Durent, 217;

and Dorothy Durent, 218;

touches Elizabeth Pacy, 219;

bewitches Elizabeth Pacy, 220-225;

admission by, 221;

bewitches Diana Booking, 225;

present while a child is touched by another, 229;

bewitches geese, a chimney, and a firkin of fish, 232, 233;

defence by, 233;

summing up as to, and verdict, 234.

Durent, Ann, bewitched, i. 213, 225;

state of, at the Assizes, 214.

Durent, Elizabeth, bewitched, i. 213;

bewitched by Amy Duny, 217, 218.

—— William, bewitched, i. 214;

bewitched by Amy Duny, 215.

Esmond, Henry, present at duel between Lord Castlewood and Lord Mohun, ii. 130-135.

Essex, Earl of, i. 54, 59, 70, 71.

—— —— and Lord Russell, ii. 8;

Howard's evidence as to, 26, 29.

Fairfax, Lady, interrupts Charles I.'s trial, i. 96.

Fane, guides Dunne to Moyles Court, i. 246.

Ferguson, and Lord Russell, ii. 8, 13.

Finch, Sir Heneage, i. 127;

prosecutes Russell when Solicitor-General, 5;

speech of, 47-50.

Fleetwood, George, i. 129.

Ford, Sir Richard, sheriff, complaint against, in Turner's trial, i. 169;

at Turner's execution, 208.

Foster, Sir Richard, tries Goodere, ii. 232.

Foster, Sir Robert, i. 126.

French, opening as to, in Lord Warwick's case, ii. 65-68;

leaves Locket's first, and returns, 71;

quarrel with Coote, 75;

wounded, 93;

arrival at the Bagnio, 96;

condition of his sword, 97, 98;

killed Coote, 102;

tried for murder of Coote, and convicted of manslaughter, 112.

Fry, Elizabeth, witness against Turner, i. 184, 185.

Garland, Austin, regicide, i. 129.

Garth, Dr., witness for Cowper, ii. 235, 236.

Gin, Richard, seaman, witness against Cowper as to corpses floating, ii. 168, 169.

Gittens, witness against Hulet, i. 158-160.

Glover, Cornelius, witness against Peters, i. 154, 155.

Goodall, witness against Lord Warwick, arrival of the duellists at the Bagnio, ii. 101.

Goodere, Sir John. See Goodere, Samuel.

—— Samuel, trial of, ii. 231-304;

Vernon opens the case, 232-236;

Sir John at Jarrit Smith's house, 238, 239;

meets Goodere there, 241, 242;

counsel's right to cross-examine, 245;

description of Sir John in the indictment, 247, 248;

Goodere visits the White Hart, 249-254;

Sir John carried to the Ruby, 255-264;

Sir John on the Ruby, 264-289;

Sir John murdered, 274-282;

Mahony's confession, 291-295;

question of jurisdiction, 295;

Sir John's madness, 297-301;

Goodere's character, 301;

defence, 303;

summing up, verdict and sentence, 304.

Gore, Mr. Sutton, witness for Lord Russell, ii. 46.

Gregory, Clement, regicide, i. 129.

Grey, Lord, connection with Raleigh, i. 2-8, 16, 17;

Cecil arrests, 28.

Grey of Werk, Lord, and Lord Russell, ii. 7, 8, 11, 13, 47.

Gunter, witness against Peters, i. 145, 146.

Gurrey, John, Mrs., and Elizabeth, witnesses against Stephens, etc., their conduct and conversation in Hertford, ii. 171-180.

Hacker, Francis, regicide, i. 129.

Hale, Sir Matthew, trial of Suffolk witches by, i. 212;

Lord Campbell on, 213 n.

Hamilton, Duke of, execution of, i. 164.

Hampden, John, and Lord Russell, ii. 10;

Howard's evidence as to, 26.

Harrison, Colonel Thomas, trial of, i. 130-139;

pleads after discussion, 130, 131;

present in the High Court, 133;

and at a Committee Meeting, 132, 133;

conducted the King from Hurst Castle to London, 133, 134;

defence of, 135-139;

sentence on, 139, 140.

Hatsell, Sir Henry, tries Spencer Cowper, ii. 140.

Hawles, Sir John, prosecutes Lord Warwick when Solicitor-General, ii. 122-127.

Heale, Serjeant, i. 13.

Henry, Prince of Wales, Raleigh's pupil, i. 61.

Henry IV. of France, i. 3.

Hevingham, William, regicide, i. 129.

Hewson, Colonel, and King Charles's execution, i. 159, 160, 161.

Hicks, and Lady Lisle, i. 241;

tried and hanged, 242;

Lady Lisle agrees to receive, 244;

journey with Dunne, 245;

discovered at Moyles Court, 255;

message to, and reception by, Lady Lisle, 258-261.

Hide, Sir Robert, i. 126;

tries Colonel Turner, i. 169;

summing up of, 193, 194.

Hill, William, witness against Turner, i. 182, 184, 191.

Hobbs, Morris, witness against Goodere, landlord of the White Hart, ii. 248-255;

Goodere's first visit, 290-292;

his second visit, 293-295.

Holland, Earl of, execution of, i. 164.

Hollis, Denzil, i. 136, 138.

Holt, John, defends Lord Russell, ii. 6.

Howard, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, i. 8.

—— Henry, Earl of Northampton, i. 9.

—— of Escrick, Lord, and Lord Russell, ii. 8;

witness against Lord Russell, ii. 14-32;

declarations of Russell's innocence, 38-42, 44-46, 48, 52.

—— Mr., gives evidence in favour of Lord Russell, ii. 39-41.

Hulet, William, trial of, i. 158-166;

on the scaffold of Charles I., i. 159;

statements by, and reports as to, 160-163;

sentence on, 165, 166.

Ireton, General, and Peters, i. 146, 147, 148.

James, opening as to, in Lord Warwick's trial, ii. 65-68;

sent for to Locket's, 69;

tries to stop the quarrel, 80;

arrival at the Bagnio, 87;

condition of his sword, 100;

fought with Warwick, 103;

tried for murder of Coote, and convicted of manslaughter, 112.

Jeffreys, Lord Chief-Justice, tries Lady Lisle, i. 239-275;

summing up of, 263-269;

and the jury, 270-272;

prosecutes Lord Russell when a serjeant, ii. 50.

Jenkins, Sir Leoline, takes information in Lord Russell's case, ii. 36.

Jones, conducts prosecution of Cowper, ii. 140.

—— Edward, witness against Goodere, ii. 274-279;

saw murder of Sir John, 276;

helped to arrest captain, 278.

—— Mrs., witness against Goodere, saw murder of Sir John, ii. 280, 281.

—— John, regicide, i. 129.

Keeting, Captain, witness for Lord Warwick, ii. 113, 114.

Kelyng, Sir John, i. 127;

action in trial of Suffolk witches, i. 226, 229.

Kemish, Francis, i. 21, 45.

La Chesnee, i. 64, 70.

Lawrency, Raleigh plots with, i. 19, 25, 29;

examination of, 35.

Le Clerc, i. 63, 70.

Leeds, Duke of, cross-examination by, in Lord Warwick's trial, ii. 85, 86.

Lilburne, Robert, i. 129.

Lisle, John, husband of Lady Lisle, i. 239.

—— Lady Alice, trial of, i. 239-275;

agrees to receive Hicks, 244, 245;

Dunne's first account of her reception of Hicks, etc., 246-249;

Barter's account of the same, 249;

Dunne's second account, 250-255;

denial of, as to Hicks and Nelthorp, 257;

Dunne's third account, 258-261;

defence of, 262, 263;

summing up as to, 263-269; verdict, 272;

sentence, 272, 273;

execution of, 274;

reversal of attainder of, 274, 275.

Macartney, Captain, second to Lord Castlewood, ii. 130-135.

Mallett, Sir Robert, tries the regicides, i. 126.

Manchester, Lord, tries the regicides, i. 136.

Markham, Sir Griffen, and the 'Bye,' i. 4, 6, 21.

Marshall, witness for Cowper, acquaintance with Sarah Stout, ii. 207, 208;

letters from Sarah Stout, 208, 210.

Marson, John (see Cowper, Spencer, trial of, ii. 139-228);

leaves London and arrives at Hertford, 218, 224;

conversation at Gurrey's, 219;

at the Devil, 221;

character of, 221, 222;

summing up, 224-226;

verdict, 227.

Marten, Henry, regicide, i. 124, 129.

Masterson, witness against Harrison, i. 132.

Melvile, Lord, and Lord Russell's plot, ii. 28.

Meyn, Simon, regicide, i. 129.

Millington, Gilbert, regicide, i. 129.

—— witness against Turner, i. 188, 201.

Milton, John, i. 124.

Mohun, Lord, ii. 59;

true bill against, 62;

opening as to, 65-68;

tries to stop quarrel at Locket's, 71, 77, 79, 80;

leaves with Lord Warwick and Coote, 71, 72;

conversation of, with Coote and Warwick in St. Martin's Lane, 83, 86;

trial and acquittal of, 130;

duel with Lord Castlewood, 130-135.

Monmouth, Duke of, and Lord Russell, ii. 7, 11, 13;

connection with Lord Howard, 20-26, 47, 48, 51.

Montague, Lord Chief-Baron, tries Russell, ii. 5.

Mortimer, Dr., witness against Peters, i. 151, 152.

Mosely, witness for Turner, i. 201.

Mundy, prosecutes Lady Lisle, i. 241.

Nailor, Dr., witness against Cowper, ii. 164.

Nelson, Lieut.-Col., witness against Hulet, i. 162.

Nelthorpe, brought to Lady Lisle by Dunne, i. 245;

discovered at Moyles Court, 255;

reception by Lady Lisle, 258-261.

Nevill, Sir Edward, opinion of, in Lord Warwick's case, ii. 126.

Newburgh, Lord, witness against Harrison, i. 133.

Normanby, Marquis of, cross-examination by, in Lord Warwick's trial, ii. 85.

Northampton, Lord, at Raleigh's execution, i. 61.

North, Sir Dudley, appointed Sheriff of London, ii. 3.

—— Francis, prosecutes Lord Russell, ii. 5;

opens the case, 7.

Northumberland, Earl of, i. 2, 3.

Nunnelly, Richard, witness against Peters, i. 150, 151.

Nutley, witness against Harrison, i. 132.

Pacy, Deborah, bewitched, i. 214;

too ill to be brought to the Assizes, 219;

evidence as to, 219-223.

—— Elizabeth, bewitched, i. 214;

state of, at the Assizes, 214;

being unconscious at the Assizes, recognises and assaults Amy Duny, 219;

evidence as to, 219-223.

Palmer, Sir Geoffrey, i. 127.

Payton, Sir John, i. 21.

Pemberton, Sir Francis, Lord Chief-Justice, tries Russell, ii. 4.

Pennington, Isaac, i. 129.

Penruddock, John, i. 239.

—— Col., i. 239;

witness against Lady Lisle, as to at Moyles Court, arrests 255-257.

Peterborough, Earl of, cross-examines in Lord Warwick's case, ii. 77.

Peters, Hugh, trial of, i. 140-158;

pleads, 140, 141;

in Pembrokeshire, 142, 143;

escape from London with Cromwell, 143;

replies to Dr. Young, 144, 145;

consultations with Cromwell, 145, 146;

with Ireton and others at Windsor, 147, 148;

in the Painted Chamber, 149;

rode before the King into London, 149;

at the trial and execution, 150, 151;

his preachings, 152, 154;

his defence, 155, 156;

summing up and sentence, 156-158.

Phillips, Serjeant, in Raleigh's trial, i. 36, 51.

Pollexfen, defends Lord Russell, ii. 6;

prosecutes Lady Lisle, 61.

Pomfret, witness against Lord Warwick, servant at the Bagnio, ii. 96-100;

arrival of Warwick and French, 96;

and Dockwra and James, 97;

state of the swords, 96-100.

Popham, Lord Chief-Justice, i. 6, 10;

examination by, of Lord Cobham, 27.

Potter, Vincent, regicide, i. 129.

Powys, Sir Thomas, appears for Lord Warwick, ii. 123, 125.

Preston, Sir Amyas, i. 42.

Pretty, account of Hulet by, i. 161.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, trial of, i. 1-71;

position on accession of James I., 2;

overtures of, to French and Spaniards, 3, 4;

examination and arrest, 5;

indictment, 11-13;

Coke's opening, 13-23;

Cobham's examination, 23, 24;

Raleigh's answer, 25, 26;

Cobham's second examination, 26, 27;

Raleigh's answer, 27, 28;

his connection with Cobham, 29, 30;

two witnesses required, 31-33;

examinations of Watson, etc., 35;

of Raleigh, 36;

Cobham not called, 37-39, 47-49;

examinations of Raleigh, Cobham, and others, 39-41;

book against the title of the King, 41-44;

letter to Cobham, 45;

Lady Arabella Stewart, 46, 50;

Dyer's evidence, 50;

Phillip's speech, 51;

Cobham's letter to the lords, 55, 56;

to Raleigh, 56, 57;

verdict, 57;

sentence, 58-60;

life in the Tower and the Guiana expedition, 61-65;

condemnation, 65;

letter to the King, 65, 66;

to his wife, 66-69;

execution, 69, 70.

Raymund, Edmund, witness for Lord Warwick, ii. 119.

Regicides. See Harrison, Thomas; Peters, Hugh; Hulet, William; and note i. p. 129.

Rich, appointed Sheriff of London, ii. 3.

—— Col., and Peters, i. 146, 148.

Richardson, Thomas, witness against Peters, i. 150.

—— Mrs., evidence against Marson, ii. 152.

Roe, Owen, regicide, i. 129.

Rogers, William (see Cowper, Spencer, trial of, ii. 139-228);

leaves London and arrives at Hertford, 218-220;

conversation at Gurrey's, 219;

summing up, 224-226;

verdict, 227.

Rumsey, witness against Lord Russell, takes message from Shaftesbury to the conspirators, ii. 10-12, 13, 34, 37, 47, 51, 55.

Russell, Lord, trial of, ii. 3-56;

charges against, 6;

objections to jurors, 6, 7, 56;

North opens case against, 7-10;

Rumsey's evidence against, as to meetings in Sheppard's house, 10-12;

Sheppard's evidence as to the same, 12-14;

Lord Howard's evidence against, as to Shaftesbury's plot, 14-26;

and Russell's plot, 26-31;

West's evidence as to connection of with Trenchard, 32, 33;

speech of, on question of law, 33, 34;

replies thereto, 34-37;

reply of, to Rumsey's evidence, 37, 38;

evidence as to declarations by Howard, 38-42;

evidence as to character, 43, 44;

Howard's reply, 44-46;

conclusion of speech of, 46, 47;

reply by Solicitor-General, 47-50;

summing up, 50-54;

verdict and sentence, 54;

execution of, and statement by, 54-56;

reversal of attainder of, 56.

Salisbury, Earl of (see Raleigh); connection with Raleigh's trial, i. 1-8;

judge in Raleigh's trial, 9;

plots revealed to, 28.

Salmon, witness against Lord Warwick; describes Coote's wounds, ii. 107.

Sandeswell, Ann, witness against the Suffolk witches, i. 232.

Savoy, Duke of, and Raleigh, i. 61.

Sawyer, Sir Robert, prosecutes Lord Russell when Attorney-General, ii. 5.

Scot, Thomas, regicide, i. 129.

Scroope, Adrian, regicide, i. 129.

Shaftesbury, Earl of, connection with Lord Russell's trial, ii. 4-8;

message of, to conspirators, 11;

connection with Howard, 17-26, 47, 48, 51, 52.

Sheppard, conspiracy at the house of, ii. 11, 47, 51;

witness as to meetings of conspirators, 13, 14.

Sherringham, Robert, witness against the Suffolk witches, i. 232.

Sidney, Col. Algernon, and Lord Russell, ii. 9;

Howard's evidence as to, 26.

Simpson, Holland, witness against Peters, i. 150.

Sloane, Sir Hans, witness for Cowper, ii. 194, 195.

Smith, Aaron, conspires with Lord Russell, ii. 10, 28, 29.

—— Abraham, watchman, witness against Hulet, i. 163, 164.

—— Jarrit, witness against Goodere; two visits of Sir John to, and reconciliation of brothers at his house, ii. 237-246.

Soam, John, witness against the Suffolk witches, i. 231

Somers, Lord John, ii. 61.

Somerset, Duke of, and the Guiana expedition, i. 61.

—— —— witness for Lord Russell, ii. 44.

Spencer, Mr., witness for Lord Russell, ii. 46.

Stanhope, Col., witness for Lord Warwick, ii. 117, 118.

Starkey, witness against Peters, i. 146, 149.

Stephen, Sir James, on Coke, i. 7;

on validity of Lord Russell's objection to the jury, ii. 7;

on benefit of clergy, 121, 122;

on indictments, 247.

Stephens, Ellis (see Cowper, Spencer, trial of, ii. 139-228);

leaves London and arrives at Hertford, 218;

conversation at Gurrey's house, 219;

journey to Hertford, 220;

summing up, 224-226;

verdict, 227.

Stewart, Charles. See Charles I. and Charles II.

—— Lady Arabella, i. 12;

accusations against Raleigh as to, 20;

Raleigh's denial, 25, 26, 29, 49, 57;

statement on behalf of, 46.

Stout, Mrs., takes proceedings for an appeal against Turner, ii. 227, 228.

—— Sarah. See Cowper.

Stringer, Justice's visit to Turner, i. 207.

Stubbards, Col., and trial of Charles I., i. 150.

Stukely, Vice-Admiral, i. 62-64, 70.

Suffolk witches, i. 311-325.

See Cullender, Rose; and Duny, Amy.

Sully, Duke of, ambassador to James I., i. 3.

Tasker, Major Ralph, witness against Turner, i. 145, 146.

Temple, James, regicide, i. 129.

—— Peter, regicide, i. 129.

Tench, and Charles I.'s scaffold, i. 151.

Thomlinson, Col., in charge of Charles I., i. 78.

Tichburne, Robert, regicide, i. 124, 129.

Tillotson, Dr., witness for Lord Russell, ii. 42, 43;

accompanies him to the scaffold, 54.

Toogood, witness as to admissions by Hulet, i. 160.

Treby, Lord Chief-Justice, opinion of, in Lord Warwick's case, ii. 125, 126.

Trenchard, the rising of, ii. 8, 11, 24.

Trevor, Thomas Lord, prosecutes the Earl of Warwick when Attorney-General, ii. 65;

speech of, 122.

Tryon, witness against Turner, i. 181, 182, 187, 193.

Turner, Sir Edward, i. 127;

opens the case against Hulet, 158.

Turner, Ely, trial of, i. 169-208;

was to bring money to Fry's house, 184, 185;

examined by Sir T. Aleyn, 191;

acquitted, 203.

—— James, trial of, i. 169-208;

Aleyn's evidence, 170-180;

Turner suspected, 171;

found in possession of money, 172, 186;

account of money and jewels by, 173;

arrest by Aleyn, 174, 175;

his wife sent for money and jewels, 175;

wife's account of them, 176;

committed to Newgate, 177, 178;

his account of his money to Aleyn, 179;

Tryon's account of the burglary, 180-182;

Turner's account to Hill, 182, 183;

as to forging Tryon's will, 183, 184;

deposits money with Fry and Ball, 185, 186;

account given by, of robbery to Cole, 187;

examined by Chamberlain and Aleyn, 189, 190;

defence of, 194-200;

summing up and verdict, 202, 203;

confession by, 204;

dying speech and execution of, 205, 208.

—— John, trial of, i. 169-208;

flies from Sir T. Aleyn, 179, 180, 191;

carried money to Fry's house, 185, 192, 197, 201, 202;

acquitted, 202.

—— Mary, trial of, i. 169-208;

sent for jewels and money by Turner, 175, 176, 199;

visit to Fry's house, 186, 197;

produced money and jewels, 188;

examined by Chamberlain, 190;

acquitted, 203.

Turner, Stephen, witness against Lord Warwick, Coote's servant, ii. 107;

Coote friendly with Warwick, 108.

—— William, trial of, i. 169-208;

arrest and examination of, 192;

identified by Tryon, 193;

denial by, 201;

acquittal and confession of, 203, 204.

Vanden Anchor, witness against Turner, i. 188.

Villiers and the Guiana Expedition, i. 61.

Wade, Sir Thomas, i. 11.

Wait, Thomas, and Raleigh's trial, i. 129.

Walcot, connection with Lord Shaftesbury and Lord Howard, ii. 15, 20-26.

Walker, Sir Clement, on omissions in Charles I.'s trial, i. 93 n.

—— Sarah, witness against Cowper, his arrival and conduct at Mrs. Stout's, ii. 146-152;

evidence contradicted, 216, 217.

Wall, witness for Cowper, ii. 193.

Waller, Sir Hardress, i. 129.

Ward defends Lord Russell, ii. 7;

opinion of, in Lord Warwick's case when Lord Chief-Baron, 166.

Warwick and Holland, Earl of, trial of, ii. 59-135;

preliminaries, 59-64;

opening speech, 65-68;

guests leave Locket's, 70-72;

course of quarrel between Coote and French, 75-79;

the journey to Leicester Fields and the Bagnio, 82-92;

arrival and proceedings at the Bagnio, 96-101;

Warwick's defence as to the facts, 109-112;

friendship between Warwick and Coote, 107, 113-119;

capacity of French to give evidence, benefit of clergy, 200-226;

verdict, 128, 129;

sentence, 129.

Watcher, witness against Turner, i. 192.

Watson, and the 'Bye' plot, i. 4, 16, 17, 35, 40.

Weller, Daniel, witness against Goodere, ship's carpenter, i. 272-274.

Westmoreland, i. 28.

Whichcot, Sir Jeremy, witness against Peters, i. 150.

Whiteman, Colonel, witness for Lord Warwick, ii. 119.

Williams, Thomas, witness against Goodere, capture of Sir John, ii. 255-259.

Wilson, Sir Thomas, i. 64.

Windham, Wadham, i. 127.

Winwood and the Guiana Expedition, i. 61.

Witches, Suffolk, the. See Cullender, Rose; and Duny, Amy.

Woodhouse, Dr., witness against Cowper, ii. 65.

Wotton, Lord, of Morley, i. 10.

Wright, Sir Nathan, prosecutes the Earl of Warwick when a serjeant, ii. 64;

speech of, 104.

Wroth, Sir Robert, i. 44.

Young, Sir Edward, opens Peters' case, i. 141.

—— Dr. William, witness against Peters, i. 141, 143, 145;

Peters' reply to, 143, 145.

—— witness for Cowper, finder of Sarah Stout's body, ii. 190-192.

Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty
at the Edinburgh University Press


Page 26: Algernone as in the original

Page 36: Abermarle as in the original

Page 53: beleive corrected to believe after "Whether upon this whole matter you do"

Page 61: paragraph ending "their faces towards the state;" as in the original

Page 101: 20th as in the original. Should perhaps be 30th.

Page 310: Fergusson standardised to Ferguson, as in the text

Page 313: inconsistent spelling of Nelthorp(e) as in original

Page 319: find- changed to finder in entry for Young, witness for Cowper

Footnote 12: Algernon Sidney. Year corrected from 1783 to 1683 in "executed on 7th December 1783"

Footnote 14: Rumsey. Year corrected from 1785 to 1685 in "executed in 1785." Year corrected from 1783 to 1683 in "before, in 1783,"

Footnote 25: "became a a fellow" corrected to "became a fellow"

General: The following have been inconsistently hyphenated in the original: ale(-)house, church(-)yard, cock(-)pit, half(-)penny, lime(-)kilns, no(-)body, over(-)board, sweet(-)heart, three(-)score, twelve(-)month. These have not been standardised.

General: No attempt has been made to standardise or modernise spelling. Corrections to punctuation have not been individually noted.

Index: Volume numbers omitted in the original have been added for Cowper, William; Howard, Thomas; Howard, Henry; Northampton, Lord; Suffolk Witches


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