Variant spellings of William Shakspeare's name have been standardized in the text, but not in the advertisements at the end of the book. The following corrections have been made to the text: page 6: Like so many other poets, he took[original has comma] infinite delight in page 14: his companions could practice[original has practise] with comparative impunity page 17: we have already[original has aleady] reached page 25: refine as the reasoning faculties develop[original has develope] page 50: Addison gave to Lady M. W. Montagu[original has Montague] page 51: Ib., March[original has comma] 25 page 54: when dying in distress[original has distres] page 55: Addison recognizes[original has recognises] his true character page 66: philologists and antiquarians in the background[original has back-ground] page 73: He allows Teucer to call Hector a dog, but apologizes[original has apologises] in a note. page 84: for his neglect of Popish superstition[original has supersition] page 86: he was familiar[original has familar] with Bridgeman and Kent page 125: what the authors would have suppressed[original has suppresed] page 125: he was like a civilised[original has civilized] commander page 126: either to shirk responsibility[original has reponsibility] page 127: and how successive[original has sucessive] editions page 135: installed Cibber in[original has in in] his place page 146: was simply a reproduction of[original has comma] Curll's publication page 156: ---4[original has 3 spaces preceding the numeral] page 166: manuscripts seen by Mallet may probably[original has probable] have been a commonplace book page 169: But errs not nature from this gracious end,[original is missing comma] page 175: more outspoken than himself[original has himseif] page 192: And fame, the lord of useless thousands ends.[original is missing period] page 193: Brand the bold front of shameless guilty men,[comma missing in original] page 198: any collection of British poets innumerable pages of versification[original has verification] page 199: by the brilliance of his conversation.[original has comma] Footnote 19: Pope's Works, vol. i. p.[period missing in original] cxxi. Advertising at end of the book: HUME. By Professor[original has Pofessor] Huxley Burns' [original has Burn's] poetry SOUTHEY. By Professor[original has Pofessor] Dowden. |