Wayside and Woodland Blossoms / A Pocket Guide to British Wild-flowers for the Country Rambler


Wayside and Woodland Blossoms A POCKET GUIDE TO BRITISH



The Daisy ( Bellis perennis ).

The Cowslip or Paigle ( Primula veris ).

The Wood Anemone or Windflower ( Anemone nemorosa ).

The Sweet Violet ( Viola odorata ).

The Lesser Periwinkle ( Vinca minor ).

The Lesser Celandine ( Ranunculus ficaria ).

The Broom ( Cytisus scoparius ).

Fumitory ( Fumaria officinalis ).

Lungwort ( Pulmonaria officinalis ).

Lady's Smock ( Cardamine pratensis ).

Shepherd's Purse ( Capsella bursa-pastoris ).

The Wood Sorrel ( Oxalis acetosella ).

The Wallflower ( Cheiranthus cheiri ).

Marsh Marigold ( Caltha palustris ).

Wild Hyacinth, or Blue-Bell ( Scilla nutans ).

The Cuckoo-pint ( Arum maculatum ).

Lily of the Valley ( Convallaria majalis ). Solomon's Seal ( Polygonatum multiflorum ).

Hawthorn ( CratAEgus oxyacantha ).

Buttercup ( Ranunculus acris ).

Wall Barley ( Hordeum murinum ).

Jagged Chickweed ( Holosteum umbellatum ).

Dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale ).

The Bugle ( Ajuga reptans ), and The Forget-me-not ( Myosotis palustris ).

The Greater Plantain ( Plantago major ), and The Ribwort Plantain ( P. lanceolata ).

Meadow Sage ( Salvia pratensis ).

Annual Meadow-grass ( Poa annua ), and Cock's-foot-grass ( Dactylis glomerata ).

Cat's-tail, or Timothy-grass ( Phleum pratense ), and Vernal-grass ( Anthoxanthum odoratum ).

Viper's Bugloss ( Echium vulgare ).

Wild Strawberry ( Fragaria vesca ).

Milkwort ( Polygala vulgaris ), and Germander Speedwell ( Veronica chamAEdrys ).

The Spurge Family ( Euphorbia ).

Dewberry ( Rubus cAEsius ). Plate 30.

Honeysuckle ( Lonicera periclymenum ).

Dead Nettles ( Lamium ).

Ground Ivy ( Nepeta glechoma ), and Ivy-leaved Toad-flax ( Linaria cymbalaria ).

Round-leaved Crane's-bill ( Geranium rotundifolium ).

The Hemlock Stork's-bill ( Erodium cicutarium ).

Yarrow or Milfoil ( Achillea millefolium ).

Groundsel ( Senecio vulgaris ).

Rye-grass ( Lolium perenne ), and Upright Brome ( Bromus erectus ).

Henbane ( Hyoscyamus niger ).

Quake or Totter-grass ( Briza media ), and Meadow Foxtail ( Alopecurus pratensis ).

Dog-rose ( Rosa canina ).

Rock-rose ( Helianthemum vulgare ).

Bird's-foot Trefoil ( Lotus corniculatus ).

Common Vetch ( Vicia sativa ). Plate 44.

The Duckweeds ( Lemna ).

Corn Chamomile ( Anthemis arvensis ).

St. John's Wort ( Hypericum perforatum ).

Clovers ( Trifolium ).

Sain Foin ( Onobrychis sativa ). Plate 49.

Eyebright ( Euphrasia officinalis ).

Great Reed Mace ( Typha latifolia ).

Kidney Vetch ( Anthyllis vulneraria ).

Ox-eye Daisy ( Chrysanthemum leucanthemum ).

Pimpernel ( Anagallis arvensis ).

Chickweed ( Stellaria media ). Plate 54.

Fennel ( Foeniculum officinale ).

The Round-leaved Sundew ( Drosera rotundifolia ).

Barberry ( Berberis vulgaris ).

Wild Pansy ( Viola tricolor ).

Round-leaved Mint ( Mentha rotundifolia ).

Common Comfrey ( Symphytum officinale ).

Common Red Poppy ( Papaver rhoeas ).

The Greater Stitchwort ( Stellaria holostea )

Silverweed ( Potentilla anserina ).

Small Bindweed ( Convolvulus arvensis ).

The Greater Celandine ( Chelidonium majus ).

Ragged Robin ( Lychnis flos-cuculi ).

Bluebottle or Cornflower ( Centaurea cyanus ).

Round-leaved Mallow ( Malva rotundifolia ).

Chicory or Succory ( Cichorium intybus ). Plate 69.

Vernal Wood-rush ( Luzula vernalis ).

The Greater Dodder ( Cuscuta europAEa ).

Corn Cockle ( Githago segetum ). Plate 72.

Purple Medick or Lucerne ( Medicago sativa ). Plate 73.

Yellow Iris or Flag ( Iris pseudacorus ). Plate 74.

Marsh Orchis ( Orchis latifolia ).

The Butterfly Orchis ( Habenaria bifolia ).

The Bee Orchis ( Ophrys apifera ).

Hairbell or Blue-bell ( Campanula rotundifolia ).

The Centaury ( ErythrAEa centaurium ).

Wild Mignonette ( Reseda lutea ), and Weld or Dyer's-weed ( Reseda luteola ).

Borage ( Borago officinalis ).

Oblong Pond-weed ( Potamogeton polygonifolius ).

Traveller's Joy ( Clematis vitalba ).

The Self-Heal ( Brunella vulgaris ).

Goat's Beard ( Tragopogon pratensis ).

Wild Thyme ( Thymus serpyllum ).

Mercury Goosefoot ( Chenopodium bonus-henricus ).

Burdock ( Arctium lappa ).

Goosegrass or Cleavers ( Galium aparine ).

White Campion ( Lychnis vespertina ).

The Holly ( Ilex aquifolium ).

Charlock or Wild Mustard ( Brassica sinapis ).

Common Cow-wheat ( Melampyrum pratense ).

Sea Buckthorn ( HippophAE rhamnoides ).

Meadow-sweet ( SpirAEa ulmaria ).

Rest-Harrow ( Ononis spinosa ).

Agrimony ( Agrimonia eupatoria ).

Common Flax ( Linum usitatissimum ).

Long-rooted Cat's-ear ( HypochAEris radicata ).

The Field Scabious ( Scabiosa arvensis ).

Bitter Sweet ( Solanum dulcamara ).

Biting Stonecrop ( Sedum acre ).

Houseleek ( Sempervivum tectorum ).

Yellow Melilot ( Melilotus officinalis ).

Juniper ( Juniperus communis ).

Stinging Nettles ( Urtica ).

Cat's Valerian ( Valeriana officinalis ).

Yellow Toadflax ( Linaria vulgaris ).

Yellow Water-lily ( Nuphar luteum ).

Wild Teasel ( Dipsacus sylvestris ).

Common Tansy ( Tanacetum vulgare ).

Blackthorn, or Sloe ( Prunus communis ).

Wild Hop ( Humulus lupulus ).

The Salad Burnet ( Poterium sanguisorba ).

Ivy ( Hedera helix ).

Arrowhead ( Sagittaria sagittifolia ).

The Corn Sow-thistle ( Sonchus arvensis ).

Grass of Parnassus ( Parnassia palustris ).

Oat-grass ( Avena sativa ).

Mountain Ash or Rowan ( Pyrus aucuparia ).

Buckwheat ( Polygonum fagopyrum ).

Fool's Parsley ( AEthusa cynapium ).

Fine-leaved Heath ( Erica cinerea ).

Heather or Ling ( Calluna vulgaris ).

Mistleto ( Viscum album ).

Meadow-Saffron ( Colchicum autumnale ).

Hart's-tongue Fern ( Scolopendrium vulgare ).

Maidenhair Spleenwort ( Asplenium trichomanes ).

Male Fern ( Nephrodium filix-mas ).

Field Horsetail ( Equisetum arvense ).

Lichens ( Lichenes ). Plate 126.

Mosses ( Musci ). Plate 127.

Mushrooms and Toadstools ( Fungi ). Plate 128.

Small-leaved Lime ( Tilia parvifolia ).

Tree of the Gods ( Ailantus glandulosa ).

Maples ( Acer ).

The False Acacia ( Robina pseudacacia ).

The Ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ).

The Black Mulberry ( Morus nigra ).

The Small-leaved Elm ( Ulmus campestris ).

The Beech ( Fagus sylvatica ).

Sweet Chestnut ( Castanea vulgaris ).

The Oak ( Quercus robur ).

Hazel ( Corylus avellana ).

The Hornbeam ( Carpinus betulus ).

The Osier ( Salix viminalis ).

The Lombardy Poplar ( Populus fastigiata ).

The Oriental Plane ( Platanus orientalis ).

The Birch ( Betula alba ).

The Alder ( Alnus glutinosa ).

Scotch-fir or Pine ( Pinus sylvestris ).

The Cluster Pine or Pinaster ( P. pinaster ).

The Silver-fir ( Abies pectinata ).

The Norway Spruce-fir ( Abies excelsa ).

The Larch ( Larix europAEa ).




Title: Wayside and Woodland Blossoms

A Pocket Guide to British Wild-flowers for the Country Rambler

Author: Edward Step

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8

E-text prepared by MWS, Wayne Hammond,
and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team
from page images generously made available by
Internet Archive

Note: Images of the original pages are available through Internet Archive. See https://archive.org/details/waysidewoodlandb00stepuoft




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