.html#Page_41" class="pginternal">41;
M. mystacinus, 37;
M. nattereri, 39
Natterjack, 170, Pls. 104, 105
Neomys fodiens, 27
Newt, Common, 176;
" Crested N., 173;
" Great N., 173;
" Palmate N., 177;
" Spotted N., 176;
" Warty N., 173, Pls. 106-111
Noctule, 46
Nyctalus leisleri, 48;
N. noctula, 46
Orkney Vole, 109, Pl. 70
Oryctolagus cunicularis, 113
Otter, 59, Pls. 38, 39
PALMATE Newt, 177, Pls. 110, 111
Parti-coloured Bat, 45
Pine Marten, 63, Pl. 40
Pipistrelle, 43, Pls. 23, 25
Plecotus auritus, 49
Polecat, 73, Pls. 45, 48
RAASAY Vole, 113
Rabbit, Bush, 116;
" Common R., 113, Pl. 73;
" Stub R., 116
Rana esculenta, 162;
R. temporaria, 157
Rat, Alexandrine, 97;
" Barn R., 100;
" Black R., 95;
" British R., 95;
" Brown R., 97;
" Hairless R., 100;
" Hanoverian R., 95;
" Irish R., 99;
" Roof R., 97;
" Tree R., 97;
" Water R., 102;
" White R., 101
Red Deer, 124, Pls. 76, 80
Red-grey Bat, 39, Pls. 19, 20
Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum, 34;
R. hipposideros, 36
Ringed Snake, 146, Pls.

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