The National Froebel Union.
Nature Knowledge.—
Paper I.
(Questions 1 and 2 and any two others to be answered.)
1. Describe the flower provided, and draw it in longitudinal section. Explain how cross-pollination is ensured in this flower; give drawings to illustrate.
2. Give and plan out the subject-matter for one or more Lessons, to be given to children of seven or eight years of age, on the Dispersal of Fruits and Seeds by Animals.
3. Describe the structure of an Acorn and of a Wheat grain, and contrast these two seeds. Give enlarged drawings of each.
4. What is the work of the root of a plant, and how is this work carried out? What different forms of roots are to be found? Give examples and make a rough sketch of each.
5. Describe the bud in winter, and its method of unfolding in spring, of any two of the following trees:—Oak, Beech, Sycamore. Make sketches to illustrate.
6. Make as complete a list as you can of Flowering Plants which grow in ponds; state how these plants have adapted themselves to their habitat, and say at what time of the year each of them flowers. What plants would you expect to find growing round the margin of the pond?
Paper II.
(Questions 1 and 2 must be answered, and any three others.)
1. Draw up Notes of Lessons on one of the following subjects:—“A Mole,” “Domestic Fowls,” “A Cat.” State the age of the children, and the method you would pursue.
2. What is a ruminant? Give as many groups of ruminating animals as you can and the habits of one.
3. Give the life-history of one of the following, with illustrations:—a Bee, a Caddis-fly, a Spider, a Butterfly.
4. Give the life and habits of the Squirrel.
5. How does a Starling differ from other Birds?
6. Draw a common Snail and a Slug. Give a short account of their life-histories.
7. Give instances of protective colouring amongst (1) Insects, (2) Birds, (3) Mammals, in this country.
Board of Education.