Webster's Diseases of Women


Diseases of Women. By J. Clarence Webster, M.D. (Edin.), F.R.C.P.E., Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Rush Medical College. Octavo of 712 pages, with 372 illustrations. Cloth, $7.00 net; Half Morocco, $8.50 net.


Dr. Webster has written this work especially for the general practitioner, discussing the clinical features of the subject in their widest relations to general practice rather than from the standpoint of specialism. The magnificent illustrations, three hundred and seventy-two in number, are nearly all original. Drawn by expert anatomic artists under Dr. Webster's direct supervision, they portray the anatomy of the parts and the steps in the operations with rare clearness and exactness.

Howard A. Kelly, M.D., Professor of Gynecology, Johns Hopkins University.

“It is undoubtedly one of the best works which has been put on the market within recent years, showing from start to finish Dr. Webster's well-known thoroughness. The illustrations are also of the highest order.”



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