(Synonyms: Scurvy; Sea Scurvy; Purpura Scorbutica.) Describe scorbutus. Scurvy is a peculiar constitutional state, developed in those living under bad hygienic conditions, and is characterized by emaciation, State the etiology of scurvy. It is due to long-continued deprivation of proper food, especially of fruits and vegetables. Other bad hygienic conditions favor its development. It is seen most commonly in sailors and others taking long voyages. How is scurvy to be distinguished from purpura? By the asthenic and emaciated general condition and the peculiar puffy, spongy state of the gums. The cutaneous manifestation is more diffused, forming usually large palm-sized patches, and, as a rule, limited to the region of the ankles or lower part of the legs. Give the prognosis of scurvy. The disease is remediable, and usually rapidly so. In those instances in which the same bad hygienic conditions and the ingestion of improper food are continued, death finally results. What treatment would you advise in scurvy? Proper food, with an abundance of fruit and vegetables. Lemon or lime juice is especially valuable, and is to be taken freely. If indicated, tonics and stimulants are also to be prescribed. For the relief of the tumid, spongy condition of the gums, astringent and antiseptic mouth washes are to be employed. The cutaneous manifestations, when tending to ulceration, are to be treated upon general principles.