
Much of the present volume is, in a measure, the outcome of a thorough revision, remodelling and simplification of the various articles contributed by the author to Pepper's System of Medicine, Buck's Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, and Keating's CyclopÆdia of the Diseases of Children. Moreover, in the endeavor to present the subject as tersely and briefly as compatible with clear understanding, the several standard treatises on diseases of the skin by Tilbury Fox, Duhring, Hyde, Robinson, Anderson, and Crocker, have been freely consulted, that of the last-named author suggesting the pictorial presentation of the “Anatomy of the Skin.” The space allotted to each disease has been based upon relative importance. As to treatment, the best and approved methods only—those which are founded upon the aggregate experience of dermatologists—are referred to.

For general information a statistical table from the Transactions of the American Dermatological Association is appended.



Anatomy of the Skin 17
The Epidermis 18
The Blood-vessels 19
The Nervous and Vascular PapillÆ 20
The Hair and Hair-follicle 21
Symptomatology 22
Primary Lesions 22
Secondary Lesions 23
Distribution and Configuration 24
Relative Frequency 26
Contagiousness 27
Rapidity of Cure 27
Ointment Bases 27
Class I.—Disorders of the Glands 28
Hyperidrosis 28
Sudamen 30
Hydrocystoma 31
Anidrosis 31
Bromidrosis 32
Chromidrosis 32
Uridrosis 33
Phosphoridrosis 33
Seborrhoea (Eczema Seborrhoicum) 33
Comedo 38
Milium 42
Steatoma 43
Class II.—Inflammations 44
Erythema Simplex 44
Erythema Intertrigo 45
Erythema Multiforme 46
Erythema Nodosum 50
Erythema Induratum 51
Urticaria 52
Urticaria Pigmentosa 56
Dermatitis 58
Dermatitis Medicamentosa 60
X-Ray Dermatitis 63
Dermatitis Factitia 64
Dermatitis GangrÆnosa 65
Erysipelas 66
Phlegmona Diffusa 68
Furunculus 68
Carbunculus 70
Pustula Maligna 72
Post-mortem Pustule 73
Framboesia 73
Verruga Peruana 73
Equinia 74
Miliaria 74
Pompholyx 76
Herpes Simplex 78
Hydroa Vacciniforme 80
Epidermolysis Bullosa 80
Dermatitis Repens 81
Herpes Zoster 81
Dermatitis Herpetiformis 83
Psoriasis 86
Pityriasis Rosea 95
Dermatitis Exfoliativa 96
Lichen Planus 98
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris 99
Lichen Scrofulosus 100
Eczema 100
Prurigo 118
Acne 119
Acne Rosacea 126
Sycosis 130
Dermatitis Papillaris Capillitii 135
Impetigo Contagiosa 136
Impetigo Herpetiformis 138
Ecthyma 138
Pemphigus 140
Class III.—Hemorrhages 144
Purpura 144
Scorbutus 146
Class IV.—Hypertrophies 148
Lentigo 148
Chloasma 149
Keratosis Pilaris 151
Keratosis Follicularis 153
Molluscum Epitheliale 153
Callositas 155
Clavus 156
Cornu Cutaneum 158
Verruca 160
NÆvus Pigmentosus 162
Ichthyosis 165
Onychauxis 167
Hypertrichosis 168
Œdema Neonatorum 170
Sclerema Neonatorum 171
Scleroderma 172
Elephantiasis 174
Dermatolysis 176
Class V.—Atrophies 177
Albinismus 177
Vitiligo 178
Canities 180
Alopecia 181
Alopecia Areata 183
Atrophia Pilorum Propria 187
Atrophia Unguis 188
Atrophia Cutis 189
Class VI.—New Growths 191

Fig. 1.

Vertical section of the skin—Diagrammatic. (After Heitsmann.)


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