(Synonyms: Zoster; Zona; Shingles.) Give a definition of herpes zoster. Herpes zoster is an acute, self-limited, inflammatory disease, characterized by groups of vesicles upon inflammatory bases, situated over or along a nerve tract. Upon what parts of the body may the eruption appear? It may appear upon any part, following the course of a nerve; it is therefore always limited in extent, and confined to one side of the body. It is probably most common about the intercostal, lumbar and supra-orbital regions. In rare instances the eruption has been observed to be bilateral. Are there any subjective or constitutional symptoms? Yes; there is, as a rule, neuralgic pain preceding, during and following the eruption; and in some cases, also, there may be in the beginning mild febrile disturbance. There is also a variable degree of tenderness and pain. What are the characters of the eruption? Several or more hyperÆmic or inflammatory patches over a nerve course appear, upon which are seated vesico-papules irregularly grouped; these vesico-papules become distinct vesicles, of size from a pin-head to a pea, and soon dry and give rise to thin, yellowish or brownish crusts, which drop off, leaving in most instances no permanent trace, in others more or less scarring. In some cases the lesions may become pustular and, on the other hand, the eruption may be abortive, stopping short of full vesiculation. What is known in regard to the nature of the disease? An inflamed and irritable state of the spinal ganglia, nerve tract, or peripheral branches is directly responsible for the eruption, and this state may be due to atmospheric changes, cold, nerve-injuries and similar influences. The view has also been advanced that the disease is of specific and infectious character. Give the chief diagnostic features of herpes zoster. The prodromic neuralgic pain, the appearance of grouped vesicles upon inflammatory bases following the course of a nerve tract, and the limitation of the eruption to one side of the body. What is the prognosis? Favorable; the symptoms usually disappearing in two to four weeks. In some instances, however, the neuralgic pains may be persistent, and in zoster of the supra-orbital region the eye may suffer permanent damage. How would you treat herpes zoster? Constitutional treatment, usually tonic in character, is to be based upon general principles; moderate doses of quinia, with one-sixth grain of zinc phosphide, four or five times daily, appear in some cases to have a special value. The accompanying neuralgic pain may be so intense as to require anodynes. Local treatment should be of a soothing and protective |