Modern Obstetrics: General and Operative. By W. A. Newman Dorland, A.M., M.D., Assistant Instructor in Obstetrics, University of Pennsylvania; Associate in Gynecology in the Philadelphia Polyclinic. Handsome octavo volume of 797 pages, with 201 illustrations. Cloth, $4.00 net. Second Edition, Revised and Greatly EnlargedIn this edition the book has been entirely rewritten and very greatly enlarged. Among the new subjects introduced are the surgical treatment of puerperal sepsis, infant mortality, placental transmission of diseases, serum-therapy of puerperal sepsis, etc. Journal of the American Medical Association “This work deserves commendation, and that it has received what it deserves at the hands of the profession is attested by the fact that a second edition is called for within such a short time. Especially deserving of praise is the chapter on puerperal sepsis.” |