Dermatitis Papillaris Capillitii.


(Synonym: Acne Keloid.)

Fig. 29.

Dermatitis Papillaris Capillitii

Describe dermatitis papillaris capillitii.

This is a peculiar, mildly inflammatory, sycosiform, keloidal, acne-like disease of the hairy border of the back of the neck, often extending upward to the occipital region; partaking, especially later in its course, somewhat of the nature of keloid. Several or more acne-like lesions, papular and pustular, closely grouped or bunched, appear, developing slowly, usually to the size of peas; are red, pale red, or whitish, often enveloping small tufts of hair, and attended with more or less hair loss. Its course is gradual and persistent. It is an exceedingly rare condition, the exact nature of which is still obscure.

Give the treatment.

Treatment, which is usually unsatisfactory, consists of stimulating applications—the same, in fact, as employed in sycosis, sulphur and ichthyol deserving special mention. Depilation is essential.


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