(Synonyms: General Exfoliative Dermatitis; Recurrent Exfoliative Dermatitis; Desquamative Scarlatiniform Erythema; Acute General Dermatitis; Recurrent Exfoliative Erythema; Pityriasis Rubra.) Describe dermatitis exfoliativa. Dermatitis exfoliativa is an inflammatory disease of an acute type, characterized by a more or less general erythematous inflammation, in exceptional instances vesicular or bullous, with epidermic desquamation or exfoliation accompanying or following its development. Constitutional disturbance, which may be of a serious character, is Fig. 19. Dermatitis Exfoliativa. In another type of the disease, formerly described as pityriasis rubra, the skin is pale red or violaceous-red, but is rarely thickened, continued exfoliation in the form of thin plates taking place. Its course is variable, lasting for years, with remissions. An exfoliating generalized dermatitis is exceptionally observed in the first weeks of life (dermatitis exfoliativa neonatorum), lasting some weeks, and in most cases followed by recovery. There are no special constitutional symptoms, the fatal cases usually dying of marasmus. As will be seen dermatitis exfoliativa varies considerably in degree; it may be extremely mild, resembling in appearance the scarlet-fever eruption (erythema scarlatiniforme) and running a rapid course; or the skin-condition and the systemic symptoms may be of grave and persistent character. Give the treatment of dermatitis exfoliativa. General treatment is based upon indications, and externally soothing applications, such as are employed in acute and subacute eczema, are to be used. |