Cullen's Uterine Adenomyoma


Uterine Adenomyoma. By Thomas S. Cullen, M.D., Associate Professor of Gynecology, Johns Hopkins University. Octavo of 275 pages, with original illustrations by Hermann Becker and August Horn. Cloth, $5.00 net.


Dr. Cullen's large clinical experience and his extensive original work along the lines of gynecologic pathology have enabled him to present his subject with originality and precision. The work gives the early literature on adenomyoma, traces the disease through its various stages, and then gives the detailed findings in a large number of cases personally examined by the author. Formerly the physician and surgeon were unable to determine the cause of uterine bleeding, but after following closely the clinical course of the disease, Dr. Cullen has found that the majority of these cases can be diagnosed clinically. The results of these observations he presents in this work. The entire subject of adenomyoma is dealt with from the standpoint of the pathologist, the clinician, and the surgeon. The superb illustrations are the work of Mr. Hermann Becker and Mr. August Horn, of the Johns Hopkins Hospital.


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