(Synonym: Osmidrosis.) Describe bromidrosis. Bromidrosis is a functional disturbance of the sweat-glands characterized by a sweat secretion of an offensive odor. The sweat production may be normal in quantity or more or less excessive, usually the latter. The condition may be local or general, commonly the former. It is closely allied to hyperidrosis, and may often be considered identical, the odor resulting from rapid decomposition of the sweat secretion. The decomposition and resulting odor have been thought due to the presence of bacteria. What parts are most commonly affected in bromidrosis? The feet and the axillÆ. What is the treatment of bromidrosis? It is essentially the same as that of hyperidrosis (q. v.), consisting of applications of astringent lotions, dusting-powders, especially those containing boric acid and salicylic acid, and the continuous application of diachylon ointment. In obstinate cases weak formaldehyde solutions, RÖntgen rays, and high-frequency currents can be tried. |