Bandler's Medical Gynecology


Medical Gynecology. By S. Wyllis Bandler, M.D., Adjunct. Professor of Diseases of Women, New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Octavo of 680 pages, with 135 original illustrations. Cloth, $5.00 net; Half Morocco, $6.50 net.


This new work by Dr. Bandler is just the book that the physician engaged in general practice has long needed. It is truly the practitioner's gynecology—planned for him, written for him, and illustrated for him. There are many gynecologic conditions that do not call for operative treatment; yet, because of lack of that special knowledge required for their diagnosis and treatment, the general practitioner has been unable to treat them intelligently. This work gives just the information the practitioner needs. It not only deals with those conditions amenable to non-operative treatment, but it also tells how to recognize those diseases demanding operative treatment, so that the practitioner will be enabled to advise his patient at a time when operation will be attended with the most favorable results. The chapter on Pessaries is especially full and excellent, the proper manner of introducing the pessary being clearly described and illustrated with original pictures that show plainly the correct technic of this procedure. The chapters on Vaginal and Abdominal Massage, and particularly that on Artificial Hyperemia and Anemia, are extremely valuable to the practitioner. They express the very latest advances in these methods of treatment. Hydrotherapy, especially the Ferguson and Nauheim baths, are treated in extenso, and Electrotherapy receives the full consideration its importance merits. Pain as a symptom and its alleviation is dealt with in an unusually practical way, its value as an aid in diagnosis being emphasized. Gonorrhea and Syphilis and their many complications are treated in detail, every care being taken to have these sections—of special interest to the practitioner—complete in every particular. Other chapters of great importance are those on Constipation, Sterility, Associated Nervous Conditions in Gynecology, and Pregnancy and Abortion.


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