The Practice of Gynecology. By W. Easterly Ashton, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Gynecology in the Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia. Handsome octavo volume of 1096 pages, containing 1057 original line drawings. Cloth, $6.50 net; Half Morocco, $8.00 net. RECENTLY ISSUED—NEW (3d) EDITIONTHREE EDITIONS IN EIGHTEEN MONTHSThree editions of this work have been demanded in eighteen months. Among the new additions are: Colonic lavage and flushing, Hirst's treatment for vaginismus, Dudley's treatment of cystocele, Montgomery's round ligament operation, Chorio-epithelioma of the Uterus, Passive Incontinence of the Urine, and Moynihan's methods in Intestinal Anastomosis. Nothing is left to be taken for granted, the author not only telling his readers in every instance what should be done, but also precisely how to do it. A distinctly original feature of the book is the illustrations, numbering about one thousand line drawings made especially under the author's personal supervision from actual apparatus, living models, and dissections on the cadaver. These line drawings show in detail the procedures and operations without obscuring their purpose by unnecessary and unimportant anatomic surroundings. Howard A. Kelly, M.D. Professor of Gynecology, Johns Hopkins University. “It is different from anything that has as yet appeared. The illustrations are particularly clear and satisfactory. One specially good feature is the pains with which you describe so many details so often left to the imagination.” Charles B. Penrose, M.D., Formerly Professor of Gynecology, University of Pennsylvania. “I know of no book that goes so thoroughly and satisfactorily into all the details of everything connected with the subject. In this respect your book differs from the others.” George M. Edebohls, M.D. Professor of Diseases of Women, New York Post-Graduate Medical School. “I have looked it through and must congratulate you upon having produced a text-book most admirably adapted to teach gynecology to those who must get their knowledge, even to the minutest and most elementary details, from books.” |